The Empty Pulpit - The Church in
the last days
in PDF
What is Christianity? What
significance does the cross have? Are there teachings that can wreck our
We live in an age unlike any
other in the history of man. To follow the Lord among the unique
challenges we must understand Scripture and live by it.
Over one fourth of the Bible is
prophecy; over 330 Scriptures pertain to the Messiah’s first coming, and
twice that number to His future second coming. Before the second coming,
certain events transpire that every Christian needs to be aware of. Both
the Old and New Testament have an enormous amount of information
describing what the time will be like in the last days before Christ’s
Many people are wondering what
is now taking place in the church and the world. This book addresses
many of the issues we now face; it is about the Church, you and I. Jesus
was more concerned about His Church than He was about those outside the
church. Jesus and the apostles gave many admonishments for the Church as
she grew, and warned about what it would be like for her in the end of
time. Paul spoke prophetically that “the time will come when they (us)
will not endure sound doctrine.” Today many things have changed inside
the Church, least of all, how we practice church. People have become
uneasy and are searching for answers. We are experiencing a famine of
the word (Amos
“The Empty Pulpit” is about the
fact that many in the pulpit are not engaged in true Bible expository
teaching. Thus there is a lack of equipping the church for genuine
ministry. It is about Christ being replaced by following certain men,
programs, activities, entertainment and motivational speaking. It is
about prophecies on the return of Christ. It is about a last day’s
deception that affects the Saints of God as well as the World. In this
book we find the answers from the Bible and from a Biblical perspective
on the various winds of doctrine blowing through the Church today. If
you have enjoyed the articles on the Let Us Reason website you will
benefit from this book. Many new topics are explored.
This is a helpful book to give to
those involved in the third wave, Latter Rain, extreme charismania and
liberalism of today.
8 1/2 X 5 1/2- 416 pages verlox binded
United States
only- $25.00-
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