| Was Jesus God on earth or just an anointed man? Jesus was and is always God, God cannot change His nature. In Heb.1:10 The Father speaking of the Son, “And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning has laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of your hands... and they shall be changed: but thou art the same” (quote of Psalm 102:25). Before his birth - In
Scripture tells us from the start of his birth-
As a human he had to learn and grow like all of us. He was weak in the flesh, became hungry and tired.
“It pleased the Father that in Him should dwell all the fullness”(Col.1:19). (Greek- pleroma). Meaning, the totality of the Divine powers and attributes that are God are filled up in Jesus- his omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence.
He put aside his independent use of his power and authority and became a servant unto the Father. The cults deny that Jesus was ever God before he added a human nature to His deity. The word faith movement teaches that His deity was left in heaven and He came to earth as only a man and was anointed. Because the Spirit rested upon him he was given power, and it can rest on us and we can do all the same miracles he did. They forget that he had NO sin- was perfect and was God before he was born and was God while on earth. Not even the apostles who were given the authority directlly duplicated his miracles. Jesus was not a son of God (like us) he was what the Bible applies as “the only begotten Son of God.” In other words he is unique, one of a kind, being both 100% God and 100% man, this is why he was able to live a life of sin lessness and become the sacrifice for our sin. This is why the Bible says in