More things to think on I realize that there needs to be more mentioned on how this church conducts itself. When one enters through the doors the woman are separated from the men, even if they are husband and wife or a child in the family. There is absolutely no Scriptural reason for this except for control. Records are kept of attendance since attending when one is a member is compulsory. From what I have heard from former members they tell them who to vote for and many more areas of control are exercised. When I was discussing with some gentleman from the church their teachings on their grounds, they were getting ready for a study which usually occurs Thursday. 5 minutes before the scheduled time cars pulled in like clockwork. It was obvious that they were expected to be punctual and not late. While this in itself is not alarming the motive for this control certainly is. Marriage inside the church is expected since they are the only ones saved. There is an attachment inside the Church for those of Philipino descent as not to leave because of their cultural understanding. So it is not as easy as it is for others who have found what they have been taught is untrue or have felt manipulated beyond what they would like. Many members feel the pressure but ignore it because of the teaching of being God's only true Church. We need to pray for the people as well as the leaders that reform would take place and lead them to the biblical truth. It has happened with other groups so it is not an impossibility.