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The New Breed – identifying the false prophets promises

This term has recently surfaced again through the Lakeland Revival when Bentley had Paul Cain there. It is taken from the Latter Rain teachings, a false theology of the church in dominionism before Jesus returns.

The promoters of this teaching believe they will be transformed and not see death. This is the change that the Bible teaches will happen by the rapture and resurrection 1Thess.4:16-17 (the resurrection is applied to those who died). The new breed (manifest sons of God) are those who are living. that will have the effect of the rapture without Jesus.

This promotes a postmillennial view that is man-centered. Dominionism that is dependent on " super apostles and prophets " who establish the Kingdom on earth without Christ. Without the rapture or resurrection death is defeated. It confuses Christ with the Church and turns end time prophecies on their head.

For many who espouse a Latter Rain teaching this makes perfect sense since they hace accepted God pouring out his spirit on all flesh NOW. The Rapture has been exchanged for church dominionism by the new prophets that want to implement a new government. Rick Joyner, one of these “Prophets,” states in his book the Harvest: “the doctrine of the Rapture was a great and effective ruse of the enemy to implant in the Church a retreat mentality . . . already this yoke has been cast off by the majority in the advancing church, and it will soon be cast off by all

The advancing church that Joyner speaks of are progressives in their theology (they have one). They are those who have changed their end time view of the church, instead they will be victorious on earth with Christ coming back to initiate it.

Many may not use the same exact term they do believe it and use it in principle. Paul Cain taught a new breed, which was a manifest sons of god teaching from the Latter Rain heresy along with various other latter rain teachings from the 40’s.

The new breed has been around since the 80’s and was popularized when the Kansas City prophets were incorporated into the Vineyard Church of John Wimber through Paul Cain. So Cain is the bridge to Branham, to the Vineyard and to the prophets that are under Peter Wagner today.

The prophetic movement that flourished in the Vineyard introduced and popularized the five fold ministry. That Apostles and prophets are now to be at the helm to steer the Church. Prophecies such as “God has invited us to have a role in establishing this New Order of Christianity” were continually spoken by the prophets.

The new breed of which Cain speaks about is found in hundreds of thousands of believers manifesting signs and wonders that will do greater works than at any other time in history, greater works than those of the apostles. This generation born would be a great End-Time supernatural Army that God would raise up to move in the "Prophetic". Called by various names- Joel's Army", "New Breed", "Elijah Company", "Manchild" or "Overcomers" they will conquer opposition to the gospel and subdue the nations before Jesus would come.

The Manifest Sons of God interpretation of Rom.8 is that a certain group of overcomers will attain immortalization after coming to perfection under the authority of the latter-day apostles and prophets teachings (of which he is one). They will be able to move in and out of the supernatural and natural realms, even have the ability to walk through walls.

This is Paul Cain's explanation: "So my point is, that there will be a manifestation of the sons and daughters of God. And it won't be this baloney that we've heard of in the past; I mean, there's been a few people tried to walk through a wall like this over here and knocked their brain loose, but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about a true manifested son of God: if anyone walks through this wall over here, they're not going to tell you about it- I mean, they're just going to do it. And sons of God don't tell you they're sons of God, they'll just show You! Amen!"' (Paul Cain, The New breed.)

Bill Hamon a prophet under Wagner also promotes this new breed teaching “At that time the sons of God will be fully manifested on the earth. Widespread spiritual warfare will result with the sons of God doing battle with Satan and company, the non-Christian nations of this world will also be defeated. Once the earth has been subdued, Jesus will come back to earth and be given the Kingdom that has been won for Him by this "manchild company." The Manifested Sons of God doctrine teaches that these sons will be equal to Jesus Christ: immortal, sinless, perfected sons who have partaken of the divine nature. They will have every right to be called gods and will be called gods" (Prophets and the Prophetic Movement Bill Hamon).

I think this statement sums up the whole matter and shows us how completely unbiblical their teaching is. The prophets that were once under Wimber and are now associates of Peter Wagner and have been speaking of this for years. Those who are Latter Rain promoters are all in agreement.

Paul Cain: “I want you to know he's coming to the church before he comes FOR the church. He's gonna perfect the Church so the church can be the Image, and be him, and be his representation.” (Paul Cain: Nov 88, Tape: “My Father's House”)’

This New Breed teaching has been promoted for many years “It now appears that God is raising up a New Breed of leadership to do the 'new thing'. This NEW BREED will be young and fresh with a pioneering spirit - whether chronologically young or old in age. Last year I had the opportunity to meet several young men whom I believe represents this NEW BREED of leadership ... We invite you to learn more about Mike Bickle, a part of God's NEW BREED for the' 99s (FULLNESS FELLOWSHIP COMMUNIQUE Vol. 3, No. 4. April 1990)

The Latter Rains "New Breed" are supermen, a race of Christians whose bodies will be transformed, not by the coming of the Lord, but by a secret coming that would have them overcome death. This new breed of Christians is what is called the manifest sons of God doctrine of the Latter Rain.

Not only will they not have diseases, they will also not die. They will have the kind of imperishable bodies that are talked about in the 15th chapter of Corinthians ... this army is invincible. If you have intimacy with God, they can't kill you.” (Paul Cain, “Joel's Army,” 1990 cited in Documentation of the Aberrant Practices and Teachings of Kansas City Fellowship p. 218.)

Both John Wimber and Jack Deere spoke of the invincibility of this army. Jack Deere says, " they won't be able to kill this army." John Wimber said, "those in this army will have the 'kind of anointing ...his kind of power ... anyone who wants to harm them must die.

They would be empowered to do signs and wonders beyond anything we have seen In the mobilizing the prophetic conference Mike Bickle reiterates Cain’s vision:

“The second thing is an unprecedented display of power -releasing signs and wonder s so far beyond the early church. The stadiums of the earth filled. I believe over a billion people coming in the great harvest. I believe the second message of the forerunners, the great harvest- a billion with signs and wonders greater than what the apostles did combined with what Moses did. I believe what Moses and the apostles did is gonna be combined and multiplied on a global level and it will be common to see the stadiums of the earth filled and a billion people coming to the Lord within an unprecedented display of power. (National School of the Prophets: Mike Bickle Friday May 12, 2000)

‘the forerunners”- plural. Meaning a great company, Joel’s army (many Elijah’s and other Bible names are applied) to bring in the end time harvest. They ignore believers being servants to evangelize the nations, instead, we need something GREATER.

Called to identify the New Breed of men, Cain’s (and their) mission, was to initiate the “Endtime Ministry." But the question is what end time ministry will they initiate? As Jesus warned us “many false prophets will rise up and deceive many”(Matt 24:11) and further in his series of warnings he stated v.24 "For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.”

Jesus never spoke of an end time army of prophets that will do signs and wonders, he warned against this.

Nevertheless this New Breed of people would be the most powerful people in the history of humanity. "Joel's Army" individually manifest as Sons of God. Paul Cain: "No prophet or apostle ever lived equal the power of these individuals in this great army of the Lord in these last days. No one ever had it, not even Elijah, or Peter, or Paul or anyone else enjoyed the power that's going to rest upon, uh, this, uh, great Army.

Cain says of Joel's Army (based on Joel 2):

"I told you about ... this recurring [35 year-old] vision I had.... The angel of the Lord said, 'You're standing at the crossroads of life. What do you see?' And I saw a brilliantly lit billboard which reads, 'Joel's Army now in training.' . . . .I believe one day soon Joel's Army will be in training ... until it graduates into the stadium .... But a right understanding of the plan of God for this generation brings this tremendous inclusion.... God's offering to you, this present generation, a greater privilege than was ever offered any generation at any time from Adam clear down through the millennium."

"I had a vision of you people coming from . . . a circle of maybe a hundred miles and I saw people coming from every major city within that circumference and a great conclave was taking place, and it was the training of Joel's Army. . . . I believe that people are going to come together by the thousands and train for the Army of the Lord. Wouldn't that be wonderful? I mean, that's long overdue." (Grace Ministries tape)

Paul Cain was promisedOne day he would be allowed to stand before a new breed of men and women leaders.” His waiting is over by pronouncing Todd Bentley the first of the new breed.

May, 5 2008. Paul Cain: prays to the Father in the name of Jesus “I thank you that you have answered my prayer that you have let me live to see tokens of this revival are be involved in it in some way or a participant if possible AND LORD YOU HAVE NEVER HAS ALLOWED ME TO SAY THAT I HAVE MET THE NEW BREED, ABSOLUTELY- MET THE NEW BREED. And when you brought Todd Bentley and I together the angel of the Lord said “you have found what you are looking for,” this is a man without guile. Cain stutters in trying to pull together a bible example using the man up in the tree Zachais and is helped by Bentley and those on stage to realize it Nathaniel “behold Nathaniel in whom there is no guile. I couldn’t believe when people were criticizing Todd that surely had some kind of guile in him and the lord spoke to me as clearly as he has ever spoken before, and I’ve stood by the notables and the greats that had the greatest healing ministry of all times and I’ve never met anyone that has the integrity and the possibilities of leading this thing into a worldwide revival. And I just want to confer and bless whatever I can do,… I just place to myself to hear from the Lord and to transfer and to give to my brother who has given so much to others and soo much to me, everything you have ever deposited into my life that I didn’t know how to give away I’m giving it to my brother tonight to carry on this revival until the stadiums all over the world have been, uh… catching this, have been carriers of it and taking it from one end of the world to the other and thank you I’VE MET THE NEW BREED TONIGHT.”

Bentley finished Paul Cain’s stay on the platform by saying to Paul Cain and his audience “We honor a great prophet of the Lord, may God anoint every new breed that’s out there tonight anoint them (repeats anoint them about 10 times) … raise up a new breed, raise up a healing army oh god, you said this day was coming a Joel’s army being released. Its here, its now, and we’re not going back.”

False prophets Bob Jones and Paul Cain have proclaimed to Bentley that he was the first fruits of the New Breed that was prophesied to work mighty signs and wonders and fill stadiums to overflowing as fulfilling Paul Cain’s vision.

Bobby Conner also writes something similar about Bentley. It has been my delight to serve on the board of Todd Bentley's ministry advisors. I've been able to watch this young man from the early days of his ministry. God has placed an awesome anointing upon Todd's life. I believe he is a forerunner of a new breed that God is now raising up - part of a breed of believers with great grace and anointing." (Bobby Conner, EaglesView Ministries "http://www.bobbyconner.org)

So we should not be surprised to have seen many of the prophetic players on stage with Bentley as this scenario unfolded.

Bill Hamon is one who has promoted the various teachings on the Latter Rain and John Eckhardt an apostle under Wagner also teaches about the new breed. At The National school of the prophets

For all over the earth there is a new breed being raised up. There was a new leadership coming into place and many men and women are taking their place in leadership and the apostles are rising and the prophets are rising…” “Open up your hearts, open up your spirits right now. Receive it. Receive it. Receive it. Receive it. A new breed. A new breed. A new breed. A new breed. Receive it. Receive it. Receive it. Receive it. Receive it. Receive it. It’s coming upon you right now. It’s coming upon you right now. It’s coming upon you right now. By faith. Receive it. Receive it.” “And the Lord said, “And each city and each region a new breed of prophetic and apostolic leaders shall be raised up and you shall begin to do what you could not do before and you shall begin to release my grace and my anointing upon the people” (National School Of The Prophets “Mobilizing The Prophetic Office” John Eckhardt - Friday, 5/12/00, - Session 12 Transcribed from audio).

He writes in his book Moving in the Apostolic: “The Lord is raising up a new breed of believers with an endtimes apostolic and prophetic anointing to shake nations” ( Moving in the apostolic p.40 John Eckhardt)

A new installment of leadership that we now see as the Apostles and prophets are to train and perfect the New Breed and bring in a shift, the "NEW ORDER" of government on the earth that will supposedly rule through the church. They want to see the Churches unite and come under the authority of their NEW Apostolic Network. As the new apostles’ and prophets’ words are to be obeyed just as the first century apostles.

Nowhere does the Bible mention a NEW BREED of people for the last days. According to the Scriptures we are all equal in faith, grace, having the Holy Spirit and have been given spiritual gifts that will be exercised by faith.

The NEW BREED is one of the most dangerous and divisive doctrines. Besides being completely unbiblical, it is spiritual eliteism. Hitler obsessed himself with the spiritual idea of a NEW BREED of people, a NEW ORDER that would reign for 1,000 years and we see how that worked out. When great power lays in the hands of a few there is danger.

It was early 1983, Bob Jones heard about a group of young people at a new church in the south Kansas City. After visiting them, he knew this was some of the “new breed” the Lord had told him about in the visions in 1976. Jones was used supernaturally to confirm the Word of the Lord to the leadership team.

Bob Jones spoke of a NEW BREED:

"The children are the best of all the generations that have ever been upon the face of the earth. . . those ELECTED SEEDS that will glorify Christ in the last days. .. they will move into things of the supernatural that no one has ever been in the Bible - They'll move in it consistently. . . they themselves will be that generation that's raised up to put death itself underneath their feet. . . . a church that has reached the full maturity of the god- man!“ (Transcripts, Kansas City Fellowship, 1988 Interview Bob Jones with Mike Bickle).

Paul Cain "…contain the good of all the previous moves and much more, to lead the church of Jesus Christ into the greatest season of harvest, manifestation of power and glory and righteousness that the world has ever known."

Recently, Bob had a vision of the new breed coming forth. In his vision tells us the new breed that will be of the divine nature and have resurrection power and perfectly obedient. These are excerpts of THE NEW BREED August 4, 2008:
”There is a coming forth of the NEW BREED!  They are not old and they are not young.  They will come forth in the Spirit of Holiness.   
(Rom 1:4…).

The Spirit of Holiness coming forth is the divine nature of Christ.(2 Peter 1:4-10)
The new breed shall be of the divine nature and will be a friend with God.
(John 15:15)
I do not call you servants (slaves) any longer; for the servant does not know what his master is doing (working out). But I have called you My friends, because I have made known to you everything that I have heard from My Father. [I have revealed to you everything that I have learned from Him.]

The Spirit of holiness coming forth will have resurrection power in it and this power will bring the obedience of what Christ called us to.
(Mt 10:8) cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, drive out demons.”  ”Most of the people Bob saw were between the ages of 25 & 40.  They will be the first of the new breed which others will immediately begin to follow and they will not fall back.

The Spirit of Holiness is different than the Holy Spirit although it works by the Holy Spirit.  The Spirit of Holiness is the nature of Christ in you coming forth in maturity. 
Christ formed in you to a new level of maturity
. Paul’s prayer will be answered; he travailed until Christ be formed in you. (Gal 4:19) suffering birth pangs until Christ is formed in us.”

Those who will walk forth in the Spirit of Holiness will be individuals who will represent Christ in a new level of maturity
These will be the first of the great youth leaders which countless numbers will follow.   

Christ was the first of the new breed coming forth resurrected by the Spirit of Holiness. 
This new breed will be motivated by the Spirit of God doing nothing of themselves but only doing what they see the Father doing. (John 5:19)” http://www.bobjones.org

“When Heaven Touches Earth by Paul Cain:”

“The coming move of God is going to be a lot different than I ever thought—and I’m sure it will be different than you thought, too. The Lord is going to move in a completely new way, unlike anything we have ever seen before.

It is good to look for precedents in Scripture and in church history, but many of the things that God will do in the days ahead are truly unprecedented. In fact, God has set somewhat of a precedent for doing unprecedented things. There never had been a precedent for a burning bush, but He used a burning bush as a powerful sign (see Exodus 3). Moses didn’t have any doctrinal or theological foundation to prepare him for his encounter with this burning bush. God simply put His glory on a bush that burned without being consumed, and Moses turned aside to see.

Like the burning bush, the church will again shine with the glory of the Lord. Though the bush was merely an inanimate plant impregnated with God’s glory, the church will be a living body that is glorious beyond description. Like the burning bush, we will be a sign that people will turn aside to see.

The holy radiation of God will drive out all kinds of illnesses in these last days, and it will be the number one cure for cancers, AIDS and all kinds of communicable diseases. God will once more do things that are unprecedented. He will do things that are different from anything He has ever done before.” (Morningstar Ministries http://www.eaglestar.org 11/17/97)

So lets ignore that the Scripture states in Heb. 1:1-2: “God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things” Lets ignore the continual revelation God gave to certain people throughout history until the final culmination, the Living word that became the Word, (66 books). Paul wrote that it is the Scripture “that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Tim. 3:17). Taking the Latter Rain position we would have to ignore the book of Revelation where God does tell us what will take place at the end. Instead we are to accept God will continue to give new revelation through these modern prophets and do miracles in ways completely unheard of before. Then the Bible is not complete and cannot be for us a measure of what is or is not from God.

"As we see the day approaching, there's going to be cleansing ... there's going to be a purging coming forth ... and... and God's new breed will come forth ..." ? (Bob Jones, Kansas City Prophets, Vineyard International).

A cleansing, that is what the Occultists (Alice Bailey type new agers) call it that are trying to reshape the world into the new world order. There is an ongoing war for the church. Everyone is involved in this whether they like it or not, you cannot sit this one out. Who will you side with? The new apostles and prophets that promise Biblical distortions or those who want to adhere to the faith that was delivered to us all through the Bible.

Considering that Paul Cain pronounced Bentley as the new breed without any protest from his spiritual comrades we should assume he identified it correctly. This means their whole teaching on this matter is closed as Bentley had the plug pulled on him by God himself. Lakeland was used to promote something far more reaching and it was halted. But the Latter Rain movement is aggressive and will not let this failure deter their goals. Soon it will be restarted. The question the body of Christ needs to ask themselves is if they have learned anything from this latest debacle. God by His grace may not intervene this next time, He may let the deception runs its course. May God’s mercy be greater than his judgment.


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