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New DVD teaching on the Indigenous People's movement

There have always been numerous possibilities on how the worlds religions would unite. Over the last several years a new missiology has surfaced that actually makes use of the former false gods and worship practices of various cultures in this movements evangelistic efforts to reach different cultures. The Indigenous People's movement is teaching Christians to “redeem” their cultures by worshipping their former gods, (supreme beings) and calling them YHWH.

The false teachings of the Third Wave concepts, New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), Dominionism, Latter Rain and many other false theological systems find their place in this movement.  Yet it has it’s own shrewd distinctive. Daniel Kikawa, Richard Twiss, YWAM and many others are teaching unbiblical ways to evangelize the nations.

This DVD video series features Mike Oppenheimer and Sandy Simpson and their in depth research regarding the First Nations Movement and World Christian Gatherings of Indigenous Peoples.  This is an issue that pastors and missionaries need to be informed of because it goes to the core of evangelism and preaching the Gospel. Over 3- 1/2 hours long.

To order  click on the PayPal logo

The price for the 2 DVD series is $29.00 this shipping and handling. 

U.S. Orders 


Outside the US the price is $34. 

Outside US

 New Book on this movement

Does having eternity in your heart mean that you know God and are His child? Could Gentile cultures understand the Gospel from the stars? Did God create man’s cultures? Has God always been in the process of redeeming cultures from the time of Babel by placing in them a true revelation of Himself? Is there the worship of YHWH in all cultures and religions through the names of “supreme beings”?  Have all cultures always had a way to make things right between them and God? Did God shape mens cultures and leave them truth, or other ways they worship. These questions and many more are answered in this book that addresses the teachings of the World Christian Gathering on Indigenous People movement.



To order IDOLATRY IN THEIR HEARTS is available now for $23.00 which includes shipping and handling in the US.


To order IDOLATRY IN THEIR HEARTS Outside the US-  $28.00- includes s/h.




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  Let Us Reason Ministries

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