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The radical Palestinian anti-semitic movement

That attacks life and liberty everywhere, including on American soil

[the links are used as reporting news facts, we do not endorse all the links.Various news sources are used, even those who have been against Israel. This article will continually be updated] 1/6/2025

The world and Satan have throughout history always persecuted the Jews, known as the Israelite's, Hebrews.

To lay the basis for this, we need to understand the movement of the left (communists and radicals of all sorts) that support Iran/Hezbollah backed and enabled by Socialist in America https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/09/iran-hezbollah-enabled-socialist-governments-americas/

Because Israel, the people, and the land are chosen by God, the spiritual assault begins with Satan who opposes them constantly and vigorously by every means available, even in heaven. We find him called,“the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night”(Rv. 12:10) Not only does he accuse, he takes action. Job 1:7 The Lord asks Satan, "From where do you come?" Satan answers, "From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking back and forth on it.”Peter describes the devil as one who “walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.”(1 Peter 5:8). He influences people to go against what God wants. And Israel is one of his main targets.

In heaven we read in Zech. 3:1-3 “ Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the Angel of the LORD, and Satan standing at his right hand to oppose him. And the LORD said to Satan, "The LORD rebuke you, Satan! The LORD who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you ! Is this not a brand plucked from the fire?"

Our nation has been under siege with lies from a certain segment of the media that want us to believe are the truth. Will we hear what Jeremiah had to say to Israel in their backslide? For it applies to us as well. Jer. 7:28 "So you shall say to them, 'This is a nation that does not obey the voice of the LORD their God nor receive correction. Truth has perished and has been cut off from their mouth.” What happened to Israel in its past is for our example, the apostle Paul states.

Some religious Jews have turned other Jews against their own ancient homeland because they are milk toast and do not want conflict. They do not support Israel, mainly because they are not reading their own Old Testament, and certainly not the New Testament, that which Jeremiah prophesied would take place. (Jer.31)

Former Antisemite-Turned-Zionist Takes on World’s Oldest Hatred in New Doc Tragic Awakening trailer

Jews who betray Jews

Anti-Zionist Jews

This article shows the diversity of Opinions of Jews Who is behind the recent rise in US anti-Semitic attacks? Jewish Studies against the Jews

The recent attacks are basically being carried from the side of the political left, as pro-Palestinian supporters blame American Jews for Israeli government policies, or, for just being who they are.

Its expressly known how Islam denies Israel’s ownership of the land even though their own Quran says God gave it to them. Islam attempts to convince people the holocaust from the Nazi’s are a hoax, even though it is one of the most documented activities of World War II.


The ADL Global 100: An Index of Antisemitism | ADL

FBI director warns anti-semitism in US reaching 'historic levels' https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-67281042

The U.S. "moving into a dangerous phase" as anti-Semitic incidents surge. Since 2018, support for Israel has dropped from 75% to 33%; as propaganda has replaced truth reporting. Nearly half of evangelicals aged 18-29 say they favor the establishment of a Palestinian state, not fully understanding what this is about, even after Oct 7 attacks.

Campus activity (newest reports are first)

As a New Semester Begins, December Was Filled With Anti-Israel College Events

Pro-Hamas Sponsor of Columbia “Resistance 101” Event Targeted By U.S. and Canada as Terrorist Front https://legalinsurrection.com/2024/10/pro-hamas-sponsor-of-columbia-resistance-101-event-targeted-by-u-s-and-canada-as-terrorist-front/

Students for Justice in Palestine Occupies Building

This is a list of all the attacks Palestinian promoters are doing

Pro-Hezbollah Rally in Dearborn Features Anti-American and Anti-Israel Rhetorichttps://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/10/pro-hezbollah-rally-dearborn-features-anti-american-anti/ Sick: Anti-Israel Protestors Taunt In-Coming Freshman Jewish Students in NYC With Chants Referencing Murdered Hostages (Video) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/09/sick-anti-israel-protestors-taunt-coming-freshman-jewish/

The attack on the Tree of Life Synagogue

Attempted Killer Screaming “Allahu Akbar” Shoots Jewish Man https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/10/horror-attempted-killer-screaming-allahu-akbar-shoots-jewish/

Students for Justice in Palestine calls for ‘total collapse of the university structure and American empire itself’



Columbia Anti-Israel Coalition Walks Back Apology Over Student Who Said ‘Zionists Don’t Deserve To Live’


No one should be made afraid, fear of harm for their life by going to school in America.

The Exodus Project: A Jewish Answer to the University Crisis

Jewish, Israeli Americans Face ‘Substantial Discrimination’ in US Job Market, Jewish, Israeli Americans Face ‘Substantial Discrimination’ in US Job Market, New ADL Study Shows - Algemeiner.com

On the streets of America

Los Angeles County Records Record High Number of Antisemitic Hate Crimes

9/24 Palestinian attacks veteran on street https://twitter.com/i/status/1834398215333900487

The term anti-Semitism was coined in 1879 by the German agitator Wilhelm Marr to designate the anti-Jewish campaigns under way in central Europe at that time.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), (formerly of B'nai B'rith,) is a New York-based international non-governmental organization founded to oppose anti-semitism, bigotry and discrimination. ADL is also a pro- advocate for Israel. They track these anti-semitic occurrences that are increasing all over the world, not just in America.

Antisemitism by country - Wikipedia

Who We Are | ADL Homepage ORG | ADL

U. S. Antisemitic Incidents have been on the rise since 2013, they Skyrocketed 360% in Aftermath of Attack in Israel, according to Latest ADL Data The ADL reported on March 23, 2023, Anti-semitic incidents are at an all-time high. ADL keeps track of the occurrences says Anti-semitic incidents in the US have reached a record high, up 140% from 2022.

Jewish people were the targets of harassment https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/03/17/anti-jewish-harassment-occurred-in-94-countries-in-2020-up-from-earlier-years/ in 94 countries in 2020

The first nine months of 2023 also saw a rise in anti-semitic incidents compared to 2022. report, issued by the Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry at Tel Aviv University and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL)

After numerous Muslims migrated "Anti-Semitic hate incidents in the United Kingdom hit a record high in 2018, with more than 100 recorded in every month of the year."

The Netherlands saw a 19 percent increase in recorded anti-Semitic incidents in 2018 to a record 230 cases. In Germany there was a 70% increase in anti-Semitic violence.

Other countries also saw dramatic increases in the number of anti-semitic attacks, In France, attacks against Jews rose by 74% last year. Now reported, Anti-semitic Acts Up Nearly 200 Per Cent in France over Last Year.


What’s going on in Frances on antisemitism

Pro palestinian attacks


Radical Islamic Terrorism: Pakistani Arrested in Canada For Plotting Slaughter Of American Jews https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/09/radical-islamic-terrorism-pakistani-arrested-plotting-slaughter-american/


Rebel News Co-Founder Ezra Levant was arrested as he silently filmed a pro-Hamas demonstration in his Jewish neighborhood in Toronto

Jewish journalist speaks out after being arrested at pro-Hamas rally in Canada | Watch

Arrested reporter: Canada's being ruined by pro-Hamas thugs

Many are seeing Canada being transformed into a terror state, there is danger in being Jewish, thrown in jail

The Explosion of Jewish -Hate in Trudeau’s Canada- https://www.thefp.com/p/explosion-of-jew-hate-in-canada-trudeau-israel-palestine


Islamic Migrant with 10 Convictions says, When There Are Enough of Us in France, We Will Kill All the Jews '


UK: Muslima enters London church screaming ‘Allahu akbar’ and ‘I am here to kill the God of the Jews’

In England

they preach revolution openly https://youtu.be/hrutbDfILJ4

The world over

Attempted Terror at Cape Town


Report on Hamas' fatalities statistics from Gaza to rely on Hamas' own figures as a reliable resource is more than questionable on their accuracy. The media repeats their many errors, which can be summed up as data manipulation.  the false narrative needs to be exposed wherever possible.

https://henryjacksonsociety. org/publications/questionable-counting/

Hamas Vastly Inflated Gaza Death Statistics, Study Shows

The Pope

Jewish Committee Protests Pope Francis’s ‘Unbalanced Criticism of Israel’-https://www.breitbart.com/faith/2024/12/28/jewish-committee-protests-pope-franciss-unbalanced-criticism-israel/




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