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p.2 The Jesus of ‘the chosen’ TV series

We are told the Bible is being acted out in this TV series. But as we look carefully at the stories the writers reveal their insufficiency of understanding the written word, in fact is it barely recited accurately. They want men who are actors to express what God has not actually said and done by using their imagination. This is why you do not get the bible accurately in the Chosen because it makes stories up to connect to people by their emotions first.

Millions of Evangelicals, Catholics, Mormons, other religions, even agnostics watch faithfully each program. Most are undiscerning on what is actually said that is not in the Bible, what is said as additions in the TV series. Apparently many viewers have adopted the same attitude as the professed Christian producer who has compromised the gospel narratives. The Chosen TV series does not keep to the Word nor is it their intention to do so, (see part one) the movie script is divorced from actual scripture having the screenwriter[s] rewrite history.

An overview of who the people are in this project

Jonathan Roumie who plays Jesus says, “God is real, and He is completely in love with each and every one of you.” How exactly does he know this? His answer is “I’ve spent a lot of time dwelling in the realm of the Spirit through prayer, meditation and the sacraments of my faith.”

This statement of a realm of the spirit is concerning, as he does not cite Scripture. Let me add to this, that he has talked to a dead person for the films portrayal in the Jesus film. Is this the realm of the spirit he speaks of? Mr. Roumie is a staunch Roman Catholic believes we can speak to dead saints. He starred in the Jesus revolution movie about the hippies being saved under Chuck Smith and Lonnie Frisbee in the late 60’s and early 70’s.

Roumie talked about Lonnie Frisbee being a fan of St. Francis, “Before I started work I went over to christ cathedral and I sat by his grave and prayed a Rosary with him.

Roumie goes on to say in his inerview, “ yeah its powerful, I sat down and I prayed with him.

The space just to his right is empty so I got to sit down, at one point I even lied down because I thought it would be kind of interesting to try and connect in some way.”.. I finished praying with him, and I said lonnie, I wanna honor you with this film, and I really want to bring justice, and you know, the testament to the gifts of Gods grace and the powers that you know, displayed while you were on earth, and so if this is a good idea that I do this film have somebody gimme me a sign, Give me a sign, have God give me a sign. And the minute the words left my mouth, behind was door opened to the cathedral and this giant chord rang out for about five seconds and then…. So I heard that and said ok thanks for that.”

This speaking to the dead is expressly forbidden in Scripture. So we must ask are there Christian writers or actors involved in this project that uphold Scripture or have they all ignored it, separated themselves from the Truth, not having Biblical integrity?

Roumie the actor of Jesus starring in the chosen not only speaks to Lonnie (who is dead), like other Catholic saints. Roumie had posted a photo of himself standing next to the tomb of Padre Pio, a Roman Catholic priest and mystic who died in 1968. And stated:

" Visiting Saint Padre Pio, one of the most powerful saints and witnesses to the suffering and the miracles of Christ in the 20th century, as well as one with whom I've had personal interactions; also the first priest on record to have had the stigmata (physically documented)!"

Roumie endorses a mystical occultic experience of stigmata that is not found anywhere in Scripture. Would you also be surprised to know he is also a Knight's Templar, and was nominated for papal knighthood in 2020. Why do you think that is? Could it be because of his TV role! Jonathan Roumi asks $352 to buy rosary beads from him. How can anyone not think they are cashing in on all this?

Dallas Jenkins, the producer and writer of the chosen in August of 2021, joined Jonathan Roumie in a visit to Pope Francis. As the two were sitting together waiting for the meeting, Roumie asked Jenkins what he was thinking, Jenkins said:

“I am honestly . . . This is a big deal because for me it represents two things that are important. One is the branching out of the show to the world. Another one is the branching out of the show to people in traditions that I wasn't part of. So it shows that the walls are coming down. I've never . . . I've been a Christian a long time. . . . I've never seen a project that united more faith traditions.”

There is only one faith that is genuine and tradition has nothing to do with it, this is an example of pure liberalism that has position itself in the writing of the show. Jenkins tells everyone he is a Christian, for a long time. But apparently, he lacks maturity which results in a lack of wisdom in spiritual matters.

A public example of this is Jenkins’ defending his view against any criticism which shows a severe lack of understanding on Christianity by addressing his affiliation with Mormons on the project. Defending his view against any criticism he states,

So even if you are listening to this right now as an evangelical and are horrified to hear me say some of these things, consider that even if you disagree, even if you think that, ‘No, it's two different Jesus', and they worship two different Saviors, and what you're saying is wrong.’ Fine, believe what you will. I'm not gonna have these arguments with you…be assured that everyone who's working on this show who happens to be LDS feels the exact same way…I’m going to die on the hill of defending my LDS friends.” “…I’m happy to say, "Yeah, we disagree on some things, but I'm going to die on the hill of, we love the same Jesus, and we want the same Jesus known to the world ."

Whether he knows or not he just admitted that his Jesus is the brother of Lucifer. That the devil taught Eve correctly, that we can become a God, like Jesus did (like all other gods did according to Joseph Smith King Follett discourse). That’s what Mormonism has taught since its inception. This man does not have a modicum of grounding in the Bible to say what he just said.

Maybe he believes this, but he does not speak for Christianity, the biblical church on this matter.The Chosen Christmas Special made the following statement:

"So I lovethe fact that our communities are coming together with our celebration, our worship, and our faith.”This is not someone who knows anything about Christianity, sounds more like the compromising Joel Osteen, this is a purposeful compromise.

Yet with all this said, he also says, “I don't deny we have a lot of theological differences but we we love the same Jesus.” Jenkins digs at his critics: “ I know people don’t like to put their theological differences aside and some people want to take this opportunity to kind of drive home how different we are, but that doesn’t seem to be landing.”

Oh, its landing, but he ignores it because of fame and fortune. Again lacking wisdom, Jenkins did not spend any time researching Mormon beliefs. Yet he claims to believe the following: “in the inerrancy of Scripture. I believe in the supremacy of God’s Word. I believe in the Holy Trinity. I believe in God the Father, the Son of God, the Holy Spirit, and believe that Jesus is the Son of God and all of the core tenets of Scripture.

He apparently knows what Christianity believes but he is saying it is the same as what the LDS church believes! At this point we need a reminder, the LDS has a saying, They believe in the bible as long as it is translated correctly. So this is always going to be an underlying influence.

Jenkins has also said “ I've been involved with Robert Millett of BYU and various general authorities of the LDS I think god's up to it's, it's not about the debate it's not about the black and white right now we are really seeing the power of relationship” (for more on Robert Millett go to http://www.letusreason.org/Current60.htm ).

the Mormons intent has always to be accepted as another Christian denomination after they were rejected

Apparently Jenkins hears the name Jesus but has not looked past the name to see what this means to Mormons. What is the substance? This is his same approach to the Scripture portrayed in the series.

At the same time Jenkins says within a portion of his statement ... “And I have never read the Book of Mormon, to be honest with you.”So how does he make these grandiose statements of agreement?

pt.3 The LDS (Mormons) involvement and Influence- Carrying the water for LDS unity and proselytizing


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