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The World and Islam

World Muslim population is approximately 1.2 billion and, according to the U.N., a rapidly growing religion gathering its numbers from mostly the poor. Most Arabs live a life of poverty and hopelessness. The per-capita yearly incomes are: the Saudi Arabia, $9,600; Iran, $6,000; Egypt, $3,500; Iraq, $2,000; and Pakistan, $1,900. Israel being near the highest, $17,500; compared to other Islamic countries, the USA pays extremely well, $33,000. Besides the education factor, it is not surprising why many of them want to come to America, they want freedom.

Recently a pamphlet distributed in Pakistan calls for the Muslims to kill westerners and Christians wherever they are found, blaming “non -believers for making the Muslims lives miserable leaving them with no option but Jihad.” This propaganda is often used to incite aggression against an enemy, for the time being it happens to be America, and England. It will always be Israel. They would love to crush the only democracy in their region, and make it all Islamic from one end to another. So you have an all out assault against Israel not only with terrorism but by trying to convince Christians in America sympathize with the Palestinians who have made their own bed to sleep in by their leaderships attitude. While we have empathy for their situation we do not approve of their militant solution.

Muslims say it is Islam under assault that they are being oppressed by other civilizations, (especially western democracy). While there may have a few valid examples of this happening in the past, the greater majority of aggression and oppression are themselves. In fact Muslims suffer more from the hands of their own people that are Muslim, than from America or any westernized state. “Saddam Hussein is infamous for using weapons of mass destruction against ethnic minorities in his own country” (Art Moore, “Christians Terrorized in Muslim Indonesia,” WorldNetDaily, Dec. 8, 2001). 1.5 million Muslims were killed in the war between Iran and Iraq. Look at what Saddam did to the Kurds. Up until the US entering Iraq there were more Muslims being killed by Muslims than any western power. But they never declared war on Hussain, why? Because he was a Muslim and he also funded their cause.

In less extreme Muslim states, such as the secular government of Iraq, or in Saudi Arabia or Egypt, governments tread a very thin line between modernization and tradition. Saddam Hussein was infamous for using weapons of mass destruction against ethnic minorities in his own country. In Pakistan, even though a woman, Benazzir Bhutto, was once Prime Minister, thousands of women languish in prison, put there by husbands who want to avoid the inconvenience of divorcing them. Women can be committed to mental institutions for life on the say of their husbands. There are strong reasons for women to be compliant even in countries where they are permitted to work or go to school. (ibid.)

Saddam Hussains genocide is widely known. In March 1988, Iraqi aircraft dropped chemical bombs on the town of Halabja near the Iranian border, with a population of 50,000. Human rights groups estimated that 100,000 Kurds were “gassed, shot and bulldozed” by Hussein's forces.

Dr. Christine Gosden, a professor of medical genetics at the University of Liverpool, testified before a Senate committee in April 1998 on “the largest-scale chemical weapons attack against a civilian population in modern times.”

Dr. Gosden wrote in the Washington Post about an Iraqi “cocktail” of mustard gas and nerve agents sarin, tabun and VX that left “devastating problems” for the people 10 years later. They affected the eyes, respiratory and neurological systems, caused blindness, skin disorders, infertility, congenital malformations, childhood cancers, heart failure and defects, among others. Some 5,000 people, children and adults, dropped dead immediately upon contact with the chemicals.

At the end of the Iraq-Iran War in 1988, Hussein al-Anfal campaign unleashed some 40 gas attacks against the Kurds. More than 180,000 civilians in northern Iraq disappeared; 4,000 of the 4,600 villages were destroyed, along with houses, schools, mosques and shops. This he did to his own people. They are only now finding the mass gravesites of mostly Shia’s who rebelled against Saddam. Now that Saddam is out of power we look forward to seeing change, but will it? Iran wants to make Iraq an Islamic state; America and Europe want to see them become a democracy, it will be the left to the will of the people if they are allowed to have choice.

Consider “Over 11 percent of Palestinians killed during the intifada died at the hands of other Palestinians, according to a report by the Jerusalem-based Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group (PHRMP), headed by Bassem Eid. The recently published report, which sheds light on the chaos in the territories, is entitled “Intra'Fada.” It states that 2,678 Palestinians were killed by the IDF during the intifada, while 297 Palestinians were killed by other Palestinians. Some 114 of the victims were clearly executed for allegedly collaborating with Israel, but the report describes a steep rise in other cases of murder as a result of criminal activity or family feuds.... http://www.haaretzdaily.com/hasen/spages/414595.html

As with anything in religion, there are different views from different cultures. Suicide bombers whom we call terrorists are called holy warriors, martyrs in Islam. But the definition of  martyr is one who is killed by others not by suicide.  They are homicide bombers, not suicide bombers, they don’t just blow themselves up but have the intention to kill and maim others. They have a different view than we would in the west on almost everything because their religion integrates politics with religious practices. To a Muslim who participates in this Jihad, he is following God’s will and the end justifies the means. Do all Muslims interpret the Qur’an’s words literally? Of course not, but those who are currently conducting a war on western civilization do. You couldn’t teach these things they do within the framework of Buddhism or Christianity, because it would counter the underlying philosophy and theology of these religions. They have teachings on both peace and war but there is an aggressive violent element running through Islam, and depending on who is influencing the will of the people at the time, it will shape their actions. The clerics, the Imams etc. are the ones who lead the people. They are the ones who need to speak up against the rising tide of aggression or it will become predominant; they will have no excuse.

The terrorists understand Islam in a way most Muslims do not, they use the Qur’an in the way Muslims in ancient times did. The Islamists got the idea to kill Daniel Pearl from the Qur’an; it was an Islamic homicide against an unbeliever. It is a fact that nearly every terrorist points to the Qur’an as their inspiration for their actions, their guidebook, it is their instruction manual (as well as the Hadiths). Are they all wrong about this? They also believe that committing such acts for God assures them of going to Heaven. Because of this Islam not only excuses such behavior, it condones it, and rewards those who do it (such as Saddam, who has paid tremendous amounts to the Palestinian families who had their own children become suicide bombers). It has become popular for children to be used to further the cause to fight against their so-called oppressors. It is well known that the PA TV clips have encouraged children to seek martyrdom through involvement with terrorism.

The segment, known as thee “Farewell Letter’ clip, features an Arab child writing a farewell letter to his parents, glorifying his desire to die. The child then goes out to the combat zone, where he is shot and achieves his death wish. As he falls in death, the words of his letter are sung twice: “How sweet is Shahada (Death for Allah) when I embrace you, my land.” . http://www.israelnationalnews.com/news.php3?id=68464 

Where is the outcry against this from Muslims? If they are for peace let them show a concerted effort in the media on this. Instead we are seeing things go from bad to worse, to much worse.

Because of their peoples hopeless situation, instead of continuing to pray to their god to answer their prayer, they believe they have no option but to fight, or so they have been convinced. This does not mean every Muslim can find the same purpose from the Qur’an or rationalize their actions to be violent, but it certainly is there and can be interpreted this way. It is a religious jihad first. When Islam is threatened then it becomes a physical war, as it is today with western civilization. Religion or no religion can be a target of those who practice Islamism. This is an aggression of a religion upon other cultures and religions that they see no way to co-exist with. Now I realize not all Muslims agree with these actions, I’m not addressing those few who just want to live their faith in quietness and solitude, but those who are zealous and have found a cause in their religion to react to western society, imperialism, etc. It doesn’t matter what its called, what matters is how their leaders get the masses to react.

Anything outside the Dar al-Islam sphere is open for aggression for military and cultural conquest. Classic Islam maintains that Islam is universally sovereign, and completely justified in taking control of what is against them by force if necessary. The terrorism today has nothing to do with a reaction against America, it has everything to do with the practice found in Islam, as it finds itself at war against the world.

Sheik al-Tamimi said There is fury, fury everywhere ... Islam is escalating and cannot be resisted. I pray that Allah may tear apart America just as the Soviet Union was torn apart ...” ( Sheik al-Tamimi).

What we are Facing in the Media

Yellow journalism calls those who do terrorism “militants.”  They are not militants, but those who have found the cause for their actions from their religion, the underlying cause is their Islamic teaching. There is a similarity with a very small percentage of so-called Christians who have used the Old Testament law to justify their killing doctors who perform abortions. However, they disregard that we are no longer under the law and that we do not take justice or life into our hands but leave it to God. Christianity teaches to bless and pray for your enemies, not kill them. However there is no separation of the law in the Qur’an, it is one unit and so what is done by violence can be justified by those who interpret the book literally as well as completely.

In an article (http://www.mcjonline.com/news/02a/20021015a.shtml) Cleric Demands Death For Christian Leaders 

An Iranian Muslim cleric has called for three American preachers (Franklin Graham, Pat Robertson, and Jerry Falwell) to be killed, for statements which the men have made against Islam. 

In a sermon in a mosque in Tabriz cleric Ayatollah Mohsen Mujtahed Shabestari the personal representative of Iranian President Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in the country's Azerbaijan province called for the death of three prominent American Christian leaders who have recently criticized Islam, said The Institute for the Study of Islam and Christianity (ISIC), which is the educational arm of The Barnabas Fund. 

In our opinion, to kill these three is necessary,” the Iranian Farsi daily 'Abrar' reports Shabestari as saying. 
This is in reaction to Rev Jerry Falwell who on CBS television recently he described the Islamic prophet Muhammad as “a violent man, a man of war” and a “terrorist.” Falwell has since apologized.” 

Franklin Graham, went on record describing Islam as “a very evil and wicked religion” and Pat Robertson also described Islam as a religion which seeks to “dominate and then, if need be destroy.” 

Remarks by Falwell outraged Shiite religious leaders, in particular in Iran and Lebanon. Hossein Chariatmadari the editor of the conservative daily “Kayhan” is also reported to have called for Falwell's death stating, “in agreement with Islam, it is imperative to kill.” 

Other Islamic leaders expressing outrage did not go as far as this action demanding Falwell's death. Some, including Lebanon's Grand Ayatollah Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah, specifically warned Muslims against resorting to “physical violence” to settle the matter. Most have been mollified by Falwell's apology. 

While no official fatwa was issued calling for the deaths of the three Christian leaders yet. If these Muslim clerics want people to see Islam presented as a religion of peace, statements of death threats need to stop. But more than this, they need to curtail the promotion of terrorism running through their broadcasts. 

Franklin Graham stated “while I respect the rights of all people to adopt their own beliefs, I would respectfully disagree with any religion that teaches people to put their faith in other gods. As a Christian minister, my calling is to proclaim the God of the Christian faith, whose son Jesus Christ died for the sins of all mankind.”

The difference is that democratic countries that have a Christian population respect the freedom of worship. Most Muslim countries don't. In fact you can be killed for carrying a Bible, or preaching the gospel, they do not tolerate freedom of religious expression.

A statement was issued from the organization, “Freedom Quest International condemns, in the strongest possible terms, the issuing of all fatwas and calls for death for people who express personal convictions and opinions. These include the fatwas against Salmon Rushdie, the three men cited above, as well as Kola Boof (the woman who was condemned to be beheaded recently by the Islamic court in the UK at the request of a Sudanese diplomat and Sudanese spiritual leader Hassan Turabi “Sudanese and Iranian so-called clerics have no right to impose their beliefs on anyone else. Unless these actions are opposed immediately --and in the strongest possible way -- religious and political freedom everywhere will be seriously placed at risk. They can not be allowed to continue.”

It also added: “Freedom Quest calls on Muslim leaders everywhere to publicly condemn these fatwas and incitings to kill. We call on all people of goodwill who value religious freedom and freedom of thought, to call your member of Congress or Parliament and insist that our governments condemn these acts of lawlessness and barbarity in the strongest possible terms.” 

According to many Muslim-Americans the “bigots,” in America are far-right religious leaders like Franklin Graham, Jerry Falwell, and Pat Robertson. Now I’m not going to agree with everything these men have to say or how they say it but lets step back and take a look at what they are saying. All these men have said is what history records show and what the Qur’an itself asks of its followers. Remember that the terrorists themselves are saying the Qur’an says this, so they are not making it up. So why do they not oppose their fellow Muslims that make these statements? What Muslim leaders need to do is not let these Islamists represent their religion like this and counter their influence.

There is a leading Islamic group in Canada is preparing legal action under the country's hate-crimes laws against the broadcast of Rev. Jerry Falwell's assertion that “Muhammad is a terrorist.”  But they will not do anything about those who call themselves Muslims that are actually terrorists. Falwell spoke his opinion and did not use any physical attack and he is going to be brought before the government for a hate crime, while those who actually are planning and acting on it are ignored. Something is not right here.

The Observer newspaper in England received a ten page letter supposedly from Bin Laden; the first thing they want is submission. “What do we want from you? The first thing that we are calling you to is Islam.”

“Those who believe, fight in the Cause of Allah, and those who disbelieve, fight in the cause of Taghut (anything worshipped other than Allah e.g. Satan). So fight you against the friends of Satan; ever feeble is indeed the plot of Satan.”[Quran 4:76] He promotes the removal of governments that oppose their war and want in place Shariah the supreme law.

He wrote: The Nation of Martyrdom; the Nation that desires death more than you desire life: And quotes the Quran 3:169-171. Laden wants them to convert to Islam or he will not allow them to survive, is this not hate speech? Why are there no protests from Muslims on this?

The countries continue to get letters from Bin Laden, comply or else. I heard an interview on Fox News with a reporter from their foreign affairs dept. Monsoor Ijaz, who has been traveling in Muslim countries finding out info on future attacks against America. He said that Usama bin Ladens attacks are supposed to be in three’s because it is an attack against the Trinity in Christianity. Yet, no one protests this as hate crime?

 Diplomacy does not seem to work well with Islam, as it has failed in several places. Western liberals focus on “dialoguing” to bring an answer, not seeing that it is a futile attempt to stop the radical Islamic movements. It has become too wide spread and with only a few leaders they cannot influence the vast majority of the people. There is a lot of fear in Islam and this why they do not speak out, they too will be targeted.

It is said that calling Islam a religion of war will not help any peace process but neither will our calling Islam a religion of peace. They continue to hold the position that Islam is a peaceful religion, yet the violence continues and is not condemned but by a few soft voices. If our position is now going to be showing them how nice we are, it will not have any influence to deter those whose intent is to do us harm. Calling Islam a “peaceful religion” is really the politics of fiction. We need to see it for what it is. Because of certain leaders leading the followers they have reduced themselves to fighting as the means for what they perceive as their religious rights. A good example is Arafat who was offered 99% of all that he asked and turned it down, and soon after the fighting began. There is no compromise with leaders like these that want it all or nothing.

Islamists believe that the quickest change comes by force, this why any real dialogue breaks down Hatred is continually preached on democracy and other religions in the Islamic world. In fact, one could take the position that it is a perfect strategy for confusion. You have those who claim they are for peace and the Qur’an does not teach such violence, while others do vile violent acts and kill in the name of their God citing the Qur’an. The people are left trying to figure whom represents the true Islam while the war escalates. We only need to look at their trail in history to answer this question.

The radicals have brought attention to their religion by obeying its dictates fully and literally. The moderate Muslims who say they are for peace are either unwilling or afraid to publicly confront the radicals lest they be considered to be on the side of their enemies. The radicals do not consider them Muslim anymore if they become part of the western culture. This is why we see Muslims also being killed in the terrorist attacks. While we hear from the spokesman that they condemn the killing of innocent people we must learn to read between the lines. Their view of being innocent is not the same as ours. They do not believe these people are innocent - therefore it is all justified.

When differences arise many resort to settling them with threats and violence. This example can be seen from the event that took place in Nigeria where riots took place because of a beauty contest. Someone wrote in the paper saying Mohammed would probably want to have one of the beauty queens as his wife. While this was not in good taste, Muslims overreacted by killing 200 people and injured 1000. Why do people who have to be killed for a disagreement on words like this? Debate or protest is one thing; to physically harm others shows contempt, hatred and a disregard for life that God has given. After the offending newspaper ran front-page apologies and retractions, Muslims continued to roam the streets, massacring Christian women and children. The Associated Press reported that the enraged Muslim mobs chanted these three sayings: “God is Great,” “Miss World is Sin” and, “Down With Beauty.” The authorities arrested the columnist who wrote the controversial words and the editor who allowed their publication, and imprisoned them on unspecified charges. The innocent were condemn, not the murderers. This is not justice.  

Islam is in a war that will never end, the there will always be small or large groups attacking, the only way to end this is to change their thinking and this means they need to change their view of their religion. But I do not see reform coming from the inside. The Qur’an does not encourage questioning of these religious matters, especially openly. This is why you will not see any real reform or change in our time.

Islam’s fight for Freedom

Though they live in wealthy oil rich nations, most Arabs are not well paid. In fact, many have no money and no freedom in their own Islamic countries. Yes, they are angry, they are hurt, they feel betrayed but their anger and frustration is misdirected. The blame of the conflict is pointed to Israel. But before Israel became a state Islam was in conflict with many others. Muslims have been fighting other religions for centuries, so the argument that it is over the land is not the primary cause. Muslims are not fighting all over the world because of Israel but because of the west and its ideals of freedom. In 1312 B.C. King David founded the city of Jerusalem and the Jews had occupied the land of Israel two thousand years before Islam began under their prophet.

Most Muslim countries deny the very freedoms that we gladly give Muslims and everyone of any religion in the West. Islam does not allow for countering opinions. Freedom has no place in the religion of Islam. Of the 41 nations that have a population of 70 million Muslims, 26 are not free, 13 are partly free; the only moderate Islamic country is Turkey. In Afghanistan they blew up a Buddhist statue because it offended them. So we can see they do not allow other religions to have the freedom of religion they themselves ask for in other countries that are not their own. Islam needs a common enemy to be unified. They call us infidels and they war against infidels and unbelievers everywhere, this is an Islamic crusade. Suratul-Anfal:  “And fight with them until there is no chaos, and religion is wholly for God” (8:39). In other words they see anyone who has a contrary way to be a threat. Whoever wants to believe will believe, and whoever wants to be a kafir will be a kafir.

It becomes obvious that Islam cannot allow true freedom, especially religious freedom. They never have. They’re threatened from people having the ability to make a choice that may deny their religion. In fact, if you look at the countries where Islam is a majority they do not allow others to have a choice in religions. A country is ruled by Islamic law does not allow: freedom of religion, freedom of speech, or freedom of the press. (In Saudi Arabia women are not allowed to vote or drive.) While Surah 2:256: “Let there be no compulsion in Religion,” reality is different. Islam disallows other religions in their countries and does not give people a free choice. This is why even a Muslim will be killed by their own if they choose to convert to any other religion. No one has the freedom to leave Islam under an Islamic regime, to do so means death. This is why there are few converts from Islam to anything else. The Hadith states: Narrated Ikrima: The statement of Allah’s Apostle (Muhammad), “Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him” (Hadith 9:45; 84.2.57.) He was only repeating Mohammed who also said, “Whoever changes his Islamic religion, kill himIf someone becomes a Muslim then apostatizes, he would be asked to repent; if he does not repent, he should be killed [Imam al-Shafi'i, The Ordinances of the Qur'an (part 1, p. 289)]. It would abnormal for one to even consider another religion than the one they have been brought up by under these conditions.

When some of the Jewish leaders rejected Jesus, He did not tell his followers to kill them. Neither do the followers of  other religions act like this today or throughout history.

A major international petition calling on Islamic leaders to allow Muslims to convert to another faith was presented to the United Nations. The petition, signed by 88,890 people from 32 countries, says “Muslims who choose to convert to another faith” should be “free to do so without having to face a lifetime of fear as a result.” Under Sharia, or Islamic law, Muslims who convert to another faith and refuse to repent must be put to death. The British charity Barnabas Fund presented the petition to U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour July 28. The group said it launched the petition a year and a half ago on behalf of Muslims who “face serious persecution and massive prejudice in many countries around the world” because they choose to leave Islam... http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=39756 

Islam is run by law not by the heart. We see little help for their needy, their own people. Where are the hospitals and education centers for their people? Where do basic food supplies and medicine come from? They can often thank the west for this kind of help. Why did no Islamic countries rush to help their fellow Muslims with aid? It was the US that dropped the food for those in Afghanistan. The fact is America has been more than willing to help Muslims. After years of Taliban rule they have already received almost $450 million in humanitarian and reconstruction aid and will also get $140 million in economic and military assistance. The Islamic nation because of oil are some of the richest in the world but  they give very little.

Where are the alms given; does it go to help the children in the West bank? Where did all the American dollars and untold aid from others go to improve the Palestinians lives? It went to Arafat who had not improved their condition at all. Since the violence has worsened Palestinian income has fallen. In its March 2002 report on the impact of the violence, the World Bank’s estimate was that Palestinian income per person fell 19 percent in 2001, Palestinians have slipped down to become lower middle class among the Arabs.

What was given to be freely distributed to the hungry, and needy Palestinians was used by Arafat's men since 1996 to train children to fight. The Marshall Plan distributed $60 billion, which works out to $272 per European in the main participating countries. By contrast, by the end of last year, according to the World Bank, the Palestinians had received $4 billion since Oslo, which translates into $1,330 per Palestinian. It is reported that the Palestinians have already gotten more than four times as much as the Europeans got from the Marshall Plan. The Palestinians have gotten more than twice as much aid for twice as long as Europe got under the Marshall Plan. In 2000, WBG [West bank and Gaza] received $636 million in aid or $214 for each of the three million West bank Gaza residents. That is the highest in the world by far. Only Bosnia, at $185, is close; Israel is third at $128.

For the first 20 years, the United States provided more than two-thirds of the funds, the Arab states contribute a small portion. Israel donated more funds to United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNWRA) than most Arab states. Up until 1994, Israel gave more to UNRWA than all Arab countries except Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Morocco.

The Middle East nations consist of an estimated 300 million people with the majority accepting only one religion and with a history of persecuting those who bring any other religion to their people. There are many people in these nations who frequently call for the destruction of Christians and Jews. Broadcasts such as “first we go after the Saturday people then the Sunday people” are not uncommon in the Middle East. Is this promoting peace? Everytime they want to move ahead with the peace process suicide bombers stop it. It becomes obvious that those who don’t want peace speak louder than those who do.

Terrorist attacks are an every other day event unless prevented. An interesting fact, 90% of terrorist attacks in Israel are prevented. Imagine if they were not, it would be a massacre. This something the press doesn’t seem to take into consideration with their biased reporting. Palestinian Arabs/Muslims continually kill people, blow up buses in Israel killing hundreds and chant “occupation” for their reasons. You don’t target innocent people not involved in your war to have leverage and call it a just cause. They think it is making progress but the world looks at it as savagery. To those who live by this radical Islam have the lines between good and evil blurred. Homicide bombing now is spreading from the Middle East to other countries, nor longer secluded to Israel. We are now seeing World War III surfacing on planet earth.

pt.3 9/11 the Beginning or an Escalation



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