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Patricia; a King unto herself

2 Cor. 11:13-15 “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works.”

The only ‘new’ apostles mentioned in Scripture after Paul are false apostles.

Charisma magazine reported Patricia King saying in 2004 that “God led her to change her name from Pat Cocking last year after her ministry began receiving obscene messages,” while the previous year, Patricia claimed, “the Lord began to speak to me about a prophetic name change from Pat Cocking to Pat Coking (or co-king)” before she received obscene messages. (churchwatchcentral In a 2004 Charisma article titled, ‘Canadian Evangelist Takes Prophetic Ministry to the Extreme‘)

Patricia explains why God wanted her name to be changed from Coking to King: “… the Lord spoke to my heart regarding the transition in the Body of Christ from “co-laboring/ruling” to “Bridal Rule.” Bridal rule is a dominion that flows from the deepest, most intimate place in covenant love that can be secured — the Bride of The King! This is a very different picture than a “co-laborer”…..and it is what we, the church are called to in this hour.”

Is this the Lord giving new doctrine to her alone or for all the church? Regardless, it's regurgitated teaching from the Latter Rain and is a fantasy formed in her own mind. Churchwatchcentral points to another Elijah List article prior, in September 2003, where this story changed again.

Patricia King happens to trade in the Bibles 12 Apostles for the hundreds of apostles in the New Apostolic Reformation that are all getting daily new revelation like she is.

Steve Shultz of The Elijah List posts Patricia King who openly promotes the New Apostolic Reformation and she quotes C. Peter Wagner to demonstrate how this new ‘restoration movement’ will renovate the church. “The season we are in is often called a time of “Apostolic Reformation.” She states,“… if we want to partake of an Apostolic Reformation we must also embrace what I would call an “Apostolic Devotion .”

The term is not in the bible and she twists it to mean something completely different than the early Church was doing, “devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship , to meals together and to prayer” (see Acts 2:42).

Patricia King of Extreme Prophetic” tells us what’s to come and everything the apostles did we will do also. “Appearances of Christ like the disciples experienced following His resurrection and like Paul experienced on the road to Damascus. He will appear to believers and non-believers.”(completely false as Paul said he was the last to see him)

Angelic visitations, appearances, and encounters like those found in the scriptures.
Third Heaven Visitations and Encounters like Moses and the 70 elders of Israel , Isaiah, Ezekiel, Paul, and John. Ascending and descending (earth to heaven and heaven to earth) like Jesus described and like the angels as seen in Jacob's dream.
Appearances of the Great Cloud of Witnesses like Jesus, Peter, James, and John experienced.
Walking on Water like Jesus and Peter. Transport in the Spirit through both visionary encounters and physical to physical like Ezekiel, Elijah, John, and Phillip. Walking into rooms where the doors are locked (possibly walking through walls) like Jesus. Raising the dead like Jesus did at funerals, at sickbeds, and even in graveyards. I have seen a vision of a revival of the raising of the dead. There will be an acceleration of resurrections.
Witnessing numerous heavenly signs and wonders such as: manifestations of gold, silver, diamond glitter, gem stones, oil, feathers, lights, lightning's, thundering, manna, fire
(“Patricia King's Positional Statement on “The Spiritual Revolution” off her website)

Home - Patricia King Ministries

This woman talks a lot of “stuff”, every false manifestation that is said to take place today is mentioned, as she proves she has gone after the deception of the latter Rain, hook, line and sinker. Which is everythinmg that happened to anyone in the eartly church can happen to us today. Which is completely false.

She is proficient in the language, ideas and theologies of tdominionists known as the ‘the Latter Rain’such as the restored tabernacle of David theology of Mike Bickle’s iHOP. Their heretical theology is based on the theology of the the Latter Rain cult that came about in the 1940s from William Branahm, and is now found evertywhere by those who want to enact spiritual gifts and signs and wonder on their own. The very thing Jesus warned of for the last days for believers not to be deceived by.

Patricia King has ingratiated herself, joining with the Nar apostles and prophets who have avery different Christianity. She makes things up whole clothe, such as the ox is a symbol of the apostolic anointing

Patricia King False Teacher (youtube.com)

Her guest Robert Hotchkin speaking to her says she is “ Coming out of an extended prayer time a lot of what she will be sharing with you tonight is Hot off the presses from heaven, this just in, news from heaven a word from heaven, gods insights strategies and blueprints for 2024.”

He spoke of the prophetic word and the Spirit of truth leading people, which is really a meal of ‘new revelation poison’ coming from her to anyone who will entertain extra biblical revelation. Patricia King has the ears and respect of those who do not know the scripture well. Her new revelations are not only unbiblical they are of a new age origin.

For the last number of months, I have had recurring nudges from the Holy Spirit to meditate on the phrase, “The Blue Flame of the Lord.

We are told the blue flame is the hottest and most intense part of a fire, and the color blue is often a prophetic symbol of divine revelation, God’s love, and an open Heaven.

Pat King says: [emphasis added]I had a spiritual encounter regarding the Blue Flameof the Lord. In this encounter, I could feel myself soaring like an eagle, looking upward into the sun while in flight. My eyes were fixed on the sun.”He leads and guides us into all truth, and grants us revelation concerning Christ and His invisible Kingdom. When we are filled with His passionate love, the blue flame is also ignited within us and creates an intense love response to Him.” “Multiplied manifestations of Heaven will be seen in the earth . More believers will live under the blessings of the Open Heaven.Let’s prepare ourselves to receive revelation into the deep mysteries of God and await authentic encounters with the very atmosphere of Heaven

All this content is not unlike someone who is into New Age teaching and allowing another spirit they have to speak, asFire is an illuminator. The Holy Spirit as our teacher who leads and guides us into all truth, which is found in the Word, not outside the word!

Did you know that you can freely access heaven and Gods throne of grace, acquaint yourself with the glorious supernatural phenomenon in the Kingdom,have His angelic majesties at your beck and call? The Glory School is a power- packed, informative school that offers you in-depth Bible teaching and training and introduces you into Holy Spirit led, Kingdom encounters. Come and soar with us into realms of heavenly glory. The Glory School teaches through solid biblical study, the foundations for experiencing the presence of God, the supernatural, the glory, angels, and third heaven (not really). Those who attend the schools often say, `This school has been life transforming for me!'" She writes of A Prophetic Manifesto for the New Era: 20 Prophetic Words for the 2020s The Power of the Decree: Releasing the Authority of God's Word Through Declaration.

Todd White shares this story, “Back in 2008 when Patricia King came to a glory school and I met her for the first time and didn’t know her. …., she called me out and prophesied over me. And when she did she prophesied these two words:New Breed. And it went right to my heart. Just knocked me down actually. I was under the weight of that word in my heart. Just on the ground for while.”

Of course going to Bethels glory school, learning their false christianity and her saying a word from God is acceptable to this person who does not understand the word of truth.

“…God has been stirring in me is that he is raising up a generation that will be the new breed, a new breed of Christianity, a new breed.”Which comes from the other Todd, Bentley who promoted Paul Cain the arbiter of this teaching, which was from William Branham the premiere of all false teachers and prophets.


On her FaceBook page What Are the Prophets Saying? In other words she is promoting the new prophets, those which lead you away from the Bibles prophets, god prophets.

She emphasizes the importance of knowing what God is saying for this particular hourso that we can position ourselves before Him. In other words the Bible being read by believers have for thousands of years been insufficient for the hour they lived in. You need the newer prophets for our day. Exactly ho much can one take in of this unholy undoctrinal false Christianity that she and so many others are promoting is bewildering?

One of the most absurd statements I recently heard is by Patricia King explain that Tony Francis has amazing, his book A real Prophet, the great rewards of welcoming prophets and the prophetic today. The forward is by the Lord, “the Lord wrote the forward and I want to read you the forward… I love this Tony your brilliant… Forward from the Lord. This book may not be a common message everyone wants to read. But what is popular to you may not be popular to heaven. I love what Tony wrote, says the Lord and I cannot wait for you to grab this book and let the rich truth in it transform your life, your church and the world.” Give ears to what my Holy Spirit is saying and be in a mode of prayer to bring these words to life. There is nothing that I designed for my church that is not of great use and benefit. Prophets are great vessels of blessing they are often resisted and not welcomed because of pride and the non teachable spirit. But blessed is he who receives who I send from the Lord.” Featuring my 2 books & Patricia King's Endorsement (youtube.com) https://youtu.be/BVPe3KGsqEU?t=41

Jesus who is the Lord never wrote any book but now we have him writing a forward[s], in heaven or from heaven. This does not at all sound like the Jesus from the Bible; how could it? This is another Jesus who has Popularity matter; in heaven. She says Jesus approves what Tony Wrote? And Jesus says these words will transform your life (instead of the words of the Bible, or maybe they should add this to their Bibles., or dispense with it) He is excited about this book, and then Jesus speaking states, Tony is sent from him as his prophet. What an endorsement, that is definitely not of God. Sounds like a William Branham wanna be.

These people blaspheme the God of truth and holiness without any qualms and people liten to them and believe them! How sad a time we live in.

Patricia King’s shares an encounter in the heavenly realm from her facebook page:
Patricia: “As some of you know I have been fighting the flu for over two weeks now and it has been frustrating. Yesterday I ascended into the heavens to inquire regarding some warfare I have discerned in the spirit but did not receive clarity, so I pursued the Lord again today with a couple of my key intercessors.”

Did Paul ascend into the third heaven like she describes, the answer is NO! When describing the one time event, Paul spoke of it in the third person, and did not have his story told for 14 years, indicating his humility. Patricia boasts about her ability to access the heavens, trains others to do the same. This is all gnostic nonsense of those who want to be mystics like their mentor Bob Jones.

Patricia goes on to say:“The Spirit led me into the second heaven and showed me a number of evil spirits who were dropping spiritual black clouds down to the earth. I saw that these clouds were called: PLAGUE and DEATH. I knew instinctively that the “plague” represented the flu virus that has not only plagued many but has attacked many with death. I was given a large sword and the Lord said, “Use this sword and cut off the heads of the demons releasing the plague and death.” As I responded by taking the sword to the heads of the demons, they were struck down with the lightnings of God and kept them from releasing more black clouds. IT IS FINISHED – After the demons were halted, there were no more black clouds coming out of the second heaven and I felt the Lord say, “THE FLU VIRUS IS FINISHED.”

So we are to cut off demons heads, no this is not a Hollywood script, its her heavenly revelation, which actuallty came from the Vineyard years ago. Patricia King is chosen to fight demons in the Heavenlies and help God finish off that nasty virus.

But these people blaspheme all that they do not understand, and they are destroyed by all that they, like unreasoning animals, understand instinctively (Jude 8-10)

Patricia: “My course, NEW LEVELS INTERCESSION includes teaching on how to ascend with the Lord to settle things in the spirit realm that will then influence the earth. I share testimonies aboutstopping the third world war, cursing the ebola virus, etc. I believe we are to go tonew levels of authority in this hour.I decree and declare today what I saw in the spirit : This year’s Flu Virus is dead (even though they have said on the news that it might last until May). We will begin to see the effects of this action in the spirit as the flu diminishes in the earth in the coming days. It will not continue to escalate…it is diminishing.”

Scripture makes no mention of “new levels of authority,” for any believer, but her pronouncement is so vague anyone can apply it because they covet power as she influences them with her false stories. Neither are believers commanded to decree and declare things into existence. None of them ever have.

Herglobal decree on the virus means that if anyone on the earth catches the flu virus in 2018, we will know that Patricia King prophesied falsely because she declared it dead. Her decree time limit only lasts until the end of 2018. And what happened when the covid virus took place,that will need even greater levels of authority and someone to ascend back into the heavens to fight the wicked forces that unleashed it. Be sure to Stay tune to her new revealtion that is constantly coming so you can have the ability to fight along with new impartations that she receives from an open Heaven.

Encountering the spirit realm is what the Gnostics taught and that is what she is all about. They often start off with a scriptural tenet and end up with the mystical fantasies of their own mind.

And what of the third world war? Has this been stopped or is it developing? What of all that the book of Revelation says that will take place on earth, Patricia to the rescue. Yikes!

Worship this way

Patricia is promoting the idea that just as David made a radical departure from Moses’ form of worship, therefore Christians today need to make a ‘radical departure‘ from the traditional forms of worship. In her antagonism of David against Moses, she promotes a new NAR concept of ‘heart-felt’ worship versus ‘religious’ worship. The imagery invoked by Patricia King is that David (the man after God’s own heart) had truer worship than Moses’ form of worship (a man who gave us ‘religious’ forms of worship).

So are you going to worship the true way? Is your worship to God religious and stale? Are you going to devote yourself to the old Apostles or today’s true/new apostles? Are you stuck in the old church model or the true restored church of their NAR godless model?

Like her NAR friends, new apostolics and new prophets, Patricia King holds to the ‘victorious eschatology for the Church at the end of the age’, called dominionism. The reason they tell the story of David and Goliath is because this narrative when applied to the church reinforces the concept of a Joel’s Army church, a ‘dominionist’ church. Only God is not having them fight for the church, their NAR apostles are fighting against God’s church.

Like many of the musicians influenced by NAR teaching (such as Hillsong, Bethel, iHOP, Vineyard, etc.), this dominionist cult is enticing believers to break away from true Christian worship and embrace a foreign form of worship.

In her article Patricia King links iHOP’s ’24-hour worship’ with Bethel’s emphasis on ‘worship around the presence of God.’ Much like Hillsong’s ‘prophetic praise, worship enter spiritt warfare’, promote the concepts and doctrines of the NAR.

They don’t want you to know what they know they are teaching. They are new age occultist sorcerors in practice using Christian language to have you put your gauard down and join them.

NAR apostle Patricia King awith her spiritual comrades show us all where they stand as they constantly teach outside of the Word of God exercising their own ‘vain imaginings’. They elevate their doctrines above the Word of God and expect Christians to be devoted to their new teachings by revelation.

The Denial of a physical return of Christ is the Spirit of antichrist according to the Bible

Most do not refer to the scripture when it it impacts their false doctrine. Here is one example of it being so obvious.

Brian Simmons says to interviewer Patricia King:

The Book of Revelation is "not primarily a manual of coming events. A sneak preview of what's coming. Rather it is the coming one. It's the unveiling of who is coming. And His coming is within us. We experience that unveiling in our lives." (The book of revelation is the unveiling of Jesus Christ how he judges and retakes the earth, it is not about revealing him in us as the Latter Rain of Branham taught)

Brian Simmons- What about the clouds? Jesus is coming, Greek is meta nephele, He's coming, meta nephele, within clouds. He's coming within clouds. Not on clouds. Within clouds. Eight times in the Bible, CLOUDS ARE PEOPLE. ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAr2MEn74QU The Book of Revelation Revealed )

Patricia King - Right. Wow.

Brian Simmons- So, maybe the Second Coming isn't what we think.

Patricia King - Wow.

Brian Simmons - Maybe we don't have it all figured out.”

She may not have these matters figured out but the Bible expresses them clearly for anyone to understand that where Simmons and Patricia are taking them is not to the truth but away from it.

Patricia King could have an interview with another person who could say something completely different and she would have the same reaction of ‘wow,’ because she is so unstable in her doctrine.

This women is a dangerous influence, who has a different Jesus.  A competing falsehood by Simmons to God’s word is his claim that he was taken to heaven and saw John 22, a missing chapter from the bible in a heavenly library.

If they reject Christ and His Word what will becomes of those who adhere to their false visions, revelation that become new teachings for there church? These people of the NAR are dangerous, more than most cults and we must avoid them have spiritual health in the actual truth.


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