Directory list on Current Trends-
About influences in the secular world and in the
Church. TV reviews and movies, addressing fads and things that
affect our culture and church''
What you see and what you don’t see!
DRONEFARE in America
The radical Palestinian anti-semitic movement
that attacks life and liberty everywhere, including on American
Are you in a Church that does not believe in the God of the gospel
The sun will be darkened -
Darkness coming over the land- the hype of the solar eclipse on April 8,
Refuting the
Aramaic Primacy as the original language of Scripture
When relativism
becomes the new standard of truth
A NEW Christianity
The trend in the music industry of homosexual Christian music.
The current climate of hating life in the womb
Joel Osteen's church is full of surprises
Your newborn fetus
Karl Marx’s view of God,
Religion, the World and You
p.2 Karl Marx’s answer to
Religion and changing society-
Marx’s bigotry and prejudice
Today's Marxist/Communists -- their ways
and his ways
Are they watching us?
UFO's are soon to be revealed, or are they?
World Evangelical Alliance Leader- Concerned over churches
diminishing role
Did Jesus die for our sin?
Did Jesus die for our sin?
Where are we are today?
Plans that have been in the works for a new social order of government.
of life
p2 Politics of life, or death
The Current Confusion Between
what is false and what is true
Russia and the Jehovah Witnesses
short history of our modern music culture
time to pay attention to Prophecy
Your personal Spiritual warfare
Was Jesus was a socialist
Pt2 The rich Young Ruler
What do the fake media news and
Trends of our day- Body Piercing and Tattoos
Does America want a spiritual woman as president?
Omega Code
About the Occult concepts and practices in the Church
The Deteriorating Effect of an A
The end is never ending…
Salt free Christianity
Don’t be sacked by the Shack
What of those who claim they died
Here's Lucifer - The TV program launched by Fox
The Reappearance of the Bethlehem
Heavenly Untruths
Advancement of the Empire
The End according to Hollywood
of Heaven
pt2 Music of Heaven, music of hell
popcorn, a soda and...- The movie of
Founder of TBN is DEAD
Blood moons are coming
Christians You are not allowed to
use the name Allah - Muslims forbid Christians to use their Gods
Making a Fable into Jesus
Are people going to heaven
The Serpent seed p.1
Pt2 Is Cain, the Devil's seed.
Some Serpent seed refutes
Pt.4The Serpent in the Garden
A Rainbow cross identifies a
new Bible Version
The War on Christ by the
An Urgent Call From Gershon
Some questions
that are being avoided about Islam
Did Jesus Christ have a wife?
The spread of the night
Tattooed man not allowed to
visit England
Planned NOT to parent
A short synopsis on the Harbinger
Why all the hatred for Jesus
The Atheists Wishful thinking an
Does God care what He is called
In response to the Rumors of Christ using pagan gods
Do we have the freedom to Gamble
Chrislam - the bottom of the slide
Is this Americas flashpoint
Social justice- coming to a church near you!-
The new push for social justice in politics and religion.
Social Justice and the Bible- What does the Bible and the
Constitution of America actually say about social justice.
The Coalescing of The Christian Right
With Apostolic Dominionism- The NAR's infiltration into culture.
Mainstreaming the Occult
Maitreya is back in the news
The name Allah for God in the Bible
Whose name is above all names
Muslims say
The Time is our time
Rick Warren enters the mash
Hawaii says Aloha to Islam
A Mediocre Merry Christmas
Message- Rick Warren's Christmas gospel.
The Unity of the Apostates
Christianizing a popular books Character to be a counterfeit Son of God
Yet Another False Prophet Promoting the Grand Delusion
Trends of our day- Body Piercing and Tattoos
Jesus Camp
Messiah wars
Modern Maccabees
NEW AGE Pathways in the church
Misquoting God
Dialoguing Da Vinci
A GREAT Compromise
Yoga is for Christians too
Yoga, a long Stretch Toward God
Here is a letter I received from a pastor
Sympathy for the Devil
Spiritual fusion
The Emergent Church- A new wave of evangelical identity
The Issue of other Religious Practices as Worship in the Church
Now Ready for Prime Time Players
The Nations of the Earth
Culturized Christianity
Days or ages in Genesis 1
NEW Anointing
When Doctrinal Beliefs Become Irrelevant
How to get from A to Z through Dialogue
Why the Heavens Hold Back the Rain
Commercialized Apologetics
The Way to
The New and Improved Church
NBC's Noah's ark