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There are numerous good books we recommend for people pursuing studies in theology, research or expanding their knowledge on the cults and new movements in and outside the church. (more will be added as time allows)

Subjects are listed in Alphabetical order

The Facts on series by Ankerberg and Weldon
Ready with an Answer by Ankerberg and Weldon
Hand book on Today's religions McDowell and Stewart 
In Defense of the Faith by Dave Hunt 
A Ready Defense McDowell
The New Evidence That Demands A Verdict by Josh McDowell
The Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties by Gleason Archer
Baker Encyclopedia of Apologetics
The Encyclopedia of American Religions by Gale 
The Encyclopedia of American Cult and Sect leaders by Melton 
The Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties by Gleason Archer                          
Twisting the Truth Bruce Tucker
He Lived Among Us by McDowell/ Wilson
The Resurrection Factor by J. McDowell
Know Why You Believe by Little
Know What You Believe by Little
Christian Apologetics by Geisler
The Church at the End of the 20th Century by Francis Schaeffer
The Hard Sayings of the Bible by Kaiser, Davids, Bruce, Brauch
The Origin of the Bible by Philip Comfort
The New Testament Documents: are they reliable F.F. Bruce
Faith Alone by R.C. Sproul

Bible  Dictionaries  

The [New] Unger’s Bible Dictionary
Halley’s Bible Handbook, by H.H. Halley    
Smith’s Bible Dictionary                                               
Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words
Strong’s Expanded Dictionary of Bible Words                                           
Illustrated Dictionary of the Bible by Herbert Lockyer, Sr.
Nave’s Topical Bible
Evangelical Dictionary of Theology by Walter Elwell  


Bible Commentaries
Albert Barnes’ commentary on the Old and New Testament
Adam Clarke’s Commentaries
John MacArthur’s New Testament Commentaries
John Gill’s Commentary on the Bible
Believers Bible commentary by William MacDonald
The Evangelical Commentary on the Bible by Walter Elwell
Keil and Delitzsch Commentary on the Old Testament and New Testament
 Hebrew – Wordbook of the Old Testament volume 1&2
Jamieson- Fausett- Brown Bible Commentary
Lenski New Testament Commentaries
Wycliffe Bible Commentary
Treasury of David (Psalms), by Charles Spurgeon
The New Commentary on the whole Bible
Romans by Donald G. Barnhouse 
The Gospel of John A. B. Simpson
 Understanding the Kingdom Parables by Philip Powell
 Bible Programs for PC
 PC Study Bible
E- Sword 
Bible Knowledge Accelerator
The Word
Concordance and Lexicons
Thayer’s Greek English Lexicon of the New Testament
Strong’s Enhanced Concordance
Topical Analysis of the Bible by Walter Elwell
Cults and Religions
Kingdom of the Cults, by Walter Martin
Kingdom of the Cults Walter Martin plus [new edition] H. Hannegraaf
The Culting of America Ron Rhodes
Churches that Abuse Ron Enroth
Freedom of Mind  Steven Hassan
 Confronting the Cults by Gordon Lewis
Cults World Religions and You by Ken Boa
The Cult Explosion Dave Hunt.
Cult Proofing your kids by Martin
Strange Sects and Curious cults by Bach
Scripture Twisting, by James Sire
Charts of Cults Sects and Religious Movements, by Wayne House
 The Discipling Movement by Maurice Barnett
 Freemasonry by Jack Harris
 Cambellism its History and Heresies Bob L. Ross
 Another Gospel by Ruth Tucker
 Cult Watch by Ankerberg and Weldon
 Examining the cults by Harold Berry

Legend of the Fall, by Peter M. Duyzer http://wmbranham.net/

 On the Church Growth Movement
 This Little Church Went to Market by Gary Gilley
 Whose Driving the Purpose Driven Church by James Sundquist
 Deceived on Purpose by Warren Smith
 Discernment Tool kit by Sandy Simpson
The Other Side of the River by Kevin Reeves
 Pa$$ the Plate and Let us Prey by Tim Wirth
 A Time of Departing  by Ray Yungen
 Modern Christianity Corrupted by Bob Klingenberg
 The Fleecing of Christianity Jackie Alnor
 Church on the Rise Larry deBruyn
 Muddy waters Nanci Des Gerlaise
 Legend of the Fall an evaluation of William Branham and his message by Peter M. Duyzer
 The Way of the Master by Ray Comfort
 Idolatry in their Hearts by Sandy Simpson and Mike Oppenheimer
Greek and Hebrew Words
Word Pictures of the New Testament, by A.T. Robertson                                 
Vincent’s Word Studies
Vines Complete Expository Dictionary
Wuest’s Word Studies in the Greek New Testament      
Manual Grammar of the Greek New Testament, by Dana and Mantley
Grammar of the Greek New Testament, by J.H. Moulton
Grammar Basics of Biblical Greek, by Mounce
Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament, by Harris, Archer, and Waltke
Theological Dictionary of the New Testament by Kittel
The Works of Josephus by Flavius Josephus   
Foxe’s Book of Martyrs by John Foxe 
Sketches of Jewish Social Life by Alfred Edersheim
Church History by Philip Schaff
History of Christian Doctrine  by Louis Berkhoff
History of Christianity by Kenneth Latourette
History of the Christian Church by Sheldon
A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs by Bercot
Chronological Background Charts of the Old Testament  by Robert C.Walton
Chronological Background Charts of Church History  by Robert C.Walton
Dictionary of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements by Burgess, McGee and Alexander
New Testament History by F.F. Bruce
History of Christianity in the United States and Canada by Mark Noll
Manners and Customs of the Bible by Freeman
Answering Islam, by Norman Giesler and Abdul Saleeb
Islam Revealed Anis Sharrosh
Islam- its prophet, peoples, politics and Power by George Braswell
 Islam in Light of History  by Dr. Rafat Amari
Jehovah's Witnesses
A Problem of Communication by Duane Magnani
The Watchtower Files by Duane Magnani
Responding to the Errors of the Watchtower Larry Bradley
Jehovah's Witnesses by Robert Bowman Jr.
Jehovah's Witnesses, Jesus Christ and the Gospel of John by Robert Bowman Jr.
Understanding Jehovah's Witnesses by Robert Bowman Jr.
Index of Watchtower Errors by David Reed
 Orthodoxy and Heresy Robert bowman
 Jesus by Nature by Constantine D. Lenis
What do Mormons Really Believe by Ankerberg and Weldon.
The Maze of Mormonism by Walter Martin
Mormon claims Answered by Marvin Cowan
The Truth about Mormonism by Dennis and Rauni Higley
Understanding Mormonism by Sandra  and Conrad Sunholm
The Changing World of Mormonism by Jerald and Sandra Tanner
 Answering Mormons Questions by Bill McKeever
3,913 changes in the book of Mormon by Sandra and Jerald Tanner
Covering up the Black Hole in the book of Mormon by Sandra and Jerald Tanner 
A Crash Course on the NAM by Elliot Miller
 Psychic forces and Occult shock by John Weldon
Inside the new age Nightmare by Randall Baer 
Occult Invasion by Dave Hunt
A Sorcerers New Apprentice by Dave Hunt
Yoga and the Body of Christ by Dave Hunt
Reinventing Jesus Christ The New Gospel by Warren Smith
A Time of Departing by Ray Yungen
Under the Spell of Mother Earth by Berit Kjos 
Brave New Schools by Berit Kjos

Spirit Wars by Peter Jones

The Gnostic empire Strikes Back by Peter Jones

The New World Religion by Gary Kah
When the World will be as One by Tal Brooke
The secret teachings of the Masonic lodge by Ankerberg and Weldon
Lambs to the Slaughter Johanna Micahelson
The Beautiful Side of Evil Johanna Micahelson
UFO Cults and  the  New Millennium by William M. Alnor
Angels Among us by Ron Rhodes
Understanding the Occult by Mcdowell/ Stewart
Can You Trust Your Doctor by Ankerberg and Weldon 
Deceived by the Light Doug Groothius
 Faith Undone by Roger Oakland
The Footsteps of the Messiah by Arnold Fructhenbaum
The Revelation of Jesus Christ  by John Walvoord
 In Search for Messiah by Mark Eastman
The Temple by Alfred Edersheim                                                                
The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, by Alfred Edersheim
The New Manners and Customs of Bible Times, by Ralph Gower
Nelson’s Complete Book of Bible Charts and Maps
Chronological Background Charts of the New Testament by H. Wayne House
A General Introduction to the Bible by Geisler/Nix
Old Testament Prophetic Books by Bullock
What You Should Know about the Bible by Stanford Herlick
In Search of Messiah by Mark Eastman
A Harmony of the Words and Works of Jesus Christ by Dwight Pentecost
A Harmony of the Gospels A.T. Robertson
Spiritual Warfare by Ray Stedman
How Then Should We Live? by Francis Schaeffer
The Works of Josephus by Flavius Josephus
Christ the Crown of the Torah by Burgess
Christianity and Liberalism by J. Gresham Machen
Jesus was Jew by Arnold Fruchtenbaum
Roman Catholicism
Conversations with Catholics  by McCarthy
A Woman Rides the Beast by Dave Hunt
The Gospel According to Rome by McCarthy
The Cult of the Virgin by Miller / Samples
Answers to my Catholic Friends by Heinze
Roman Catholic Traditions by Webster
 Spiritual Warfare
Overrun by Demons by Thomas Ice and Robert Dean
 Making War in the Heavenlies by Bill Randles
 Miracles, Demons and Spiritual Warfare by Gross
The Moody Handbook of Theology by Paul Enns
Israelology- The Missing Link in Theology by Arnold Fruchtenbaum
Know the Truth  by Bruce Milne
Charts of Christian Theology and Doctrine, by House
God in Three Persons by Milliard Erickson
God in Three Persons Cal Beisner
The Trinity and Eternal Sonship by Bob L. Ross
The Existence and Attributes of God by Charnock
 Jesus God by Nature - Constantine D. Lenis
 Daivd Cooper All his books
 Should the Church Teach Tithing by Russell Kelly
Various Subjects on Christianity
The Origin of Paul’s Religion by Gresham Machen
Hells Best kept Secret by Ray Comfort
Faith Alone by R.C. Sproul
Word Faith / Kingdom Dominionism/ Heresies
Vengeance is Ours Al Dager
A Different Gospel by McConnell
 The Seduction of Christianity by Dave Hunt                  
Another Gospel, Ruth Tucker
Charisma vs. Charismania by Chuck Smith
Signs and Wonders Movement Exposed by Mark Haville
The Charismatics John MacArthur
Weighed and found Wanting by Bill Randles
Beware  of the New Prophets by Bill Randles
Strange Fire - The Rise of Gnosticism in the Church by Travers and Jewel Van Der Mere
A Different Gospel by D.L McConell
Confusing World of Benny Hinn by Fisher/ Goedelman
The Midnight Ride - Awake ministries
 Many will Come in His Name Ray Yungen
 The Agony of Deceit by Michael Horton
7th Day Adventism
The Cultic Doctrines of the SDA by Ratzlaff
The White Lie by Rea
7th Day Adventism and the Writings of E.G. White  by J. Mark Martin


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