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For many years the watchtower Society proclaimed that Charles Russell, their first president was a latter-day prophet of God.( 'WATCHTOWER, June 1, 1917, p. 163.) They said he was a Bible character who was prophesied to come by Jesus Himself. He was to be their sole leader, the teacher of God's church in the last days.( WATCHTOWER, November 1, 1917, p. 323.) They called him The Faithful and Discreet Slave. (See "WHO IS THE WATCHTOWERS FAITHFUL AND WISE SERVANT,- DIALOGUE Vol. I, p. 76.) Because of this view. today's Watchtower Society claims that Jehovah's Witnesses of years ago actually came to worship Russell and would not listen to any teachings which differed from his,( See WORSHIPPING PASTOR RUSSELL" DIALOGUE Vol. I, p. 85.) Then something happened that changed everything.

The Watchtower's second president. Joseph Rutherford. desired to change many of Russell's teachings and introduce his own views to the Jehovah's Witnesses. But he had a major problem. Since Russell was considered God's only latter-day spokesman. Rutherford could not reject Russell's doctrines. Then in 1927t he solved this problem by simply claiming that Russell was not God's special Servant.

But, the Society still had hundreds of thousands of Russell's books on hand in 1927. They now believed the books taught much false doctrine and also promoted the worship of Russell. So, they had to get rid of them. Did they destroy them? Did they burn them? No. The facts are that they sold these dangerous books to the unsuspecting public. Today, the Society claims that, ".. . in the year 1927 any remaining stocks 'of his books 'were disposed of among the public."( GOD'S KINGDOM OF A THOUSAND YEARS HAS APPROACHED 1973 p. 347.)

It is clear that the Watchtower sold what they knew to be false doctrine ,'to, the unwary public. But, did they really get rid of all the "remaining stocks’ in 1927 as they now claim? History reveals that they did not. Since they still had a large stock of his books on hand after 1927p they made the economic decision to continue to sell his books. Proof is found in the WATCHTOWER, November 1, 1929,, page 322; the 1933 YEARBOOK page 112; the 1944 WATCHTOWER COST LIST; and even as 6 late as the KINGDOM MINISTRY of July 1967 page 3.( See DIALOGUE, pp. 423-426.)

Friends, would you sell what you knew to be false doctrine?

Published by Witness Inc.

Dialogue with Jehovah Witnesses by Duane Magnani & Arthur Barrett


    Who are They?

      Tacking in the wind

     No Christmas for A J.W 

Is the Light getting Brighter? Is Jesus Michael the Archangel   Lying to the Public 
Watchtower and Believers   Shepherd of the Sheep    Who is Your mediator
Forbidding Blood Transfusions   Blood Transfusions   The Jesus of the Watchtower
Mighty or Almighty God ?      If he is NOT God then ?  Jehovah's Name is ? 
What did the apostles preach   Singing the Song of the Lamb    Secret Coming of Jesus
Communication with a dead Pastor   Angelic Direction for the Society    A Lie for a Lie
  Jehovah Witness Children    Denying the Creation Account    The 144,000
Flesh and Blood cannot Inherit the Kingdom      What does and does not happen to you when you join
The Watchtower and Pagan Pyramids     The many Gods of Jehovah Witnesses
Watchtower proclaims themselves as false prophets Answering the knock at your door
Whose testimony do you have? Resurrection or recreation? The Way of Salvation
And the Word was what? Scholars on Jn.1:1  


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