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The Roman Catholic Issue

Nothing has done more damage to the church’s promotion of the gospel than the increased alliance of Evangelicals with the Roman Catholic Church. The spirit of the age is at work bringing diverse religions into a unity without the truth at its core.

Richard John Neuhaus, co-architect of ECT with Charles Colson, stated: The first order of business is Christian unity, or ecumenism. As the second millennium has been one of Christian division, so John Paul says that the third millennium must be one of Christian unity.

The Roman Catholic Church in the last 20 years through its Pope, spearheaded negotiations through ecumenical dialogue with various Christian groups (the Anglicans, Evangelical Protestants, Eastern Orthodoxy, Lutherans etc.), to resolve past disagreements and bring about a “new Christian unity.”

Charisma magazine, July 1995 on its the cover presented the question: “Catholics and Protestants: Can We Walk Together? What began with ECT and its intent for unity between Protestants and Catholics has spread its wingspan. Since then a portion of the evangelical church have been walking with more than Catholics, now it is Mormons, the Unification Church and others who do not claim Christianity.

In the last 20 years the Roman Catholic church has been active in seeking cooperative relationships with other world religions more than any other religion in history. Ecumenism is the modus operandi of the new church platform. Pope John Paul II had declared that, “Christians must work with [all] other religions to secure peace.” He has pledged that “the Catholic Church intends to `share in and promote' such ecumenical and inter-religious cooperation” The Catholic Church has held an ongoing dialogue with representatives of the four major religions as well as numerous others. Whether this policy will continue to be upheld remains to be seen.

Many may object to this summary of the Popes ecumenical inreach but the news reports and quotes speak for themselves. These are only a portion of what can be collected on John Paul II travels and statements. His intention was clearly to promote Catholicism's traditional tolerance of pagan religions. At the Universities of Calcutta and New Delhi in his 1986 visit to India, the Pope told huge Hindu audiences that he had not come there to teach them anything, but to learn from their “rich spiritual heritage.” As worldwide ecumenism's diplomat-at-large he went on to declare: “India's mission ... is crucial, because of her intuition of the spiritual nature of man. Indeed, India's greatest contribution to the world can be to offer it a spiritual vision of man. And the world does well to attend willingly to this ancient wisdom and in it to find enrichment for human living ( L'Observatore Romano, February 10, 1986, “Spiritual Vision of Man,” p. 5.)

Pope Wins Gamble as Religions Pray in Assisi for Peace,” National Catholic Reporter, VOL 23, no. 3, November 7, 1986, pp. 1, 8.). 1986 was the beginning of open interfaith cooperation led by the Pope. The Pope gave a papal invitation, to unite the leaders of the world's religions for a prayer summit at Assisi, Italy. The Pope's 1986 gathering the religions for prayer at Assisi had begun an interfaith universalist agenda. He gathered the leading figures of 12 world religions together in Assisi, Italy, to pray to whatever “God” each believed in, beseeching these deities to bring peace to the world. To justify honoring the prayers of even witch doctors and fire worshipers, John Paul II told participants that “the challenge of peace . . . transcends religious differences. “60 Religious Leaders Join Pontiff, Streets of Assisi Ring with Prayers for Peace.” (The 1os Angeles Times, October 28, 1986, Part I, p. 7, continued from front page).

60 leaders gathered from the religions of the world to petition God. Catholics with Protestants, Orthodox, Jews. “He welcomed snake worshipers, fire worshipers, spiritists, animists, Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, and shamans, was supported and attended by representatives of the World Council of Churches and even evangelicals. Represented there were the YWCA and YMCA, the Mennonite World Conference, the Baptist World Alliance (which includes the Southern Baptist Convention), the World Alliance of Reformed Churches, and the Lutheran World Federation.

It was reported that the Muslims sang from the Koran; American medicine men called on the “great spirit”; Buddhism's Dalai Lama, chanted rhythmically; animists from Africa; Hindus; Zoroastrians. All united said: “We will stand side by side, asking God to give us peace.” They all asked for peace together. How can they join in prayer unless they agree? What was decided is that it was not necessary to follow the prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, the only one who can bring that peace.

On the second anniversary of Assisi's historic prayer meeting, the Pope recently declared that the efforts of “Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists [etc.] ...were unleashing profound spiritual energies in the world and bringing about a 'new climate' of peace. (“The Pope Speaks,” Our Sunday Visitor pp. 10-11 Nov. 13, 1988).

Yes an energy is at work, some claim it’s the Holy Spirit breaking down walls. We can be assured it is not, because it embraces those who are not in Christ and actually deny Him.

In May 1999, during an audience granted to three Muslims at the Vatican, Pope John Paul II bowed toward the Muslim Koran, and kissed it (Christian News, Oct. 18, 1999, p. 16). Respect for all religions teachings has been the thrust of Catholic unity. The Pope has commended other religious beliefs and has said that the Muslims worship the same God and are accepted. While Rome was uniting with others a certain portion of the evangelical church was moving toward unity with Rome.

Not many years later after ECT, Pentecostal leaders from 27 denominations took a pilgrimage to the Vatican in order to build closer ecumenical relations with the Roman Catholic Church. Over 170 members of the Joint College of African-American Pentecostal Bishops attended Pope John Paul II's general audience at the Vatican on February 9 and worshipped in a Roman Catholic church on February 13. The pope told the Pentecostal bishops, “I am confident that your visit to Rome will help strengthen ecumenical relations between Catholics and Pentecostals” (Associated Press, 2/9/00).

It was reported David du Plessis, (nicknamed Mr. Pentecost) was the only Pentecostal invited to attend Vatican Council II in the mid 1960’s. du Plessis lost his ministerial credentials from the Assemblies of God in 1962 because of his ecumenism with Rome. The AOG Bylaws opposed the ecumenical movement and did not allow participation in it. In 1980 du Plessis' credentials were restored by AOG. Rome stayed the same but something changed in the Pentecostals and Charismatics. We have watched numerous evangelicals transverse over a line into the Roman Catholic camp to have peace or cooperation for a greater moral influence on society. Too bad that’s not what the churches mission is.

Another significant interfaith gathering took place at the Vatican, convened by the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue and the Central Committee for the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000 (ortzion.org). Entitled “On the Eve of the Millennium: Collaboration Between the Different Religions,” it was a gathering of over 200 religious leaders from around the world, representing more than 20 world religions.

The Dalai Lama, spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism, was allowed to speak at St. Pierre Cathedral in Geneva, Switzerland, (John Calvin’s old church). William McComish the dean of the Cathedral is also general treasurer of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches. He announced the Dalai Lama’s by calling him “His Holiness” and recognized “his spirituality.” He also explained that “the cathedral was becoming a home for a new religious centre to experience understanding between the world’s major faiths.”

I wonder what Jesus thinks that someone else is called His holiness. Will we have holy ones for every religion? It appears that the gathering has no distinction.

Hundreds of representatives of the worlds religions convened in Assisi Italy in 2001, among them:

Geshe Tashi Tsering will represent the Dalai Lama at Assisi. Along with him are representatives of the principal Buddhist schools and denominations, especially Zen, as well as Rissho Kosei-kai, a lay association. Five important leaders of Hinduism from India will also be in Assisi. With them will be believers in Tenrikyo, Shintoism (the president of the Korean National Center for Confucianism), as well as leaders of Sikhism, Zoroastrianism and traditional African religions. (Religious Leaders Who Will Attend Day of Prayer in Assisi Significant Orthodox, Muslim and Jewish Presence VATICAN CITY, JAN. 23, 2001 http://www.zenit.org)

Like the Pope the Dalai Lama has traveled the globe with basically the same message and concern “Since 1967 he has been on a worldwide journey, meeting with many political and religious world leaders, spreading his message of global unity, universal brotherhood, and the “truths” contained in all religions. 'His Holiness” Comes in the name of “peace”, the Dalai preaches a message of hope through unity world unity, political unity, and most importantly, spiritual unity”(Ancient Wisdom, Modem World: Ethics for a New Millennium).

In today's dangerous world, the Pope said there is an “urgent need” for the world's great religions to come together, in light of their “common desire that all men be purified of the hatred and evil that always threaten peace.” http://www.ewtn.com (POPE SAYS GREAT RELIGIONS MUST UNITE FOR PEACE Vatican, Jan. 19 (CWNews.com)

Even with all this ecumenical mending, not all has been well between Protestants and Catholics outside the US. At the 31st National Conference of the Bishops of Brazil...Bishop Sinesio Bohn called evangelicals a serious threat to the Vaticans influence in his country. We will declare a holy war; don’ t doubt it,. He announced the Catholic Church has a ponderous structure, but when we move, we’ll smash anyone beneath us. According to Bohn, an all-out holy war can’t be avoided unless the 13 largest Protestant churches and denominations sign a treaty ... that would require Protestants to stop all evangelism efforts in Brazil. In exchange, he said Catholics would agree to stop all persecution directed toward Protestants” (Charisma, May 1994). In February of 1999 speaking in Mexico, Pope John Paul II instructed Catholics to rebel against [evangelical] Protestants that were becoming a strong influence.

Since the Reformation, salvation has been the core issue that has divided Protestants and Roman Catholics. The heart of that disagreement has been the issue of “justification by faith alone.” Not a problem anymore… Lutherans And Catholics Sign Joint Declaration (1999, Evangelical Press) Ausburg, Germany (EP) -- On Oct. 31 in Augsburg, representatives from the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and the Vatican signed a document called the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification. Leaders from both churches hope that the signing will end the rift between Lutherans and Catholics that dates from Oct. 31, 1517 when Martin Luther posted his 95 theses on the Wittenberg door. As its name suggests, the declaration is a statement that reconciles the long-standing debate between Lutherans and Catholics over the doctrine of justification. The declaration states, “Jesus Christ won salvation through His life, death and resurrection; salvation is a gift that no one but Jesus Christ can earn. Together we confess: by grace alone, in faith in Christ's saving work and not because of any merit on our part, we are accepted by God and receive the Holy Spirit.”

Unfortunately no one asked about how this grace is applied to the individual, which according to the Catholic church was always by the sacraments that they alone have.

In spite of all the ecumenical talk and working together “Dominus Iesus” (published on Aug. 6, 2000) by Cardinal Ratzinger-Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. The document had been ratified and confirmed by the Pope Paul II on June16 “with sure knowledge and by his apostolic authority.” It affirmed that Catholicism is the only true church, arguing that other churches which lack the “valid Episcopate and the genuine and integral substance of the Eucharistic mystery are not churches in the proper sense.” Whatever truth other denominations possess is derived from the Catholic church and its traditions. Catholicism is the only “instrument for the salvation of all humanity,” that all “other” Christians are “deficient.”

Rome continued to speak dualities, because they could never abandon the position that the Catholic Church alone possesses “the fullness of grace and truth,” and is the only church and authority on earth. Catechism of Catholic Doctrine (Revised edition, 1985): “The Pope is the spiritual father of all Christians. […] The Pope is the Shepherd and Teacher of all Christians.” Boniface VIII decreed: “It is necessary for everyone who is to be saved to be subject to the Roman Pontiff

The Bull Unam Sanctam... Issued by POPE BONIFACE VIII thus reads:  ”The Roman Pontiff judges all men, but is judged by no one. We declare, assert, define and pronounce: to be subject to the Roman Pontiff is to every human creature necessary for salvation ... I have the authority of the King of Kings. I am all in all and above all, so that God himself and I, the vicar of God, have but one consistory, and I am able to do all that God can do.”

In the New Catholic Catechism under Supremacy of the Pope. The Pope, Bishop of Rome and Peter's successor, “is the perpetual and visible source and foundation of the unity both of the bishops and of the whole company of the faithful.” “For the Roman Pontiff, by reason of his office as Vicar of Christ, and as pastor of the entire Church has full, supreme and universal power over the whole Church, a power which he can always exercise unhindered.”

Catholic Catechism- Salvation Only Comes Through the Catholic Church

(846) How are we to understand this affirmation, often repeated by the Church Fathers? Re-formulated positively, it means that all salvation comes from Christ the Head through the Church which is his Body: Basing itself on Scripture and Tradition, the Council teaches that the Church, a pilgrim now on earth, is necessary for salvation: the one Christ is the mediator and the way of salvation; he is present to us in his body which is the Church. He himself explicitly asserted the necessity of faith and Baptism, and thereby affirmed at the same time the necessity of the Church which men enter through Baptism as through a door. Hence they could not be saved who, knowing that the Catholic Church was founded as necessary by God through Christ, would refuse either to enter it or to remain in it.

In 2000 The Vatican in a 36-page document stated that Roman Catholicism is the only “instrument for the salvation of all humanity,” that all “other” Christians are “deficient,” and Anglican and Protestant churches “are not churches in the proper sense.”

The Popes down through history certainly believed their position, the quotes are plentiful: Pope Innocent the third: “He (the pope) judges all and is judged by no one.” Pope Boniface the eighth: “We declare, assert, define and pronounce: To be subject to the Roman pontiff is to every human creature altogether necessary for salvation.” “The Pope is Christ in office, Christ in jurisdiction and power . . . we bow down before thy voice, O Pius, as before the voice o f Christ, the God o f truth; in clinging to thee, we cling to Christ” (During the Vatican Council Jan. 9, 1870.) 

How can this be said of a mere man? Because the Roman Catholic position has always been “The Pope is not only the representative of Jesus Christ, he is Jesus Christ himself, hidden under the veil of flesh.” (Catholic National July 1895.)

This (and much more) has been intentionally ignored by the new evangelicals leaders to have their unity! Year after year, step by step those that were once apart drew closer. We need to understand that there is a selling out going on right from under our noses. The Pope speaking in Geneva, Switzerland to leaders of the World Council of Churches representing 400 million Protestants worldwide, John Paul II declared: From the beginning of my ministry as bishop of Rome, I have insisted that the engagement of the Catholic Church in the ecumenical movement is irreversible! (The Fresno Bee, June 13, 1984, p. C12.)

“John Paul II recalled three moments in his pontificate when he entrusted the Church, the world and mankind to Mary: December 8, 1978 when he entrusted the Church and world to her; June 4, 1979, renewing this vow at the shrine of the Black Madonna in Poland and again in 1984. “I remember especially March 25, 1984, the Holy Year. Twenty years have gone by since that day when in spiritual union with all the bishops of the world I entrusted all of mankind to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in response to Our Lady's plea in Fatima.” http://www.ewtn.com/vnews/getstory.asp?number=44989

The Pope is so convinced that Mary intervened to save his life that he left the bullet that was pulled from his body in the golden crown of the Madonna during his last visit in 1991. Pope John Paul II has 'dedicated himself and his Pontificate to Our Lady.' He bears the letter “M” for Mary in his coat of arms. And his personal motto, which is embroidered on the side of his robes in Latin is the following: “TOTUS TUUS SUM MARIA”, which in English translates to: “MARY, I'M ALL YOURS.”

Pope John Paul II wrote concerning Mary “On the universal level if victory comes it will be brought by Mary, Christ will conquer through her because He wants the church's victories now and in the future to be linked to her.” (“Crossing The Threshold Of Hope,” 1994; Our Lady Publication, Spring, 1995.)

“'All those who have at some time prayed to the Most Holy Virgin, even though they may have strayed from Catholic church, conserve in their hearts an ember of faith which can be revived.' he said. 'The Virgin awaits them with maternal arms open wide.”'…”Yet, at times the pontiff sounded almost evangelical. He urged Catholic workers to engage in a 'new evangelization,' by using 'new methods, new expressions, [and] new fervor.”' (Christianity Today, April 8, 1996, Stephen R. Sywulka, p. 94.)

September 11th, 2001, the Pope declared, “There is one God’. The Apostle proclaims before all else the absolute oneness of God. This is a truth which Christians inherited from the children of Israel and which they share with Muslims: it is faith in the one God, ‘Lord of heaven and earth’ (Lk.10:21), almighty and merciful. In the name of this one God, I turn to the people of deep and ancient religious traditions, the people of Kazakhstan.”(Homily of the Pope, in Astana, Kazakhstan, on Sunday, 23 September 2001.)

Pope meets interfaith leaders, urges culture of dialogue, respect 2004-01-20 VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Pope John Paul II has urged all religious leaders as well as a committee of Islamic and Vatican officials to promote a culture of dialogue, mutual understanding and respect. In an address to members of the Islamic-… About a dozen representatives of major Islamic organizations from the Middle East and Europe met Jan. 19-20 with officials of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue and its Commission for Religious Relations With the Muslims. The Islamic-Catholic Liaison Committee was started in 1995 by Vatican and Muslim representatives as a way to promote mutual understanding, strengthen religious values and contribute toward peace and justice.

In a message addressed to Cardinal Edward Cassidy, his representative at an international ecumenical conference in Lisbon, Pope John Paul II has emphasized his support for inter-religious dialogue. The Pope's message to Cardinal Cassidy-- the president of the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity-- encouraged all believers, of every faith, to work for “the unity of the human family.” “I am convinced that the 'spirit of Assisi' is a providential gift for our time,” the Pope remarked. His reference was to the inter-religious prayer gathering that was organized under his guidance in the town of Assisi in 1986. …”the Pontiff continued. “We must be ever bolder” in pursuing inter-religious dialogue, the Pope said.” (Pope Lauds Interfaith Dialogue Sep. 27, 2000 VATICAN (CWNews.com)

August 1993, in Denver, Colorado, Pope John Paul II prayed “Mary of the New Advent, we implore your protection on the preparations that will now begin for the next meeting [World Youth Day]. Mary, full of grace, we entrust the next World Youth Day to you. Mary, assumed into heaven, we entrust the young people of the world . . . the whole world to you.” (NRI Trumpet , October 11, 93, p. 14.)

On August 31 2003, Pope John Paul II entrusted the future of the new Europe to the Virgin Mary. In the words of the Catholic news agency Zenit, “He placed Europe in Mary's hands, so that it would ‘become a symphony of nations committed to building together the civilization of love and peace.' Last Sunday, the Holy Father urged that the final draft of the European Constitution should recognize explicitly the Christian roots of the continent, as they constitute a ‘guarantee of a future.” (2003-08-31) http://www.zenit.org/english/ 9/3/03

Week of Prayer 2005: Growing collaboration between WCC and the Roman Catholic Church

The preparation of the 2005 edition of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity has led to a new stage in collaboration between the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Roman Catholic Church.

For the first time, the text that will inspire the Week of Prayer has not only been jointly prepared but also published jointly by the WCC Faith and Order commission and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity.

Calling it a “further, small step in the direction of Christian unity,” WCC general secretary Rev. Dr Samuel Kobia and the secretary of the Pontifical Council Bishop Brian Farrell suggested in the foreword that the joint publication of the liturgical resources will, hopefully, usher in the “birth of a new era of collaboration” between the two bodies.

The theme proposed for the Week in 2005 is “Christ, the One Foundation of the Church,” a reference to 1 Corinthians 3:1-23. http://wcc-coe.org/wcc/what/faith/wop2005contents.html

Although the Catholic Church does not teach the gospel by grace through Christ alone, but instead by the sacraments, Billy Graham, Chuck Colson, Bill Bright, Jack Van Impe, Pat Robertson, Ted Haggard and so many other “evangelical leaders” have accepted Romanism. They approve of ecumenical activities having worked alongside Rome despite their obvious errors. They admit that Roman Catholicism teaches error, but they have no desire to say a thing about these errors. It appears the error is not so severe but only slight. That there are only a few doctrinal issues; we should not concern ourselves with them or it may affect our unity. Their errors are never considered so extreme to be called heresy. Yet, the Catholic churches continual position of someone holding to salvation by grace through faith alone is heresy.

What evangelicals have done is compartmentalize the Pope as a person with his concerns and his church with papal infallibility, the perpetual virginity of Mary, transubstantiation, etc. They have separated his works -concerns of the poor, the unborn from the doctrines he upheld as the leader of the Roman Catholic Church. We should commend people for doing good, yet meeting people’s physical needs without meeting their spiritual needs is negligence. By neglecting mans real spiritual need we have a “social gospel” that cannot lead to salvation of ones soul. When the foundation for our actions are misguided, there is deception. Everyone should take the time and read Christianity Today, Week of April 4 to get a pulse on what Evangelicals think of the Pope. Because one is concerned about these things does not make them a Christian, even if he is the leader of the biggest church in the world. Many in other religions have the same concerns; in fact one does not need to believe in God to care for many of these issues. While the Pope stood in defense of the poor, the sick, and needy, issues outside the church, he said next to nothing about the inside moral corruption when it was occurring. There was no outrage sounded by the Pope for all the priest molestations inside his church that ruined so many lives. Yet he is esteemed as a great moral leader.

Consider this statement by Steve Shultz of the Elijah list that represents the prophetic movement in the charismatic church. “We should all be praying for the next pope, not because we agree with every theological position of the Catholic Church, but because the Pope represents 1.1 billion Believers, most of who accept Jesus, plain and simple, for their salvation.” Rick Joyner agrees, “ I do not doubt that John Paul II was a man of God that all Christians should be thankful for and should rightly mourn. It was not his title but his character that caused him to transcend the Roman Catholic Church and become a leader who blessed and advanced the whole church, and, indeed, the cause of Christianity itself. He was one of the greatest leaders of our time, and will be sorely missed.”

Has anyone asked what would Jesus or the apostles think about a man who claimed to be the head of the church with the teachings they practice? We already have the answer in the Bible.

The Church's relationship with the Muslims. 'The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind's judge on the last day.”’ So here is the Vaticans official stance on Islam, the Roman Catholic Church has the same God and faith of Abraham as the Muslims. Islam insist in their Quran God has no Son and does not call God Father but he says they worship the same God as we do. Could the Vatican one day demote the Son to have unity with other religions? It seems that anything is possible.

This pope attempted to reconcile the Bible with evolution. The Pontifical Academy's annual meeting held at the Vatican October 22-26, was dedicated to the theme “The Origin and Early Evolution of Life: Reflection on Science at the Dawn of the Third Millennium.” The pope reminded the Academy that the Roman Catholic Church has long given tentative approval to the theory of evolution. He cited a 1950 papal encyclical entitled “Humani Generis” by Pius XII, which “considered the doctrine of 'evolutionism' as a serious hypothesis, worthy of a more deeply studied investigation and reflection on a par with the opposite hypothesis. ... Today, more than a half century after this encyclical, new knowledge leads us to recognize in the theory of evolution more than a hypothesis. ... The convergence, neither sought nor induced, of results of work done independently one from the other, constitutes in itself a significant argument in favor of this theory” (Vatican Information Service, Oct. 23, 1996).

Nothing has changed in the Roman Catholic Church, they still hold that: the Roman Catholic church is the one true Church of Christ. Transubstantiation is the true view of the Eucharist. The priesthood is only for males (that are Celibate). Prayers are said to the saints in heaven, to Mary, and prayers for the dead. The main prayer of the rosary is “Hail Mary.” Sacred tradition and Scripture should be received equal reverence. Purgatory not heaven is the destination of Christians, Mary was born without original sin, was a perpetual virgin and assumed bodily into heaven.

The Pope said his heart was consecrated to Mary not to Jesus Christ- he called himself the vicar of Christ as all popes do, (pontifex maximus) yet modernized evangelicals ignored the continued policy of the Vatican. Among his other titles are Successor to the Prince of the Apostles; Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church. What kind of a Christian leader accepts this, or commends other spiritual practices – saying we can learn from other religions and unites with them in the most intimate way possible, by prayer and fellowship. Whose example is he following? Did Jesus commend the Pharisees; did he try to unite everyone in Israel, or those outside Israel? They certainly were closer than the religions are today. But close is not good enough when it comes to spiritual matters like these.

Kim Clement could not help but prophecy what is next for the Vatican and the church, showing whom he is actually listening too (April 2, 2005).I will bring the Spirit into the Roman Catholic Church and the Vatican there will be an infilling of the spirit of the Cardinals and the priests. This day I have received a servant. This day you call him the Pope. This day I call him My son. This day you said a pope has died, this day I say a servant has won. I have raised up a new voice and a new Spirit that shall come into Italy and I shall invade Europe in a way that I have planned thousands of years ago.” a Spirit filled pope that will raise up a voice and he shall speak the truth” http://www.kimclement.com/words/2005/Apr22005.htm ]

Yeah, right. According to these men there is no antichrist coming, no tribulation, everything is coming up roses. Peace, peace is all they have to say and the people like sheep without the true shepherd are more than willing to listen. Now we have false prophecy (and many more I’m sure) that we lead us into unity with the Roman Catholic Church.

Certain evangelicals have work with Rome for so long they are unable to vocally disagree with their teaching. Because they have a mutual common cause, a friendship has been established- they are in unity. The evangelical church may disagree with some of the things the Pope has said but these things are no longer enough to disturb them and prevent them from uniting with an apostate church. Why? Because many do not regard doctrine as important, they are more concerned with works. Doctrine is the only thing we can use to discern what is straight or crooked. They have reduced themselves to humanitarians only, whose sole intention is to uphold the signpost of morality in a corrupted society and world? They care more about our culture than the TRUTH. The basis to find what we have in common is a wrong foundation, that is the basis of humanism, and no Christian should fall for this type of counterfeit unity.

The fact that so many are willing to unite with Rome whose main intent is to unite all religions that it has moved a good portion of the evangelical wing of the church to be open for a interfaith alliance. Are they actually thinking this through, or are they all on auto-drive without brakes? Either these men do not understand the gospel any longer or they do not have the courage to defend the faith.


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