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  Directory on Popular Teachers


Assorted Popular Christian and non Christian teachers influence in the world and the Church

(use our search engine on the entry page if you can't find what you are looking for)

 Newest articles are on top

Patricia; a King unto herself - The fantasy new revelation[s] that Pat King is receiving!

Benny Hinn- One of the most influential Charismatic teacher of all time. Many articles to consider on this mans doctrine and practices.

Rodney Browne  Articles on the holy Ghost bartender that started the laughing humiliation in the Churches in America.

Andrew Wommack

pt.1 Andrew Wommack’s Unbiblical distorted interpretations of Scripture -The promise for all to be healed now – A promise not made by God

pt1The false prophets of Covid19

p2 The false prophets of Covid19

The false teachers showing their bad fruit - About their pronouncing Covid is no longer here


Steven Furtick

p.1 The elevation- Steven Furtick

Pt. 2 Elevation church

p3 Elevation churches Assortment of activities and teachings

Major Heresy with minor Bible teaching- The musings of Seven Furtick.


Michael Heiser

An Overview on Michael Heiser- The many teachings of error and opinion

p.1a The MANY concerns on what Michael Heiser teaches - Is the elohim a council of gods?

p.1b  gods or God- are there missing triune explanations in the Old Testament?

Pt.2a the other Elohim, Psalm 82 Heiser’s sons of god (Divine Council) interpretations

p.2b Michael Heiser’s paradigm shift on Psalm 82-The revelation controversy of Michael Heiser

p.2c Ps.82 says what Mr. Heiser?

p.2d Jesus quoting Ps.82 to men

Pt.3a Deuteronomy 32 Michael Heisers divine council’s rule over the nations  - What does Deut. 32:8-9 mean in context

Pt.3b The Ugarit or Israel - gods or God - Heiser's serious interpretation flaw 

Pt.3c  The Greek language and the Hebrew Bible

Pt.3d The translating of the Hebrew into the Greek Septuagint

Pt.3e The completed Septuagint, controversies and confirmations

Pt.4a A deeper look into pseudo monotheism- Elohim deities of the divine councilPt.4b  Elohim as the divine Councils leader

pt.4c  The monotheism of Israel vs. the paganism of the nations- What is Michael Heiser REALLY TEACHING

Pt.5a  What does deity mean to Michael Heiser? The Biblical Trinity and Christology in the Scripture

Pt.5b The Angel of the Lord, Heiser's binitarianism fused from the Ugarit writings? Israel using Canaanite literature?

Pt.5c the plural passages in the Old Testament denied and replaced by a council of gods.


Agnes Sanford

p1 Agnes Sanford and her Unbiblical Inner Healing method's- Her influence on today's church

p.2 Friends of the Inner Healing Teaching of Agnes Sanford

p.3 Concluding what Agnes Sanford actually taught on Doctrine and Healing

The False light of Inner Healing- Agnes Sanford


Perry Stone

Perry Stone openly endorses William Branham

pt2 the Quotes


Brian Simmons

p1 Are you Passionate about the Passion

p2 are you passionate about the Passion translation Pt2

P3The work Simmons was commissioned to do by a visitation of Christ

P4 The Aramaic Error

P5 mystical interpretations

p.6 Mystical statements of Brian Simmons

The Latter Rain teachings of the author of the Passion - Brian Simmons is a Latter Rain promoter

p1 Interpretation of the word

p.2 Greek, Aramaic or Hebrew?


Bethel church Pastor Bill Johnson

Jesus teach me Yoga - Bethel’s holy yoga

Signs and wonders by a different Jesus

p.1 The new Toronto- Bill Johnson's Bethel church -Prevaricating leader of the youth 

Pt.2 The Bethel version of “As above so below,” Drawing heaven to earth- Bethel's wanderings to a dry Desert


Lou Engle

Engle's Angle p.1

pt.2 Engle’s background, Education and teaching on being a Nazarite

pt.3 Fasting and Praying

pt.4 To  Dream a dream

Pt.5 -from thecall to the Send -YWAM’s involvement

Send What What kind of revival is this?


Todd White

Todd White and his Latter Rain

His unhealthy ecumenism and missing gospel message

1Todd Whites encouragement with a little truth

pt.2 A little Latter Rain or a lot?


Joseph Prince

Overview of Joseph Prince's teachings

p.1 Joseph Prince and his message of radical grace

Pt.2 Grace, and the lack of personal accountability for sin

pt.3 A matter of Righteousness

p.4 Prince’s WORD FAITH TEACHING imbedded in grace

p.1 Joseph Prince’s Conflicting Message of grace by his word faith teaching

pt.2  Joseph Prince and his message of "radical grace" - PLUS his word faith teachings.

Richard Foster- overview

Overview of Fosters Contemplative spiritual disciplines

p.1 Fostering a new Spiritual Discipline- follow me into ... the quiet zone

p.2 Fostering a new Spiritual Discipline Inward and onward - The promoters common origin

Pt.3 The inner and outer spiritual explorations, journey to oneself, Zen Christianity- Understanding the premise of contemplative

p.4 Silence, Entering into the library of the soul

p.5 Foster and friends view and practice of entering the silence, meditation, and the imagination


Ana Mendez Ferrell

p1 Ana Mendez battles the ‘Queen of heaven’ on the World’s Tallest Mountain

p.2 The Climb to Base camp and beyond pt.2

pt.3 the result- the judgment - Babylon is fallen

From the highest mountain to the lowest depths

p1 The Prophetic Art and spiritistic claims of Ana Mendez Ferrell

p2 Strange Spiritistic experiences and teachings p.2

p3 Blood revelations pt.3

p4 Further Strange spiritistic teachings pt.4

p5 Declaring spirit War on the spirit realm pt.5


John Bevere

John Bevere

Pt 2 Bevere


Mike Murdock

Mike Murdock- His message of MONEY$$$ -His revelations include I broke the back of poverty with a $1,000 seed.


Creflo Dollar

Creflo Dollar's teaching on the God/man

p2  Creflo Dollars teaching on faith -The Words you Speak by Faith are What you Get

p3 Did Jesus go to HELL for your Salvation


p1Creflo Dollar - A Name that has a Ring to it!

p2 Attracting Money by YOUR Words

p3 Creflo Dollar Attracting Money by YOUR Words

p4 The Good News is that YOU Too Can be Rich


Kim Clement

Is Kim Clement a New Age Prophet

p.2 a look at Clement's prophecies

Kim Clement's ongoing prophetic Promises


Bob Jones

Jesse Duplantis

John Avanzini- God's supernatural gift to John for miracle economics


Doug Addison's Christian mixture 

p1 When psychology meets psychic -  what do you get? Doug Addison's non biblical gift of reading tattoo's and body piercing.

 p2 When psychology meets psychic - what do you get?

Doug Addison


Joyce Meyer

p1.Joyce Meyer -A mixture of the practical and word/faith heresy.

p2 Joyce Meyer- Meyers ministry revenue and luxurious living

Joyce Meyer- overview


Series on John Lake and the Healing rooms

pt.1 Swimming in Lake Exaggeration-John Lake and the Healing Rooms

pt2. Reviving the Revival of John Lake

p.3 John Lake’s Healing Rooms Today - Their origin and practices of today

pt.4.Faith Healing  - Good intentions, false theology

 pt.5 Was Spokane ever the healthiest city in America or the World?


John Hagee on Israel

John Hagee- Israel and the gospel -Two Opposites Cannot be the Same or True 


Oprah Winfrey

pt.1The Universe According to Oprah- pt.1 The promotion of New Age spirituality on Prime Time TV.

pt.2 “The Secret”- Making the Universe Obey YOU- The power and ideas behind the Secret-Using Religious Science and metaphysical methods to to make the universe obey.

pt.3 The Real secret behind the Secret- Is there more that meets the eye in these mind science practices?

pt.4 the Secret God wants you to know


Rick Warren

Rick Warren's Panacea-A peace Plan for the WHOLE world that is waiting-

To be (a fundamentalist) or not to be?- Rick Warren's beliefs from Saddleback, are the essentials upheld or are they diminished? You decide.

One Man’s Opinion

Community Connections- on Rick Warrens associations

The Growth of a Purpose Driven Church

The Seeker Friendly church model


An Edited Christmas - a look at Rick Warren's 2008 Christmas message

To be-a Fundamentalist

Ken Blanchard's Inclusivism- The merging of religious ideas in the marketplace.


Ernest Angley

pt.1 The Strange, unhealthy and unorthodox teachings of Ernest Angley” 

p2 Ernest Angley

Pt.3Ernest Angley

Strange Spirit stories and Bible interpretations of Ernest Angley

He's no angel


Joel Osteen

Joel Osteen-Preaching a False-Positive - Joel Osteen, positive confession with a smile. 

Your best life now is your last

pastors Joel and Victoria Osteen


Morris Cerullo

From Heaven to Earth - Morris Cerullo's clash with earths government.


Oral Roberts

The seed of Faith that made BIG MONEY pt.1 The seed of Faith that made BIG MONEY

Pt.2 Oral Roberts


Pat Robertson's 700 Club or 7000 who have not bowed their knees to charismatic ecumenism

Tony Campolo - The controversial man and his statements

the Prayer center of the Pacific

The Unbiblical Openness of YWAM p.2


Rodney Browne known as the bartender who is drunk himself serving the drinks at Joel's place to anyone who wants it without any age limit.

The New wine served to the many nations

Rodney recommends not to pray at his meetings

His failed crusade that was to bring revival to NY like Billy graham did 30 years before.

Review of his book The coming Revival

 Review of his book the anointing

weeping for those who laughed

Will the River ever stop flowing


p.1 Shocked by the Bible - author Joe Kovacs

p2 Shocked by the Bible

p3 Shocked by the Bible

p4 Shocked by the Bible


John Lake’s "Healing Rooms"

Swimming in Lake Exaggeration- John Lake and the Healing rooms

pt2. Reviving the Revival of John Lake?

p.3 The Healing Rooms today- Their origin and practices of today

 pt.4 Faith Healing - Good intentions, false theology

Pt. 5. Was Spokane ever the healthiest city in America or the World?


Clueless in Nigeria

Reinhard Bonnke -The rich mans prayer is answered

 another article posted on Bonnke's story

The Final Answer- on claimed  resurrection


Topics on the NAR apostles and Prophets

p1 An apostles empire - the fight for dominion

p2 An Apostles Empire -

p3 An Apostles Empire - A fight for

Chuck Pierce The Nations Are in

The apostle Che Ahn


Oprah Winfrey

The Universe According to Oprah

making the Universe obey you

The Secret behind the SECRET


Kat Kerr

p1 Kat Kerr

Kat Kerr p2


Where are you when you are needed you

Satan cannot do miracles

The fire they bring is NOT of God

The fire falls again p

Fire on you - Your fired p


Send What

The electronic God

Is Francis Chan Right?

The Stampede of the herd

Who is the greatest

Dakes Bible

p. 3 Are you part of the paradigm shift in Spiritual warfare?

MY INVOLVEMENT WITH Toronto Deliverance

Daystar's light

Roll over Azusa



Losing my Discernment or

Is the Change that has Come over the Church Come over you?

Whom Shall You Serve?

What's Going On???

The Truth and nothing but the TRUTH


p1 The most dangerous of all False

Pt.2 Shout at the Devil

Evangelicals that promote the mystical communion

Terra forming A new movement

Emergent Delusion

the Prayer center of the Pacific

The Sinless state of Christians

The Revelation of the world now in the Tribulation period by Choo Thomas

Unleashing Catholic ecumenism on

The new Toronto


A venture into word faith teaching - Kay Authur's teaching

 The Price of Success- Robert Tilton's comeback to Christian TV.

Your Pulling my Leg- That's right W.V. Grant is back stretching legs.

 The Rich mans Prayer is Answered  - Was a dead man raised because he was near Bonnke's anointing?

Jesse Duplantis-A man with a small theology and tall tales.

T.B. Joshua- The miracle man from Nigeria who heals aids.

Tony Campolo Liberalism and mysticism and ecumenism

Parsley, Purple Passion and Paisley- Rod Parsley is a leader in the new Pentecostal paradigm, where is his teaching going? 

The Price is right or wrong?- Fred Prices' faith teaching on prosperity and the promises of Scripture.

Christian Harfouche- Following in other men's footsteps another rising star in the charismatic camp.

Bishop Spong-Controversy and disputes, and confusion are what his new reformation is all about.

Robert Schuller- The gospel according to the worlds leading possibility thinker.

Norman Vincient Peale- The modern pro-claimer of the minds power by positive thinking.

Arnold Murray- The Shepherd Chapels pastor who will condemn you if you do not believe in the same falsehood he teaches.

Kenneth Copeland- His teaching on the anointing on Christ and you.

The Trinity refuse or confused- A look at the more popular teachers teaching on the nature of Christ and God. .

Paul Cain- A William Branham disciple has been called the greatest prophet of today by other prophets. His story and  his influence on the Vineyard movement.

Walk don't Run -Tommy Tenney, is he bringing the church to God or away from what God said?

Guides for Testing

Dr. Christian Harfouch

Arnold Murray-The Shepherds Chapel



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