New Age Movement The UNIVERSAL ENERGIES Of The NEW AGE MOVEMENTThe New age concept of energy is the same as the Occult worldview. They believe there is an energy that flows through all things (which they believe is God as a force) and it is in man as well. This energy needs to be channeled and balanced for it to function in its optimum level. this is the basis fro Pantheism as well as panentheism. PRANA--- FROM ANCIENT HINDUISM, BELIEVES THAT THE UNIVERSAL ENERGY FLOWS FROM THE AIR WE BREATHE. PRANA IN SANSKRIT IS THE WORD FOR "BREATH". MANY OF THE YOGA PRACTICES PLACE MUCH EMPHASIS ON PRANA YAMA. THESE CONCENTRATE PRANA FROM THE AIR AND DISTRIBUTE IT THROUGH OUT THE BODY. MOST PEOPLE THINK THAT YOGA IS A SERIES OF EXERCISES FOR IMPROVING FLEXIBILITY AND MUSCLE TONE--BUT THEY ARE INTENDED TO PRODUCE ALTERED STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS. THE WORD YOGA IS THE SANSKRIT TERM FOR "YOKE" OR UNION WITH BRAHAM THE GOD OF HINDUISM. THE POSITIONS ARE NAMED AFTER HINDU GODS-AND ARE ACTUAL POSITIONS TO CONTACT A GOD (DEMONS). KUNDALINI --- WITHIN THE SPINAL COLUMN IS SAID TO EXIST AN ENERGY CONDUIT. IF PRANA IS CHANNELED THROUGH THIS CANAL, FROM THE BASE OF THE SPINE TO THE BASE OF THE SKULL, ONE CAN EXPERIENCE THE RISING OF THE KUNDALINI. THE KUNDALINI IS A GODDESS AS WELL AS A SNAKE THAT LIES IN COILS IN HER CAVE (KANDA) AT THE BASE OF THE SPINE. NEGATIVE AND POSITIVE ENERGY COILED AROUND THE SPINE AS SNAKES. AS ONE DOES CERTAIN TECHNIQUES THEY ARE ABLE TO RELEASE THIS ENERGY AND HAVE IT TRAVEL UP THE SPINE TO GIVE ONE ENLIGHTENMENT. IDA AND PINGALA--MOON AND SUN (PRACTICED IN YMCA-BOY SCOUTS, SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES). THE PURPOSE OF KUNDALINI YOGA IS TO ROUSE THE SLEEPING KUNDALINI SO THAT SHE STRETCHES, HISSES, AND WRITHES HER WAY UP THROUGH THE SUSHUMNA CHANNEL. BY SUPPRESSING THE PSYCHIC ENERGIES ON EACH SIDE WE FORCE THE SERPENT POWER TO RISE UP TO THE TOP OF THE HEAD WHERE THE LORD SHIVA, THIRD GOD OF THE HINDU'S THREE MAIN GODS ABIDES. SHIVA REPRESENTS PURE CONSCIOUSNESS AND KUNDALINI IS A POWER OF THE GODDESS SHAKTI, THE AIM OF KUNDALINI YOGA IS ACCOMPLISHED WITH THE UNION OR MARRIAGE OF SHIVA AND SHAKTI. CHI---ENERGY CONCEPT IS DERIVED FROM THE ANCIENT CHINESE MYSTICAL PHILOSOPHY KNOWN AS TAOISM. THIS INVISIBLE LIFE ENERGY IS SAID TO FLOW THROUGH ALL LIVING ORGANISMS. CH'I IS SUPPOSEDLY INHALED WITH AIR AND EXTRACTED FROM FOOD AND DRINK. ONCE INSIDE THE BODY, IT FINDS ITS WAY TO THE TWELVE INVISIBLE CHANNELS CALLED MERIDIANS. It flows through the body through 12 invisible channels called meridians 10 of which are associated with known organs, the other two are named for non existent organs (circulation and triple warmer). CLAIMS ARE THAT ILLNESS OCCURS WHEN THE FLOW OF CH'I THROUGH THE BODY IS OBSTRUCTED OR EXCESSIVE IN ANY AREA. Chinese medicine teaches that illness occurs when the chi’ is blocked disrupting the balance of the yin and yang. When the flow of chi’ is regulated and balanced yin and yang are restored and healing occurs. MANA--- IN POLYNESIAN CULTURE UNIVERSAL ENERGY IS CALLED MANA AND IS THE FORCE USED BY POLYNESIAN SHAMANS (KNOWN AS KAHUNAS) IN THE PRACTICE OF "WHITE AND BLACK" MAGIC. SOME HAVE PRAISED KAHUNAS AS BEING HIGHLY SOPHISTICATED, BEING IN TOUCH WITH A COMPREHENSIVE METAPHYSICAL SYSTEM--IT IS ALSO SPIRITUAL AND LEAVES THE DOORS OF CONSCIOUSNESS WIDE OPEN FOR CONTACT WITH SPIRITS. THE KAHUNA TRADITIONS HAVE A COMPLEX SPIRITUAL BODY INVOLVING A SEPARATE INVISIBLE "ETHERIC" BODY FOR EACH OF THREE SELVES: THE LOW, MIDDLE AND HIGH. LOW SELF: PRIMITIVE--CONTROLLING APPETITES AND DESIRES. IT DIRECTS ENERGY WHICH CAN MOVE PHYSICAL OBJECTS. MIDDLE SELF: CONSCIOUS AND RATIONAL--THIS BODY IS THE FORM WHICH ONE'S SPIRIT SURVIVES AFTER DEATH. HIGHER SELF: RESIDENT GOD, OR GUARDIAN ANGEL--KNOWING PAST, PRESENT, AND MUCH OF THE FUTURE. THIS BODY USES A HIGH POWERED ENERGY CALLED MANA LOA, WHICH IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL MIRACULOUS EVENTS. Mary Coddington's book In Search of the Healing Energy correlates a variety of these energy concepts, including the Huna (Polynesian shaman) energy called "Mana," (life force), Mesmer's "animal magnetism," Cayce's "psychic energy," Hahnemann's homeopathic "vital force," D. D. Palmer's chiropractic theory of "innate intelligence," Reich's "orgone energy" and the energies in kundalini yoga, and psychic healing. By whatever name it is called "the healing energy always displays a remarkable similarity" and is frequently portrayed as having an intelligence of its own. Some of the practitioners claim this energy has intelligence but in practice it is the opposite. We are in control, so if it does have intelligence it is not a high degree or at least not as high as mans. If it does have a high intelligence and is divine as some claim, then it is surrendering itself over into man’s control, a lower life form. This would be equivalent to man putting himself into the hands of an animal to dictate how he is to act. What we need to ask is where does this God energy come from? What is its source, since it is in everyone and everything. While it first appears to be controlled by the one dispensing it, nothing could be further from the truth. Further, this energy can act independently, display intelligence, enter a person, and cause the development of psychic powers, radical occultist personality transformation, and spirit possession. Ankerberg and Weldon document quotes in numerous texts such as Swami Muktananda's spiritual autobiography, Play of Consciousness (187), or Da Free John's Garbage and the Goddess (188). For example, ACUPUNCTURE-is based on the Chinese tradition that one’s body functions are controlled by the flow of life energy called Chi’ that runs through the body. Disease and pain are traced to one having either excessive or restricted blockage. Acupuncture tries to restore the free flow of the Chi by stimulating specific points on the body by inserting needles or with small electrical charges to stimulate the energy. Also high and low frequency sound waves are used or a low powered laser. Acupressure- Is based on the same principle except this is done by finger pressure. Other names of this type of acupressure are Myotherapy, which uses what is called trigger points. Orgonomy uses sexual orgasm to free the flow of chi’. Reflexology uses pressure points on the hands and feet that correspond to the internal organs of ones body. Rolfing-manipulates Chi’ by intense massage techniques. Zone therapy manipulates pressure points on the body. Those offering these teachings are practicing Occultists or adopted this practice unaware of its metaphysical connection. They are teachers who may never have thought through the implications of the practices they advocate. They are unaware of the similarities between certain aspects of positive confession and Occultic practices of affirmations and tapping into the spiritual to bring something physical. When someone who is a Christian gets involved in the new age world view they start to believe it is the Holy Spirits working to align energy. But His work has never changed, it is still to convict man of sin and give one understanding in the word. John Ankerberg's issue of News and Views, (June 1988, p.1) reports that these words are used in religious rituals to influence both the spirit world and the material world. Quoting Occult magician David Conway discussing the power of magical words to affect these worlds: "Unseparable from magical speculation about words is the theory of vibrations, which supposes that certain sounds have a powerful acoustic impact on both the spiritual and astral worlds. Like the spiritual world and astral plane can in some circumstances be affected by sound, so that verbal magic may be said to derive its power not only from the idea contained in certain words, but from the peculiar vibrations these words create when spoken" (Magic: an Occult Primer, pp. 74-75). THE NEW AGE AND OCCULT ENERGIES USED IN HOLISTIC HEALTH ALL TEACH THAT
VISUALIZATION, POLARITY THERAPY, APPLIED KINESIOLOGY, AND SHIATSU. The fact that explanations for how these non-traditional therapies work always comes back to the fact that they are so closely connected to this elusive "spiritual" energy force. THE QUESTION TO ASK IS: WHEN DOES ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE BECOME OCCULTIC? Answer: WHEN IT NO LONGER IS A PHYSICAL TREATMENT AFFECTING THE PHYSICAL BODY. INSTEAD, A SPIRITUAL MEANS AND METHOD IS USED TO TREAT THE PHYSICAL BODY.