We have a doctrinal emergency in the church I came to your church but I did not recognize your Jesus. Yes, his name was the same but the name was not proclaimed as the only way and the people acted very differently under the anointing of a different Jesus. Do you see this? Have you seen people falling, squirming, yelling and crawling, out of control, all under what they claim are the auspices of the Holy Spirit's power? If so, run from this. Your spiritual life depends on it. These teachers promoting these activities have descended like a swarm of locusts eating up all the truth, and there is little left. They are replacing it with the distortions of their own interpretations, not ashamed to call it a new revelation. Christianity is both strong and fragile. It is strong, when it holds to the Word and the Holy Spirit is among the people to do his work. But it is fragile when men make up words that they claim are from the Spirit or allow other spirits are at work. We can identify them by what they do, if it does not conform to the nature of Christ, if it is not taught by the apostles in the letters they wrote, than it is not of God. The first lessons in Discernment are not hard but simple. The problem we see today is that most of the Scripture is taught out of context which can make anything added easier, but at the same time it removes you from the framework it was actually written in to have true application. 1 Cor. 11:18-20 “ For first of all, when you come together as a church, I hear that there are divisions among you, and in part I believe it. For there must also be factions among you, that those who are approved may be recognized among you.” Essential Bible doctrines that we are to hold to, to call ourselves the church for the most part are crystal clear, not cloudy. But many in the church can no longer distinguish truth from error. If Jesus were anyone but God he could not save, if you have experienced the strong arm of the Lord reaching out to save you, then you understand who is master and who is the servant. Yet so many teach we too bring things into existence by speaking faith-filled words! He did not transfer this type of power for man or woman, it was by his hands only that things are created. Christianity is about the heart of man that is sinful to change, not promises for success in life or becoming affluent or living the life YOU desire (like Joel Osteen teaches.) Jesus said over and over we must die to self to live by his life. This is what the false teachers have made it. They are now the majority voice on TV and Radio so everyone thinks this is what IT IS about. These are the shadows casting, having no light in themselves to speak the truth. If You wondered why there are so few Biblical churches left? We have seen so many of these called revivals over the last 25 plus years. It is more accurate to say it is revivalism – meaning, it is men hyping people up to think something spiritual is actually taking place when it is false doctrine and practices that are being introduced for them to believe and live by. We have seen the rise of the seeker friendly models, the soft social gospel of Rick Warren added to the mix, the musical revivalism of Hillsong. All the mystical / Gnostic movements continue as little fires spread over the landscape of Christian Churches in America and throughout the World. The firefighters are few, though they try with God's grace to bring the water of the Word to put out the flames, the fires continue to combust. This has got to stop or this fire the new revelators claim is from heaven, (really from the fallen cherub) that is promoted from the likes of Rodney Brown, Lou Engels, Benny Hinn, YWAM and others will burn up what’s left of the truth, what is accurate in the Church. What then will be left? Now over the last many years, it is Bethel church under Bill Johnson spearheading a mystical new age Christianity. He is a man who has less than 0% Bible discernment (in fact they changed the meaning of discernment to be “changing the atmosphere.”) Bethel has become the sweet spot for every new trend tried and some new ones to experiment with. They have gone far beyond the Vineyard church under Wimber. It is the new Hybrid model for the churches, combining blatant new age practices (which they say are to be Christian and they are now redeeming them), one of them is yoga, to unite with the Hindu god within us all. That is what they now call Christianity. This is no longer a subtle infiltration of change but a bold and audacious one, and it has gone on far too long through the various false revivals of the self-made ‘rich and famous’ evanjellyrolls on the churches willingness to allow and support them. When you hear Jenn Johnson say the Holy Spirit to her is like the Blue Genie of Aladdin, he’s fun, sneaky, silly; (on at least 3 occasions) when he is supposed to be holy, there is something seriously wrong with the pastor, her father bringing no correction to his own daughter saying this. What about the crazy talk of body parts in a heavenly room that we can claim them. A storeroom of body parts for replacements… for us on earth! Just reach up and grab one says Bill Johnson. Or the prophet Bob Jones claiming you can visit heaven anytime you want to. Is he in heaven now after death? Anything is accepted by those who have an unbiblical Christianity. Bible verses contextually read for these activities are all missing. We no longer have to be concerned with atheist’s skepticism or disbelief when we have so much talk of unbiblical nonsense coming from within, that is so easily accepted by so many. Roberts Lairdon claims that he toured heaven when he was 8 years old and saw this room. Robin Harfouche claims she went to heaven and saw it, so did Kat Kerr as so many other copycats of heresy Is there anyone who is in their right mind, a Christ centered mind as the Bible teaches that went to heaven? The Bible speaks of those apostles only who were allowed, which is now written in scripture. Where is the truth in the bible in all this? No need for that when they are running on the platform of new revelation! And the last piece on the chessboard is to incorporate new apostles and prophets to have new leadership for the last generation; not a pope, but many. Ignoring the church is built on the prophets and apostles, they laid the foundation, past foundation. We do not need to tear down what the Lord has built to lay a new foundation by the new revelators speaking false doctrines. This is no different than Marxism spiritually applied. These ‘revivalists’ are fooling the whole Christian world with their synergism of new ageism combined with Christianity. This is done by using the occasional Bible word out of context for a mystical reset. It’s time we all stand up for the Word of God, for Jesus who is the Word who became flesh. It’s time for the Church to speak the truth, what the word was intended to be, and not be transformed by new age change agents with their Gnosticism and Mysticism. For all of you on the net who are discerning, keep speaking out. Don’t let anyone stop you from doing this biblical command. Keep growing in the truth that will train you to be sensitive to the many errors spoken. Don’t become discouraged by those who are ‘pastors’ or ‘in the ministry’ for a long time that tell you that you are wrong and they are right, you need to do it their way. Eventually, this is going to end badly for many of the youth involved, when after a time they realize that they were misled by a mixture of Gnosticism, Mysticism of a different Christianity that is not of the Bible but by teachers they were told were spiritual leaders on the cutting edge of end times prophecy. They will not want anything to do with them and it will affect their trust of others, those who live in the truth. Your Christianity will either thrive by the truth or not survive by the deception now taking place. It is our choice; to be part of the remnant or part of the apostasy. |