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Directory of Sacred Name Groups (Hebrew Roots Movement, Yahweh, Yashuans )

House of Yahweh (in Abeline) -Prophet Yisrayl Hawkin's teachings and his end time prophecy failure.

Sacred Name Movement pt.1- The basics of what they are teaching about God's name and the name of Jesus.

Sacred name Movement pt.2- Making sense out of their confusion.

Sacred name Movement pt.3- the pronunciations of the name and the truth

Sacred name Movement pt.4- Origin of languages and the Word of God

Institute of Divine Metaphysical Research- pt.1 on Dr. Kinley and his new revelations of God's name,  Bible teachings and himself.

IDMR pt.2- More on this metaphysical cult that promotes the name of Yahweh.

For more in depth analysis  of this movement and the various churches and groups http://www.sacrednamemovement.com/

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  Let Us Reason Ministries

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