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The Silence of the Lambs

What unity is this?

So many who the name of Christ are seen on stage at events with new agers and cult preachers and many others with those who hold to another Christ and gospel. This is hard to accept that we are at this latter phase in the apostasy, but it is, and it will only get worse.

Uniting with those who have another gospel hurts the cause of Christ in so many ways, it does not in anyway further Christ’s influence.

What You will find that nearly every false teacher has their statement of faith on paper correct on the nature of God. But in practice it is the opposite. It becomes obvious that if you use the Holy Spirit as a force (as Latter Rain and certain charismatics do, he can’t be God), because you control him, He does not control you.

What kind of unity does the Bible speak of?

Unity is one of the more important objectives for the church to hold. Our spiritual unity has a two fold purpose to show the world whom we serve, presenting who Jesus is to them.

Jesus prayed for the oneness of the church. In John 17:9 he makes this clear: “I pray for them. I do not pray for the world butfor those whom You have given Me, for they are Yours,” v.11: “ that they may be one as We are.” and “for those who will believe in Me through their word” (v.20)

This prayer has already been answered or we could not be part of his body. We are spiritually baptized into him and he in us. (1 Cor.12:13) We are one spiritual and we need to maintain this outwardly.

What we are now to do is maintain the unity of the faith that every believer is to participate in and uphold. Unfortunately, in the past I have had more pastors come against me on this when I bring this to inform them of certain individuals that is not in this unity and promoting it to others.

Eph. 4:3 “with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.

Phil 3:16 ' Nevertheless, to the degree that we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule, let us be of the same mind.'

To keep the unitymeans to maintain what we already have received, to preserve it from any distortion, corruption, confusion which can come by inside influences. Its not the cults that are main disturbers of this unity but the false teachers inside the church.

Our unity is in the truth, which is by the Word of truth in the Spirit of truth

1 Cor. 1:10 “ Now I plead with you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.”

We need to watch out for those who are Silent in the face of false gospels and evil that disguises itself

We are not to allow one to preach another Jesus, or to receive another spirit, or another gospel, which many have tolerance for in out time. Satan has a numerous preachers at his disposal to deceive the church, that is his first target- you!

Some of the main false teachings of our day

Prosperity gospel. God intends Christians to prosper materially also and to live luxuriously with large houses and cars because we are now under the king of the universe.

We are little gods. That God Spirit who lives in us has changed our human nature and we have the same abilities that Christ has and are no longer human butas Christ followers we are like little Messiahs. We can even speak things into existence like God (Rom.4:17)

Signs and wonders. All Christians are to perform miracles everywhere they go, healing the sick and manifesting the Holy Spirit’s power for miracles because we have the same nature of Chirst.

Reconstructionism/ Kingdom now.The church is given spiritual and political power to reform the entire social, economic and political world order in accordance with Christian principles. God has neer called the church to do this. We will have no perfect government until Jesus our Messiah returns, we do the best with what we have in being salt and light.

Israel is forsaken Israel is no longer in covenant with God and rejected. The church is now the new Israel of God so she has all the blessings and Israel has all the cursings. This much like Islams teaching. As a theocracy Israel was given the Sh'ma, Deut.6:4, they were the only nation God controlled directly. But they forsook their calling (temporarily) but are promised by God to be restored (Rom.11).

We are sinless. We do not need to wait for the resurrection because we are cleansed from sin, we are like little Christ's, we do not sin because we are saints. This is what is termed over realized eschatology, applying a future event to today.

Baptism Many church goers have been convinced that baptism, their confirmation and their own good works have given them acceptance by God, They assume they are saved without exercising faith in the gospel. The Bible tells us neither works, the law, nor water saves anyone but by grace through faith is how salvation takes place.

This teaching is a faith without works rejecting  trusting Christ’s sacrifice for sin on the cross, which is the only basis on which God forgives sins. Why would we want to unite with those who deny this?

UniversalismAccepting Jesus died for all and all will be saved whether they believe the gospel or not. The Bible says consistently over 200 times salvation comes by believing, not by not believing. There is an eternal punishment for rejecting Christ and an eternal reward for faith.

We need to be guard for those that teach these and other ‘strange doctrines’ these are those who want to silence the voices that discern and pursue speaking the truth, we have every right to defend the Scripture and protect our brothers and sisters from the lies that will mislead them.

If you want to know the teachers to avoid just go this website and see how they lift up individuals as amazing, awesome being spirit practioners like those in the new age movement, like mystics, they have a different Christ.


The person promoting these men has absolutely no bible knowledge of the truth, untaught of the truth they mislead others. They have no discernment, the majority of the known false teachers in the church today teach these doctrines with only a few missing.



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