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About the Occult concepts and practices in the church

Both Helena Blavatsky and Alice Baily spoke of a universal church, a church that would come under the masters teachings and practices at the end of the 20th century, This would be done through the disciples who are following these (ascended) masters.

towards the close of this century … This Church will be nurtured into activity by the Christ and His disciples when the outpouring of the Christ principle, the TRUE second Coming has been accomplished” (Alice Bailey, The Externalization of the Hierarchy, Lucis Publishing. p. 69.)

The Jesus of this counterfeit spirituality, a universal church is one of the masters, he as an enlightenened soul became god like all the masters. He teaches others to become masters.

Anyone who supports this concept shows they have a flawed view of God, they have a complete misunderstanding of the eternal one, the creator. How do you worship God in truth if you believe that you are gods too? Scripture tells us man is NOT God.

Those who teach new age the occult, yoga, meditation change the meaning, christianizing the practices to be acceptable to the church. You would be surprised how many “respected” ministries endorse Richard Fosters entering the silence to contact God or use yoga or any of the similar practices that are the new age which are now given Christian type names.

These new age spiritual practices make you flatline in the mind.  To stop thinking you have to force yourself but with enough practice you can enter a zen state where there is next to nothing going on in your head. That is enlightenment. As the saying goes, ignorance is bliss.

Thus, we see ignorance of the truth will allow any lie that has reshaped itself to your liking to be accepted.

The false Christ that is coming will claim to be the latest embodiment of the "Christ spirit’ for our age and people will believe it because they accept different Christ’s. At the right opportunity he will aggressively move to replace Christianity with his own religious system which we see the first evidences of today.

Much of what is present in the church is what is found in new ageism (occult) they visualize energies circulating around or through their body. The Vineyard churches a number of years ago would scoop the air around people to bring it toward them calling the Holy Spirit to fill them. This is known as pantheism, and is more like Hinduism’s prana, where one breathes the air in their yoga exercise for energizing themselves. http://www.letusreason.org/latrain21.htm

Along came Peter Wagner who was friends with Wimber and attended the Vineyard and made an association of new apostles and prophet, many who joined claimed they were going to change the face of Christianity. In some ways they have been successful. The only reason is because of the neglect of pastor’s who would openly stand in opposition to what they were introducing to the church.

The new apostolic movement was birthed in 1999. Wagner told us the government has come back into the church and promises to change Christianity.

None of this is exclusive or new, Emmanuel Swedenborg was a Swedish scientist, philosopher, theologian, revelator, mystic and founder of Swedenborgianism.

Swedenborg had a large influence in his time. He wrote of The True Christian Religion containing the Universal Theology of The New Church. He was not the first to be spiritually deceived, others came after, like Joseph Smith who began Mormonism.

Swedenborg is best known for his book on the afterlife, Heaven and Hell (1758). In 1741, at 53, he began to experience dreams and visions, receiving a 'spiritual awakening' that he was appointed by the Lord Jesus Christ to write The Heavenly Doctrine to reform Christianity.

Swedenborg says the Lord opened his spiritual eyes so that he could freely visit heaven and hell and talk with angels. Much of the same false revelations are going on today but are far more extensive.

We are told by occultists "Luciferic energies" are being unleashed, counterfeiting the real Holy Spirit of God by miracles and healing. Not by doctrine which comes by words and thinking.

A minimum of truth is always used alongside the other concepts, practices, philosophies. Because truth is not the focus, experience and feelings are how people are reached and transformed. The new age puts experience, feelings over doctrine. Once this is done a persons discernment is shut down, the longer it is not used it becomes neutralized.

So how do we tell what is Luciferic or from the Jesus Christ, God incarnate?  It’s going to get harder and harder to distinguish. So many use the name Jesus but they do not hold to the Christian distinctive that is found in doctrine. So to answer the question how do we tell, we must know Bible doctrine, correctly. It does not mean we must be perfect in it but our first reaction to questioning something being introduced, or a miracle or sign must be our going to the word to see if it that is what is written, or that it is close to what is written and is being slipped under the door.

Using Christian words for occult practices is where the biggest compromise is taking place. There is no such thing as Christian out of body experiences for the Believer with astral projection to heaven or hell. Nor Christian Astrology, Christian Yoga, or going within, centering … you can fill in the blank there is so many Christianized occult practices that are not taught in the Scripture.

You must decide whether the Bible is your standard or your experience is. You must decide when someone teaches a foreign spiritual practice or concept and names it Christian whether that is acceptable, or you will be as those in Berea who received from Paul and Silas “the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so.” (Acts 17:11)

It just may be that your spiritual health and life may depend on it.

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