p.3 The LDS (Mormons) Involvement and Influence Let’s take a few steps back Jenkins hired VidAngel, an LDS owned enterprise to distribute The Chosen series, which he says should not matter. VidAngels response to a person pointing this out; VidAngel is not a “Mormon company” any more than Disney is a “Jewish company.” The fact that their owner happens to be a Mormon is immaterial to the content on their service. They are the distributors of The Chosen. VidAngel does not have control over the content of The Chosen. True as that may be, the actual root of the problem is not being addressed. Brad Pelo, one of the Mormon Executive Producers of The Chosen tells us what this is all about.“We want you to know that what we're all about here is to help people from different perspectives come together and engage in conversation and uh building relationships so that we can kind of learn from one another through the journey of life and, and through the experiences that we have with one another.”In fact, the words building relationshipis all through the promo interview, and that is the underlying goal which Jenkins has agreed to. Having a conversation about who he is” is not what is needed for Christians, It may be needed for Mormons, who have a different Jesus, one who was born in Jerusalem, but not for those who believe in the Biblical Jesus and the gospel given in the Scripture. Derral Eves and Brad Pelo, are not only Mormons but they are bishops in the Mormon church. We should understand that Mormons have always wanted to be accepted as a Christian denomination while denying the core doctrines of Christianity; the most crucial doctrine is that there is only one God. In fact, Mormons are involved all throughout the project using their sets and are part of the crowdfunding. So we should understand success can blind ones spiritual eyes on what is actually taking place. Mormons, have been classified as a Christian cult, but they have been actively trying to change their image. This is one of the ways that has been successful, Mormon missionaries who go door to door can mention the creator of the series and use what Dallas Jenkins says, quoting him saying Mormons love the same Jesus, which becomes leverage for their acceptance. Jenkins did in 2020 on a Mormon program stated: "I can honestly say . . . one of the top three most fascinating and beautiful things about this project has been my growing brother and sisterhood with people of the LDS community that I never would have known otherwise and learning so much about your faith tradition and realizing, gosh, for all the stuff that maybe we don’t see eye to eye on, that all happened, that’s all based on stuff that happened after Jesus was here. The stories of Jesus, we do agree on, and we love the same Jesus. That’s not something that you often hear. . . . I mean I’ll sink or swim on that statement, and it’s controversial, and I don’t mind getting criticized at all for the show, and I don’t mind being called a blasphemer. . . . I’ve made it very clear that if I go down, I’m going down swinging protecting my friends and my brothers and sisters . . . I don’t deny we have a lot of theological differences, but we love the same Jesus.” Jenkins doesn’t mind being called a blasphemer? Wow! Even Jesus spoke up to those who accused him of this, so Jenkins does not want to defend his poison, he is unaccountable to others that know the differences, which he claims he does not know. This is a confused man who speaks of theological differences he knows nothing about by his own admittance. To say to his audience Mormons are " brothers and sisters," that He "loves the same Jesus", this Jesus is in name only. Which certainly puts him in the biblical category of another Jesus. The Bible warns of this, and Jenkins purposely ignores it, which makes this all the more dangerous, especially to new spiritually born children that are watching the TV series. Jenkins director and executive producer, gave a definitive statement on what he termed the “LDS issue” in a YouTube video statement . In the video, Jenkins said false statements have been attributed to him in which he states that “Mormons and evangelicals love the same Jesus” or “LDS are Christians.” “Is it true that I said that?” Jenkins said. “The answer is no. I did not.Did it appear like I said that? Could it be easily interpreted as me saying that? I think that’s true. ... I probably could have given more context and clarity then that I’m giving now.” His explanation is much like the writing on the TV show, using his imagination to alter the Scripture he does the same for what he actually said. He further explains “ Not because there aren’t LDS folks who are Christians and not because there aren’t LDS and evangelicals who love the same Jesus, but because it would be wrong of me to ever say that any one group believes any one thing altogether. That is just a level of arrogance that I don’t have.” He continued: “It would be just as dumb for me to say that all LDS are Christians, as it would be to say that all evangelicals are Christians, or that all Catholics are Christians or any other faith tradition. It would also be dumb for me to say that none are.” That is not an explanation but total spin on what he clearly said. Again he previously said, “we love the same Jesus,…I’ll sink or swim on that statement,…. I’m going down swinging protecting my friends and my brothers and sisters . . . I don’t deny we have a lot of theological differences, but we love the same Jesus.” Is Jenkins unaware that he is being used to validate MORMONISM, not Christianity! Or he does not care because of the money that is coming in? You are neither a Christian or a Mormon. As a Mormon if you love the same Jesus as Christians its by mistake, you don’t understand what you are being taught from them. The LDS belief system from the book of Mormon Do Mormons believe what historic Christianity does? They use the same words in a completely different way. Mormons do not believe in the inerrancy of scripture but in the bible as long as it's translated correctly. Which is never is!
They do not believe in the Trinity, where three persons are simultaneously,
eternally one God. Learning of Mormonism should prove that Mormons have a
different Jesus. “Christ was begotten of God. He was not born without the aid of man , and that man was God!” Brigham Young, the second president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), “He (Christ) was not begotten by the Holy Ghost. … Jesus, our elder brother, was begotten in the flesh by the same character that was in the garden of Eden, and who is our Father in Heaven.” What they are saying is that he was physically conceived by a father and mother who is in heaven. “Jesus is the spirit brother of Lucifer ("Ensign", June 1986, p. 25). According to Mormonism Jesus was a spirit child, the product of heavenly parents. As a pre-existent spirit like us, Lucifer was his spirit brother – both are the offspring of the same heavenly father. One Mormon leader asked what he believes about Jesus: “No, I don’t. The traditional Christ of whom they speak is not the Christ of whom I speak. For the Christ of whom I speak has been revealed in this the Dispensation of the Fulness of Times. He, together with His Father, appeared to the boy Joseph Smith in the year 1820, and when Joseph left the grove that day, he knew more of the nature of God than all the learned ministers of the gospel of the ages.”’ (LDS Church News, week ending June 20, 1998, p.7) This is not just anyone speaking but a statement from the LDS President Hinckley. This is his testimony of Jesus Christ, admitting they do not believe in the traditional Christ, meaning the biblical Jesus. From their own mouth they condemn Jenkin’s unity statements. Is this the confusion you want to support watching the Jesus actor on TV? If a Christian accepts Mormon’s as Christian, as brothers and sisters in the faith what does tell you. Are they are holding to the faith in the bible? Or have they abandoned the standard of truth? Matt 4:15-16 “ by the way of the sea, beyond the Jordan,Galilee of the Gentiles: The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light, And upon those who sat in the region and shadow of death Light has dawned." What is this great light, it is God has come in the flesh, in Jesus Christ. He is not a god of many gods but the only true God. They can try as hard as they want but the Mormons have not seen this light as long as they believe their own doctrines from joseph Smith and not the bibles. Jenkins told reporters " I do want people, when they are done watching the show, to feel like they know and love Jesus more or at least want to know and love him more." The Mormons need to know the true Jesus before they can love him. The way of salvation according to Mormons Can anyone be more confused than to say “ we labor diligently to write, to persuade our children, and also our brethren, to believe in Christ, and to be reconciled to God; for we know that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do .” 2 Nephi 25:23 (The Book of Mormon, Joseph Fielding Smith) laws must be observed and ordinances complied with is not we most emphatically declare that all men must obey these laws if they would be saved, ” "The Chosen" was going to be different, Jenkins said, by looking at Jesus through the eyes of those he chose and changed, and to imagine what their lives and personalities were like and why they made the choices they did. Emphasis is on imagination, which must be pursued because the Bible does not have the information, so they fill in the blanks. This is a paradigm shift that is slowly being used on people to learn by imagination not the word of God. Scripture asks “Can two walk together unless they agree?” and even more serious is that we should not be unequally yoked. Again, what does light have to do with darkness? 2 Cor 6:14-16 According to Jenkins they are light, Just as the church is light Conclusion If the maker of this series sees Mormonism as the same than how can he uphold the Bible? How does he present Jesus to the audience of the world when he is saying a different Jesus with another gospel is acceptable. Does not the bible say to NOT be unequally yoked? A Christian who believes the Bibles gospel has the light of God in them and should not be unequally yoked with those who do not! 2 Cor. 6:14-16 about believers with unbelievers. “ For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God.” So there is no offense if he says they are believers, that how this works. This TV series is certainly is not about evangelism. We know this because Scripture says “no lie is of the truth” and it is ONLY the gospel of truth that can change lives. As the producer works side by side with Mormons are they hearing the gospel to be saved? If not what makes you think those watching the TV are? |