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Are hatred and peace the same thing?

An ancient religion clashes with modern culture and religions

Islamacists seem to be going for a record of how many people they can kill in one day, one week or one year. They speak of themselves to the world as the religion of peace but their presentation is more “Look how great our God is, we can blow ourselves up and take dozens of others from any other religion to death.”

They claim they worship God but if only if God loves death; how you serve God shows the God you serve. It is their own Koran that promises a guaranteed reward of heaven for those who are die killing for God.

To incite the violent deaths of others as validation that ones God is great shows a spirirual instability. Why not show how one is restraint from doing violence to show love and understanding. Could it be that this is not found because they have no self control? They might reconsider their ways of representing their religion to the world, it’s very unattractive.

Hatred is to kill, Jesus said it begins with hatred in your heart. Islam calls Jesus a prophet, but do they believe Him? This hatred which results in killing is taught to them day in and out by their religious leaders, from grade school onward.

Does anyone want to call this a hate crime against religion. Maybe we should say Islam is promoting themselves as a religion of pieces, not peace as they blow up themselves and others that they disagree with.

As the accuser of the brethren causes persecution to increase throughout the world it will eventually come to America as an overflow, and the future has the world finding itself in the time of Tribulation.

Since 9/11 it is recorded that Muslims have committed over 16,621 terrorist attacks resulting in thousands of deaths and injuries. With 1.3 billion (plus) followers we should have far more concern for the growing violence from those who follow this religion with promoting statements from the Qur’an like “When you encounter the infidels (non-Muslims), strike off their heads and make a great slaughter among them.” The Qur’an, Chapter 47: 4-9. There is an old adage watch what they do not what they say.

Why are nearly all the conflicts worldwide involve Muslims? In the article “9175 Dead Worldwide, Happy New Year!” by Gadi Adelman on the family security matters website January 3, 2011 she makes it clear the issues we face are serious and extensive. http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/id.8308/pub_detail.asp

We should all be aware of what Israel faces everyday: Hizbullah has instituted a payment system that rewards Palestinian insurgents for each Israeli casualty....Israeli officials said Hizbullah revised its payment system in 2003 to encourage mass casualties in Israel. http://www.menewsline.com/stories/2004/february/02_26_3.html

Hamas and Hezbullah constantly threaten and attack Israeli’s which forces them to retaliate and search for the next terrorist.

Abigail R. Esman in her article New Target for Genocide at frontpagemag.com states concisely:

“Having successfully rid itself of Jews, the region is now diligently purging itself of the rest of its non-Muslim population, with frightening success.” 

If they cannot scare you to leave the land they occupy they certainly will remove you by whatever means possible.

49 Christians were massacred by Islamic militants in a raid on the Christian town of Yelwa. Islamic militants from Chad, Niger and other countries outside of Nigeria have repeatedly been involved.  Local Christians believe militant elements within the Muslim community are working to a strategy to drive out Christians and Islamise the whole state.”

For years marauding Muslims through Africa have been eliminating those who are not of their religion.

The cleansing that was in Africa now has come to the Middle East, Instead of the Sudan or Nigeria, it is Iraq, (Baghdad) has continuous attacks on Christians Catholics, anyone who is not Muslim.

In Egypt an attack on a Coptic church in the Egyptian city of Alexandria on January 1 killed 21 people.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy said Friday that Christian minorities in the Middle East are victims of "religious cleansing", following deadly attacks on churches in the region.

"We cannot accept and thereby facilitate what looks more and more like a particularly wicked programme of cleansing in the Middle East, religious cleansing," he said in an annual New Year's address to religious leaders.

What can be expected when Egypt's leading newspaper had published a series of articles a while back that deny the Holocaust, and claim Jews invented "lies of genocide" to extort the West and make possible the establishment of the Jewish state, "The Lie About the Burning of the Jews," was written by Dr. Rif'at Sayyed Ahmad, director of the Jaffa Research Center in Cairo and columnist for the paper.

Contrary to the media, Muslim terrorists have not “misused” the Islamic faith. They are just following the violent teachings found in the Qur’an and the examples of their founder.

In 2004, Dutch filmmaker Theo Van Gogh was murdered after the release of his documentary highlighting the abuse of Muslim women.

Molly Norris of the Seattle Weekly is The cartoonist behind the recent "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day" cartoon has been drawn into hiding after a fatwa was issued for her death. She had to go into hiding on the advice of the FBI after being declared a "prime target" for death by extremist cleric Anwar al-Awlaki

But its fine to threaten people with death, to kill people. Imagine if everyone did this, not just for religion but politics or education what a world we would be living in.

Mohammed has become the most popular name for newborns in Britain! The YWCA (once was a Christian organization) in Britain is going to change its name to Project 51; to secularize it and bring more women in? Or maybe its just the influence of Islam on their nation. Britain has built more mosques than churches that last 10 years. Europe is being transformed into Islamic by sheer numbers. The influence has become so strong that police fear to react to their protests in the streets that yell an overthrow of the government and instate Sharia law. Blatant threats are an everyday occurrence. LONDON — He's called Sheik Terra. With a Koran in one hand and pistol in the other, the British rapper calls for the murder of non-Muslims, including several world leaders, on a videotape (Muslim Extremists Preach Violence in Europe By Steve Harrigan)

I continue to hear ads on radio on hosting exchange students, one saying they are going to host exchange student from Egypt who will learn about our culture and we about his, the son says, yea we learned about this in school and recites a greeting in Arabic;  another ad has the grand dad say “imagine my grandson speaking Arabic”, yea imagine if we all learn Arabic, what would be the purpose of that unless we were to become Muslim. Seems to me there is a subtle but overt influence to turn America toward an open acceptance of Islam. We saw this with the controversy over the NY mosque.

Islamic Cultural Center in Madrid, was paid for by the government of Saudi Arabia (in 1992). The Cultural Center in Madrid, currently has the biggest mosque in Spain and one of the biggest in Europe. An official in the office of the Mayor of Barcelona says the objective is to increase the visibility of Muslims in Spain, as well as to promote the "common values between Islam and Europe."

There are now thirteen mega-mosques in Spain, and more than 1000 smaller mosques and prayer centers scattered across the country.

“The construction of new mosques comes at a time when municipalities linked to the Socialist Party have closed dozens of Christian churches across Spain by way of new zoning laws that several courts have now ruled discriminatory and unconstitutional. It also comes at a time of growing anti-Semitism in Spain.”

Salafism is a branch of revivalist Islam whose intention is to restore past Muslim glory by re-establishing an Islamic empire across the Middle East, North Africa and parts of Europe. Salafists view Spain as a Muslim state that must be reconquered for Islam.

“ Noureddine Ziani, the Moroccan imam, says it is absolutely necessary to accept Islamic values as European values. He also says that from now on, Europeans should replace the term "Judeo-Christian" with term "Islamo-Christian" when describing Western Civilization” (“Spain Goes on Mosque-Building Spree Churches Forced to Close” by Soeren Kern December 30, 2010)

Simarlarly in America the ACLU insists on crosses taken down and always opposes Christianity because of their socialist background. This is the beginnings of the same taking place in America.

Just as Islam is not discriminatory, anything that is called Christian is the object of attack.

Islam is very different from any other religion in the world. Lets make simple and quick comparison to the one they attack the most.

Christianity brings freedom of choice, Islam teaches there is only one choice – the religion of Islam.

Christianity converts through the proclamation of the Word of God, Islam converts by the sword.

Christians are to live under any government of the country they live in. Sharia law is the government for muslims, both religiously and politically and they do not accept any other government.

On these points alone we can see the incompatibility.

In a chapter of "Schmoozing with Terrorits: From Hollywood to the Holy Land, JIhadists Reveal their Global Plans – to a Jew!" author and WND Jerusalem bureau chief Aaron Klein petitioned Mideast terror leaders to describe day-to-day life in the U.S. if al-Qaida won the war on terror.

"Once Islam dominates, anyone living inside the Islamic state must abide by our rules. There is no choice. You will abide or face the punishment," said Muhammad Abdel-El, the spokesman and a senior leader of the Popular Resistance Committees terror organization.

Sheik Abu Saqer, a prominent Gaza-based preacher, a founder of the Sword of Islam terror group and a subscriber to the ideology of al-Qaida, explained if Islam controls the U.S., all American women, whether Muslim or not, must cover their hair.

"This is the demand of our religion. Being and walking naked doesn't mean that you are enjoying more freedom; it means that you are going against Allah's laws and you are serving the enemies of Islam who want to empty our Islamic society from its values. Uncovered heads is a form of nudity."

sheik Saleh Faraj, one of the main leaders of the Islamic Liberation Party in the West Bank. "We see already in America a nucleus of Islam, a base for Islam. This will become bigger, stronger, more important, until Islam will take control and will seize the power in America and the world"

How can any of this be accomplished in America? We have seen with our open borders policy a Muslim can become a citizen, even an American soldier even if he is anti-American and pro-Muslim.

Al-Astal aired on Hamas' Al-Aqsa TV, predicted that Rome would become "an advanced post for the Islamic conquests, which will spread though Europe in its entirety, and then will turn to the two Americas, even Eastern Europe."

"Allah has chosen you for Himself and for His religion," al-Astal preached, "so that you will serve as the engine pulling this nation to the phase of succession, security and consolidation of power, and even to conquests through da'wa and military conquests of the capitals of the entire world.

"Very soon, Allah willing, Rome will be conquered, just like Constantinople was, as was prophesized by our prophet Muhammad," he added. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,351242,00.html

A United Nations resolution ("blasphemy resolution") has implemented a non-binding resolution on Combating the Defamation of Religion intended to curtail speech that offends religion -- particularly Islam.

Pakistan and the Organization of the Islamic Conference introduced the measure to the U.N. Human Rights Council in 1999. It was amended to include religions other than Islam, but we will have to wait a looong time before we see the first real case of another religion treated as they do Islam.

Soon they will call the Bible itself hate speech and yet the Qur’an can easily qualify in this for commands to its followers TODAY.

The number of Christians martyred by Islam is 9 million [David B. Barrett, Todd M. Johnson, World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200, William Carey Library, 2001, p. 230, table 4-10] . A rough estimate by Raphael Moore in History of Asia Minor is that another 50 million died in wars by jihad. So counting the million African Christians killed in the 20th century we have: 60 million Christians

Koenard Elst in Negationism in India gives an estimate of 80 million Hindus killed in the total jihad against India. [Koenard Elst, Negationism in India, Voice of India, New Delhi, 2002, pg. 34.] The country of India today is only half the size of ancient India, due to jihad. The mountains near India are called the Hindu Kush, meaning the “funeral pyre of the Hindus.” 80 million Hindus

Buddhists do not keep up with the history of war. Keep in mind that in jihad only Christians and Jews were allowed to survive as dhimmis (servants to Islam); everyone else had to convert or die. Jihad killed the Buddhists in Turkey, Afghanistan, along the Silk Route, and in India. The total is roughly 10 million. [David B. Barrett, Todd M. Johnson, World Christian Trends AD 30-AD 2200, William Carey Library, 2001, p. 230, table 4-1.]

This gives a rough estimate of 270 million killed by jihad.


This is far more than 100 million the atheist reconstructionism of Communism by Mao, Lenin, Stalin ever done.

The motive of the loyal, dedicated militant religious Muslims want Sharia law and a caliphate, they are engaged in a Jihad throughout the world as the Sword of the Prophet continues to spread its influence. This is all moving toward the new Caliphate (Which I believe will eventually be Babylon) and the rule of Islam through Sharia law. While many see this as only a religion, Islam is theo-political. Its most serious adherents are religious devotees who are militant, willing to spread its totalitarian ideology. This is far more a threat than communism was years ago and we had better wake up to the facts. Pacifism will only insure defeat. We need courage to address this; and it cannot be resisted or pushed back by fighting alone, like they fight. Education is the key to this whole matter and it will take more than a nation to address this.



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