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A new spinning.gif (3875 bytes) THING

After Rodney Browne spoke at Carpenter's home Church, delivering what would be the first of many new things to come in our decade (during his speaking this people are cackling and busting out laughing)".…Karl Strader got up and said" and I just want everybody here this morning to understand God is doing a new thing in our midst, its not going to get better by those that are religious if your thinking better or worse, for those of you that are religious its going to get worse but for those of us that are under the anointing its going to get better." (Karl Strader, Carpenters home church)

I agree, its getting worse but not for the religious, but for everyone involved. This whole package has been preprogrammed into the church and is only now beginning to gel. It is beginning to stick like glue, and those who bind to it will find very soon, it is next to impossible to separate from it.

The favorite scripture and the current cliché' most used by the modern neo- Pentecostals is Isaiah 43:19 " Behold, I do a New thing,- now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it?" This was originally found in the Latter Rain movement that began at the Sharon orphanage 50 years ago. Herrick Holt was preaching that God was going to be doing a "new thing" in accordance with the prophecy of Isaiah 43:18-19 While the Pentecostal movement in the 50's eventually had many people leave the new thing, we see the very opposite is occurring today, people are wanting it.

From this new thing in the 50's came the birth of Laying on of hands for the gifts was invented. Impartation by touch is the belief that, certain anointed people have a God given ability to 'impart' the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, the gift of tongues and other talents, gifts, and special powers. We can see this now being practiced by the new (TV) Pentecostals.

This new thing seems to be the term of choice in describing the different levels of progression in the current Charismatic revival. This new thing produced various aberrant teachings. That some can completely overcome this fallen world by gaining further knowledge and Wisdom in the Spirit. That the true man is spirit, and by the spirit man speaking the word in faith, (positive confession) we can rise above sin, sickness and even for some death. The word/faith movement, the power of the tongue was introduced. As God spoke things into existence (Rom.4) so can we with faith.

"God's Word is creative and It must manifest what was spoken in its designated, decreed season and time. It matters not whether It's spoken through our mouth, the mouth of Jesus, or one of the prophets. Provided It's spoken in context and in the right season, It cannot fail to bring into being what was said."(The Feast of Tabernacles Part III Seasons and Times.) As Benny Hinn says "Under this anointing the words I speak cannot fall to the ground, under this anointing everything I say happens." (TBN with Paul and Jan Crouch Sept. 13 1999)

Copeland speaks of our words not just Gods that have power and are eternal "Words are the most sacred things....This is a word planet...governed by words...created by words....Words cause it to function...cause life...cause death....Words go on forever....Words are holy." (The Abrahamic Covenant, side 1.)

"Words are spiritual containers," (Kenneth Copeland, Forces of the Recreated Human Spirit, 15; cf. 14.)

The influence on the Word of Faith movement was a combination of Gnostic dualism and affirmations of the new age movement, all which were found earlier in the birth of the Latter Rain in 1948. Through the use of words (which have creative power when mixed with faith) we can overcome the material world and have it do our bidding. The teaching of divine health is for everyone by faith, divine healing is imparted by the laying on of hands through the anointed prophet or apostle who prays the prayer of faith.

Also Physical death will be conquered by the manifest sons of God {a view still held by many and becoming more popular under different terms}. Ultimately we become so glorified that we will be transformed into spiritual-beings without the 2nd coming of Christ.

The new thing holds the belief that God is currently restoring all the ministry gifts back to the Church as they were in the apostolic era. The 5 fold ministry will become active again the office of the prophet and apostle will be our leadership just as they were in the first century Church. Personal and directive prophecy for the Christian's life and ministry are also found coming from the new prophets. The women's role to equal ministry as pastor in the Church, and prophetesses is restored as well.

Through this new restoration movement the church becomes militant with its newly discovered strength. Spiritual warfare is done by identifying strongholds and then go into praise and worship march's to pull down the strongholds of the enemy. By doing this warfare pre-evangelism first, the Church is able to do evangelism and take back the land the people the enemy stole.

THE NEW thing of the Holy Spirit presumption or consumption?

Marc Dupont "This move of the Spirit in 1994 is not just a charismatic and Pentecostal experience, concerning power or gifting. It is one thing to be clothed with power; it is another to be indwelt with the Person of God."( Marc Dupont, of the Toronto Vineyard in "Mantle of Praise" article)

I thought this is what the bible said, we receive Christ when we first believe. 2 Cor.6:19 "For you are the temple of the living God. (Jn.14:16) Christ in you the hope of glory. All the basic meanings of Scripture are changed and become putty under the new leadership being put in place.

To those who espouse the Latter Rain teaching the First Pentecost was given under the instruction of Jesus where the disciples would be "clothed with power from on high". The Second Pentecost, the Latter Rain which they claim is the present renewal, is about the incarnation of Christ into His Body to manifest the glory. It is not a physical return but a spiritual one. Where the church becomes filled with his deity and power. It is literally Gods glory manifested in the church. The church becomes a sign's and wonders army as they follow the government set up by the new apostolic leadership.

"Redemption" magazine, comments-that -in I970 Arthur Wallis returned from New Zealand convinced that a "cosmic upheaval" involving the Church would usher in the Lord's Return, and had set up meetings to accomplish this. The American Fort Lauderdale group, he says, had embarked on the same agenda and 'the leaders of the new churches all shared the same goat the rebuilding, or 'restoring" of the present-day Church to its New Testament splendour. And they shared the same convictions: that God was actively at work in the last days to bring this rebuilding to pass. Those Christians who had come to believe that a period of luke-warmness and backsliding in the Church would be a sign of the nearness of Christ's return were wrong - the era of the apostle, not the day of apostasy was at hand." (Doing A New Thing? 1995 Brian Hewitt. Quoted in Discernment Newsletter) There is no Scriptural proof for this view of a restoration of power. This is championed by many that are leading the Church into this new paradigm. Where does the bible teach a new apostolic movement at the end of time instead of an apostasy?

Bill Hamon who is part of the initial group of the new prophets says, "New recruits are now being drafted and trained and older soldiers and generals are being put through intensified training for the next advancement of the Church Army. They are being purified by the Baptism of Fire... Are you Ready? Where do you start? What will you do? A new government must be established, a now way of life for those millions of people. You are now ready to rule and reign on your overcomer's throne!"

What many of these men are teaching is a spiritual a coup d'etat, which is a sudden overthrow of government, usually by military means. The old government must go to bring in the new. The new government is taught that it will be upon the church's shoulders, while the bible teaches it is on Jesus' (Isa.9:6)

The birth of the new thing

J. Wimber who was influential in the new paradigm for the church stated "... I think we're all delighted with babies but I don't think very many of us want to attend the birthing process. And I believe what we have In the church is a birthing, process. " (HTB in focus newsletter interview of J. Wimber Oct.9,1994, Mainstream, spring 95) There have been "birthing rooms" where the woman in travail and labor pains and pushes and cries out in birth. The End-times church of the " new thing " has matured by experience into the birth of its sonship.

"The last day church is being birthed now out of the old church, and the old leadership is coming to an end and the new young leadership is being raised up to reign over an end time church that will bring forth the Bride" (Bob Jones Visions and Revelations, 1988).

A new breed is being raised up as prophet Bob Jones and many others speak of power and authority given to the leaders so that the government will rest upon their shoulders. Paul Cain "...the Lord has well planted this seed of the New Bride and the New Breed. He's about to open the womb and He's about to give birth to this New thing ... when the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us we beheld the glories of the only begotten of the Father and when YOU begin to become that Word, I want you to know the world will behold the glory of the Father and that's what we're waiting to see. I want you to now that we're going to have some channeling one of these days, but it's going to be channeled right out of the throne room of heaven. ( VINEYARD. Prophetic Conference. 1989, transcripts)

Rich Joyner has prophesied, "They will surely be saying of us, 'He saved the best for last.'" Likewise So does Rod Parsley," God has saved the best for last and you happen to be it." (Breakthrough Jan.7, 2000) Does the Bible teach of a church that will conquer the land or world, that has greater apostles and prophets? Absolutely NOT!

Marc Dupont gave a prophecy called "Vision for 1996" that includes the statement "it will take a total of 40 months before the soil is really ready" and "May 1997 is going to be a time of breakthrough". BIRTH PANGS: The phenomenon known as "birthing in the Spirit" now regularly takes place at renewal meetings. Both men and women are hunch over in the birth position, suffering contractions, and groan in "labour" and even have the help of "midwives". One Toronto "prophecy" told the Church to: 'push forth the Word of God. The Doctor is coming and I would have you drop the baby into His hands... Oh church of God, you must labor Squat in prayer and push forth this child. For I am birthing a new people... Your birth pangs are merely mirroring what is happening in heaven. I say to you, Jesus and all the angels are beginning to squat... Do you want to see the glory of God revealed?... then push for the time has come!"

"when the Spirit of Christ comes into the physical world, He must enter through a physical body... Christ first entered our world as a child, it was Mary whom God chose to give Christ birth. Mary's life symbolized the qualities the Church must possess to walk in the fullness of Christ .. [God is preparing us] as He did Mary to give birth to the ministry of His Son- Even now, in the spiritual womb of the virgin Church, the holy purpose of Christ is growing, awaiting maturity ready to be born in power in the timing of God ... the virgin Church is "in labour and in pain to give birth" (Rev 12:1-2) ... even now, hell trembles and the heavens watch in awe, for I say to you, once again, the virgin is with child. Before Jesus Himself returns, the last virgin Church shall become pregnant with the promise of God. Out of her travail, the Body of Christ shall come forth, raised to the full statute of its Head, the Lord Jesus. Corporately manifested in holiness, power and love, the Bride of Christ shall arise" [my emphasis] (Francis Frangipane,' In the Presence of God" New Wine Press 1994. Chapter: "The Virgin Shall Be With Child" pages 153-157)

Frangipanes view is classic Latter rain theology as the church is the virgin that now gives birth to Christ in fullness of power. This is also an allegorical interpretation of scripture replacing the literal meaning. Interpretation is left in the eye of the beholder.

Alice Bailey theosophist and New Ager said a similar thing, [the New Group of World' Servers) ... are overseeing or ushering, in the new age and are present at the birth pangs' of the new civilization... (Externalization, p. 70) Is this coincidence? Hardly there are too many quotes of this happening from the new age and inside the new movement in the church.

The birth has come as Rod Parsley states,"1999 was the year of supernatural birthing year 2,000 we are coming out of the spiritual womb a new creation a new church of Jesus Christ with new power, new vision, new victory new vigor I'm looking forward to marching victorious into this new millennium with you Gods revolutionary army is on the move…" (Breakthrough Jan7,2000) lots of new things going on.

The allegorical interpretation is found in such statements as Willy Hinns teaching of Hosea's prophecy promoted on Brother Bennys 'This is your day " program. Hosea mentions that the people being raised on the third day. That there was 2,000 ft. between the people and Joshua and the ark that had the glory. That represents two days therefore …well you get the idea. Today is the third day, we are now in the third millennium, so the glory is come.

One can only wonder what is coming out?

Here's our answer "Sarah is a type of the Church. The Church is 'withered', and its womb is dried up in many places, but God is sending a revival of joy to awaken and renew the Church so that she can bring forth the 'man-child' of joy, even the army of overcomers who will go forth in the likeness and image of the Lord in these last days." (End-Time Handmaidens, Inc., Angel Letter #2, Sept./Oct. 1994.quoted in Discernment newsletter)

Remember Isaac meant laughter which the church has already experienced, I believe according to their own interpretation we now have Jacob (deceiver, conniver) operating inside. On the slippery slope of false doctrines one thing certainly leads to another.

The Church had become pregnant ready to give birth! Never mind that the scriptures teach she is a chaste bride, a VIRGIN, who is to stay in this state. "hidden in the womb of the Church" is the Corporate Christ the "manchild" which has long been anticipated, now finally come forth from its womb "birthed" as a unique "new" revival. The followers of the "New thing" are being anointed by the Toronto outpourings and various other anointing's from "the anointed." the glory we are told is manifesting, and soon after the anointed company will receive the "fulness" of the Spirit as the Glory descends permanently from heaven. This has begun as the gold flakes raining down to cover those who are already marching on the road of delusion with the new leaders. It was Franklin Hall that was into UFO's and some very Occultic ideas in the early latter rain that said "The sparkling shining FINE GOLD and SILVER are seen upon their SKIN, brought about through the faith-power of impartation. The polished brass, the beryl stone appearances are even now manifested today." So all this is nothing new.

Its not by chance that we here the same goals and principles being taught by many in the new age movement. Barbara Marx-Hubbard in her book, The Revelation: Our Crisis is a Birth." In it her "inner Christ" tells her: "In each person on Earth there is an inner being in a chrysalis,--ready to be born. Turn to it for guidance. Let it speak to' you. It is growing rapidly now. The signal for its birth on masse is the gathering of the attracted people by the sound of the voice of God - the trumpet' that shall surely sound. Then we shall be changed in the twinkling of an eye ... At the Quantum Instant, Christ-consciousness will emerge it once in many who are prepared" (Barabra Marx Hubbard - The Book of co-creation, The Revelation: Our Crisis is a Birth" pp. 123-124.)

Signs of the Times

"We are on earth as extensions of God to finish the work He began. We are the essence of God, His on-going incarnation in the world." ( Earl Paulk, Held In The Heavens 1985, p. p. 125.) Either Paulk misunderstands what the incarnation actually is or he is intentionally distorting it. He was clearly ahead of his time on this, and now the many have caught up. Kenneth Copeland "We are 'little gods' and even part of God with all the power of God; and we are 'little messiahs,' everything that Jesus ever was." (The Berean Call, 1992 Media Spotlight Special Report, Feb 94)

A prophecy by Bob Jones " And now my government is in place, and in a time of great stress I shall bring forth my next step, for Toronto was a step, Brownsville was another step; My next step will be my glory, and signs like you have never seen before..."(The Remnant Seed" Hamilton, Ontario, March 1998.)

Benjamen Crème said of Maitreya the new age Christ, "Those who search for signs will find them," he " is going to flood the world with such happenings that the mind can never comprehend it... Because Maitreya hopes, by means of these ‘miracles’ to strengthen the climate of hope and expectancy in to which he can emerge as the Teacher for all humanity (November 1977) To follow miracles and signs of power can be disastrous as they were never a way to vindicate ones ministry.

The Government will be upon the Churches shoulders

Franklin Hall In his book, Subdue the Earth, Rule the Nations, quotes Revelation 12:5, and equates the man child of the sun-clothed woman with the overcomers: The man-child company will have dominion of this planet first. Those who possess a house may decide who shall occupy it. In the same manner, as a group from the church take up their authority and rulership of the planet that God gave them, they will likewise be able to choose whom they will, to occupy it. (Franklin Hall ' Subdue The Earth, Rule The Nations, p. 11 (Franklin Hall Ministries, 1966).

In Latter Rain thinking, the Manchild is the Head of the Woman who is the worldwide Church, the denominations and traditional Christians. It is the CHURCH that is persecuted by Satan during the endtimes, according to this view. It is the perfected, ruling, glorified Manchild Company who cares for the woman in her hour of need. It is the glorified Manchild, who woes her and reveals truth to her.

Kingdom now (dominionists) adherents consider the man child," to be the fulfillment of Revelation 12:1-5: "And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars....And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron." Clearly in context this is of Jesus. As many have abandoned the doctrine of the rapture/ resurrection we find the later part of vs.5 explaining he is caught up to heaven and His throne.

This allegorical interpretation of Rev. 12:5 is not consistent with Scripture. The manchild is caught tip to heaven while the woman who gave him birth is later driven into the wilderness. How can the manchild who is suppose to be in heaven as the earth is purged then be ruling with a rod of iron. Scripture is clear that we co- rule and reign after Christ returns to the earth. We cannot exercise this prior to his return if the Church will be with Jesus at His return (Jude 14-15). But all that is changed as well, as the rapture (whenever it may occur) is abandoned. Most agree the manchild is Christ who is caught up to heaven at the fathers right hand now. The woman is the nation Israel who flees into the place prepared waiting through the tribulation (1260 days coincides with halfway through a 7 year tribulation)

We are told the Kingdom Age is upon us, we don't have to wait. As overcomers they ( the anointed from the new thing) will take control of the church first and rule the kingdoms of this world. But the Scripture clearly refers this to Jesus, as he is the only one worthy to rule. There is no kingdom without the King! For he alone is worthy to rule.

There is none more militant preaching church dominionism than Rod Parsley. Parsley tells people to join the army appealing to our patriotism to the Lord, and join in Gods end time work. "Don't look now but there's just about to be a revolution. Things are about to get turned right side up. Parsley preaching at the top of his lungs (as if there is not microphone) "I'm a tongue talking fire breathing holy ghost terrorist to the kingdom of darkness." (Breakthrough Jan.7,2000)

"I'm not about ready to wait on the mayor to give me the key to a door that God told me to kick down. I'm talkin' about a new church for a new millennium" The bible says that Jesus opens the door that no man can shut. Parsley who seems to think he has so much power doesn't need Jesus to open the door, a door he never ordered to break down.

"I'm not talkin' about asking permission to come in, I'm talking about becoming an intruder and making a forced entry." The kingdom of heaven is not where the rule of god is invited, the kingdom of heaven is where the rule of God is imposed. I'm trying to find somebody whose ready to step over the line and out of the comfort zone to invade enemy held territory…"

Were gonna be in the drivers seat before he splits the eastern sky and time is ticking down its close to the last inning and were up to bat, its our ball, its our field, its our bat, and our daddy is the umpire."

I gotta tell you this now… I quoted to you Mt.'s gospel chpt.11 from the days of John the baptist til now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force." (Jan.7,2000 Breakthrough)

This idea of imposing Gods rule on others is not only non biblical but Jesus spoke against such a kingdom as he said my kingdom is not of this earth nor do my followers fight for it. This statement should not be overlooked! Israel wanted Jesus to overthrow Rome but He refused to take the kingdom by force. Many in the church throughout history did impose what they thought was the kingdom on others and it was destructive. The kingdom was never put in sinners hands to enforce. Parsley poses an interesting scenario in light of the clear statement of the bible which states, that the return of Jesus was for the very reason that mankind would spiral down to its lowest point ever, there would be no way out except by his 2nd coming (Mt.24:21-22) It is his coming that saves the world from self destruction. There is no christianized government , education, nation or TV station. It becomes united in a false spirituality that looks like it is of God but is actually anti God. Nations won't be "Christianized" until our sovereign, Christ Jesus, comes and separates the sheep from the goats and he rules with a rod of iron.

The Emergence of the "NEW" Apostles

Bill Hamon stated at the National Symposium on the Post-Denominational Church convened by Dr. C. Peter Wagner at Fuller Seminary, May 21-23, 1996. That "this was a historical occasion in God's annals of Church history. It was prophetically orchestrated by the Holy Spirit to fulfill God's progressive purposes of bringing His church to its ultimate destiny. . . the consensus of the panelists was that there are still apostles and prophets in the Church, and there is an emerging Apostolic Movement that will revolutionize the 21st Century Church".

C. Peter Wagner "I believe that the government of the church is finally coming into place and that is that the scripture teaches in Eph. 2 that the foundation of the church is apostle and prophets, previous to this decade of the 80's and the 90's we practically ignored prophets and apostles and now were seeing, that I believe is a major reason were going to new levels in prayer were going to new levels in spiritual warfare, were going to new levels in healing and miracles were going to new levels in deliverance of demonic deliverance and so that’s this is the new era we are going into and I don't know if it is coincidental or what but its just as we are moving into the new millennium." (CBN interview Jan.3, 2000)

First of all there is no levels mentioned as a word or principle in the bible. There is the principle of dedication and servanthood. Second, the government is only now coming in place! It was always in place, as Eph.2 states the Church had already been built on the apostles and prophets and these are the ones we should be listening to. Instead of reading their writings we want live instructions from leaders for our modern culture. But we already have living instructions from Christ through his chosen apostles.

Bob Jones prophesies" And now my government is in place, and in a time of great stress I shall bring forth my next step, "(The Remnant Seed" Hamilton, Ontario, March 1998.)

"The company of prophets will help restore the apostles back into their rightful place in the church. The full restoration of apostles and prophets back into the church will bring divine order, unity, purity, and maturity to the corporate Body of Christ." (Bill Hamon)

Rick Joyner states "the Lord will raise up a great company of prophets, teachers, pastors and apostles that will be of the spirit of Phinehas ... this "ministry of Phinehas" will save congregations, and at times, even whole nations" (Rick Joyner The Harvest)

"I think the most wonderful thing God is doing for us in these last days is raising up and restoring completely apostolic leadership, apostolic authority-the hope of the church, the hope of the world, is the apostolic ministry...So here God is raising up a new standard, a new banner, if you will, that's going to radically change the expression, the understanding of Christianity in our generation ... God has invited us to have a role in establishing this New Order of Christianity ... God is offering to this generation something He has never offered to any other generation before. He's giving us an open invitation to participate in something that will lead to the prize of all the ages ... It's greater than anything He's ever done from Adam clear down through the millennium." (Vineyard Prophecy School 1989) p. 32 Beware of the new prophets by Bill Randles

Magnificent results are promised to transpire as the church comes under its "new" leadership of apostles and prophets. So we are told as the incentive for submitting to their leadership. But to claim it would be greater than the first apostles and even in the Millennium when Christ rules is stretching the credulity of even the naïve. Its obvious it will not be Christ ruling but the church in his place. Lets all pat ourselves on the back for a future job well done.

Out with the Old in with the New (target year 2000)

"Everywhere we go throughout the world many church leaders are talking about a significant visitation of god in the new millennium. Even Pope John Paul is talking about some form of revival." Ralph Martin is the founder of word of God community in Ann Arbour Michigan and is a spokesman for the charismatic wing of the Catholic church.

"I know in my own sphere of experience in the Catholic Church I see tremendous things happening, the pope has actually been prophesying for 20 years ever since he was elected pope he began to speak about what he called the greatest jubilee the church would ever celebrate the 2,000th anniversary of the incarnation where the word became flesh and he's actually been prophesying an encounter with God. He said "at the end of this time of preparation this new time of advent at the end of which like 2,000 years ago every human being will see the salvation of God so the pope is expecting this tremendous prayer that the spirit and the church are right now crying out for Jesus to come here the pope is expecting some kind of coming of Jesus in connection with the jubilee year 2,000 he's not necessarily thinking of the 2nd coming but some kind of manifestation of Christ some kind of Coming of Christ. The pope warns this visitation may come with a great price." (CBN Jan. 3,2000)

What this manifestation is, one can only guess. But this statement is loaded with implications that may not be advantageous to those who hold to the ancient teachings of the apostles. There is only one kind of 2nd coming of Jesus. There is no biblical precedent for a manifestation. But indeed manifestations are occurring throughout the world in all religions.

There is this teaching in the New age movement As Benjamen Crème states "Preparations for Maitreya's emergence are well under way. Naught can halt this blessed event; the timing, only, remains to be decided…. it can be stated that the moment of the Great Lord's first appearance -- which will allow Him to speak to millions though not by name -- is near indeed." As the deception deepens it speeds us toward this event.

Alice Bailey, mother of the modern New Age Movement, revealed in her 1957 volume, the plan for The Externalisation of the Hierarchy. Cabalist agents would infiltrate the Christian Church to modify its message, while adapting it as a vehicle for the Universal Religion of the 21st Century.

"…The church movement, like all else, is but a temporary expedient and serves but a transient resting place for the evolving life. Eventually, there will appear the Church Universal, and its definite outlines will appear towards the close of this century… This Church will be nurtured into activity by the Christ and His disciples when the outpouring of the Christ principle, the TRUE second Coming has been accomplished… the Christian church in its many branches can serve as a nucleus through which world illumination may be accomplished… the church as a teaching factor should take the great basic doctrines and (shattering the old forms in which they are expressed and held) show their true and inner spiritual significance…"( Alice Bailey, The Externalization of the Hierarchy, 1957, cited in Strange Fire, Travers and Jewel van der Merwe, p. 69. )

She goes on to say "The rule of the churches is over, but not the precepts of Christianity or the example of; the Christ. He Is, however, responsible for a newer and more effective presentation of, the coming world religion, and for that the churches should prepare... (Externalization, p. 448) The church involved with a new world religion? Yes, change is in the air.

A prophecy was sent From: "Barry C. Linville" to the New Wine Vineyard Bulletin Board: "Change...change...change! Your ways are old ways, your thoughts are old thoughts, your prayers are old prayers, your cries are old cries, your worship is old worship, your way of doing church is an old way of doing church. Renewal is not pouring new energy into old ways; it is bringing new ways. Let Me change you...let Me change you inside and out. Let go of yourself! Let me have you! I don't want a little bit at a time, I want all of you, NOW! Desire change! Desire it because it is what I am doing in you! Hunger and thirst for my changing in you. You must change! I cannot equip you unless you change. Remember, this is a wholesale, not a partial, change. Don't focus on is not time for is time for change! You will not be used in the harvest unless you change."

I didn't know we were running the Church, it seems God is not happy at all with the church and this message comes through, all too often. One can only wonder if God has ANY control considering that we have been so unsuccessful in our evangelistic efforts.

New warfare, (don't use those old weapons, they are now improved) Carol Arnott claims God Himself that was speaking through her when she said, "The ways you have been using My weapons, the methods that you have been using in the past, you are to throw them away because I am giving you My sword now. and the old ways of doing things will not do. The old methods will not be acceptable to Me anymore because I am doing a new thing." (Carol Arnott, TACF, January 20, 1997)

The Bible says the sword is his word, which we have always had. What Carol Arnott is talking about is a new word, a fresh one (Rhema) that is not in the bible.

These new prophets find things that are not found in any chapter or verse. It can no different than to say they begin with Revelation 23. Not unlike the Mormons view that God has not completed the book, he continues to write through new apostles modern instructions. We need to grasp that Today's bible teaching does not mean it is from God unless it can be found in scripture.

There is so much new things, as we enter a NEW millennium we hear of a "new Pentecost" "new revelations" from Rod Parsley, Benny Hinn and Copeland etc.. New levels as Rick Joyner and Hinn puts it. The Lord said to me … "You're - you're about to come into a new level. "(Benny Hinn, Honolulu Crusade, February 28, 1997). New anointing's as Parsley says. A new wave (the 3rd one) of Peter Wagner, the "new wine" of Rodney Browne (which is getting kind of old). There is the new in books "New threshholds of faith by Kenneth Hagin." Everything is new. But what does God have to say?

The Bible says- Jer. 6:16 Thus says the LORD: "Stand in the ways and see, and ask for the old paths, where the good way is, and walk in it; then you will find rest for your souls. But they said, 'We will not walk in it.' Jer. 18:15-16: "Because My people have forgotten Me, they have burned incense to worthless idols. And they have caused themselves to stumble in their ways, from the ancient paths, to walk in pathways and not on a highway, To make their land desolate and a perpetual hissing; everyone who passes by it will be astonished and shake his head. Israel was judged for abandoning Gods path .

The Catholic Church has their traditions and interpreters of Scripture. The new Charismatic's have their "new revelations, and interpreters." The new age has their ascended masters and channelers, I see little difference. As Benjamen Crème states for the master Maitreya," The churches in the West need also to realize that basically there Is only one Church, but it Is not necessarily only the orthodox Christian institution. God works in many ways through many faiths and religious agencies; this Is one reason for the elimination of non essential doctrines (Reappearance of the masters of Wisdom p.159)

What does Scripture mean by a "New Thing"?

According to the correct principle of biblical hermeneutics, the New Thing, is what God is promising to Israel not to the Church. He contrasts it to the Old Thing, which they had already been experiencing. It’s not about the Church but about the Jews and the coming Messiah! Because the Church does not make a clear definition of who is Israel is or the Church they merge together with no clear distinctions.

The subject is the former deliverance of the Jews from Egypt, overshadowed by the latter deliverance from the exile in Babylon. Jer.16:14-15; Therefore behold the days are coming, says the Lord It shall no more be said, The Lord liveth that brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt;".. for I will bring them back into the land which I gave their fathers. 23:7-8. He will then bring the children of Israel out of the lands which he scattered them to dwell in their own land. But first they must pay double for their sins Jer.16:18

He points ahead to the judgment of Babylon. It does not mean God is giving a new experience of the Holy Spirit to some who are open. Biblically it will be a new era of forgiveness and restoration by bringing them back into the promised land and eventually will bring forth the messiah. He points ahead to the judgment of Babylon (as Revelation quotes of Babylon falling from Isaiah). It is about the restoration of Israel.

Also in Isa.42:6-9: "I, the LORD, have called You in righteousness, and will hold Your hand; I will keep You and give You as a covenant to the people, as a light to the Gentiles, to open blind eyes, to bring out prisoners from the prison, those who sit in darkness from the prison house. I am the LORD, that is My name; and My glory I will not give to another, nor My praise to graven images. Behold, the former things have come to pass, and new things I declare; before they spring forth I tell you of them." God by prophecy told us beforehand what he would accomplish. He is speaking of the new covenant that would be extended to the gentiles through the Jewish people.

In the New Testament John prepares for the revealing of Christ by saying, "For this is he who was spoken of by the prophet Isaiah, saying: "The voice of one crying in the wilderness: 'Prepare the way of the Lord; make His paths straight.' " Matt 3:3 Johns whole message was preparation and that consisted of repentance. Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand. An ancient message that needs to be sounded today. Jesus and every apostle preached repentance as their introduction to the good news. Peter proclaims for Israel to "Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, "and that He may send Jesus Christ, who was preached to you before, "whom heaven must receive until the times of restoration of all things, which God has spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the world began" (Acts 3:19-21). It is about the restoration of Israel that is crucial for Christ to come back and rule.

According to the new prophets of signs and wonders today, we are only seeing the first drops of rain falling. The New Thing is still to come by a "Great Last Days Revival" that will sweep through the world for Jesus, bringing whole nations into the Kingdom. So instead of our looking for the bodily return of Jesus to reign, it has been replaced by the Church coming into glory with all power to rule over the nations right here and now. The claim is that the greatest hour of the Church is upon us, greater than any other time even the apostles. But Is it?

... the doctrine of the Rapture was a great and effective ruse of the enemy to implant in the Church a retreat mentality ... already this yoke has been cast off by the majority in the advancing church, and will soon be cast off by all." (THE HARVEST, Rick Joyner 1989 /1990 revised booklet on pg.121)

The rapture is the great and blessed hope of the Church, not a deception. He is promoting Joel's army and taking dominion over nations. The Church may be advancing, but it is actually taking them further away from holy Writ. Joyner must have realized something because he later changed this all encompassing term in his 1993 printing of the Harvest to the doctrine of the pre-tribulation rapture (p.201).

Not everyone within each movement is necessarily in agreement with each other, let alone with those in the other movements, but those who hold this position say there will be no "Rapture," and no Second Coming of Jesus until the Kingdom has been established by the Church under the direction of the apostles and prophets. Jesus will come back after the Millennium has been completed. "Christ cannot and will not come back until we have demonstrated the Gospel of the Kingdom to the nations of the earth. That task demands a mature church, which will have become an alternative to the kingdoms of the world. That is what the church is all about and Jesus Christ's return is up to us." ( Earl Paulk, The Great Escape theory, p.14)

The Bible says the Latter rain is poured out, when? In the tribulation. For what reason? To save the Jewish people and their nation, just as it did on Pentecost. In contrast the "new" latter rain has super apostles, greater healings and miracles, greater everything than ever before. Jesus actually states these miracles at the end would be done to deceive the church, not to build it up. And I challenge anyone to find any NT scripture on prophecy for the latter times that states otherwise!

They come in his name claiming authority from Christ saying they have his anointing to do miracles. Of course God does not give his approval or power to those who teach blatant false doctrines.

The kingdom now view has no immanency of the Lord. No rapture or a great falling away, then there is no need for discernment, to be on Guard to be deceived. In its place it panders to our pride, Christians being offered powers beyond the normal capability of anyone before. Sounds wonderful doesn't it! After all we can use these powers to change the world. It offers triumphalism, dominionism to the few, and ruling without Christ's physical coming, becoming eternal beings on earth. What a deception indeed.


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