Promises that do nothing Expectations and promises never end, especially from those who claim they can impact or change the world by signs and wonders. I use this "Christian conference" as just one of the many examples of the increased cooperation with organizations that oppose Christ, those who purposely do not apply discernment to their unity with others that claim to be the body of Christ. Global Power Leadership Conference is advertising that God is going to send a massive revival, with signs and wonder with 5 days of open heaven … Power Packed Leadership Conference where Christian Leaders from many different nations gather together in New Jersey this October. (How many times have we heard this over the last 30 years as things get worse and worse in the world and in the churches that promise these empty unfulfilled claims) They say, Mighty Men and Women of God ministers at every sessions of the Conference. Their intent to develop churches just like the first century. Let me point out that to do that means that accurate doctrine is being taught, and from what we can see from their advertisement it is not, (by advertising the promise of signs and wonders along with whom they are fully united with). Who is their unity with? They support and accept the 10 principles of the United Nations global compact and human rights and ALL charters of the UN. They are certified by the UN global compact. While some of the goals may be aligned with Christian teaching, considering what the UN is about you can be assured many are not. For example triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution. Or the UN opposing corruption which is found in nearly all governments and governing organizations in the world. Consider that -They want to accomplish their vision before the Lords return to assist others to find their purpose on earth. They speak blessings into your marriage, family, ministry & businesss – Director. Although their statement of faith may sound like anyone elses that is biblically sound, scrutiny must be applied to their involvement with the world’s agenda. This is the church in the last days, not separate from the world’s endeavors but joining it. Unity with those who do not have faith, unity with the direction of the world that is against Gods principles and His Word. This is what the world church approved by man will eventually look like when fully developed. .. Advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the implementation of the UN Global Compact Ten Principles on human rights, environment, labor and anti-corruption moving toward the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. FOUNDER and CHAIRMAN AUGP and Rector the University for Global Peace, Dr.Madhu Krishan, called his excellency heads up the academy of universal globalpeace USA is an Eminent Social Reformer & Activist, Environmentalist/Scientist, Educator, Peace Builder, Human Rights & Constitutional Rights Activist. Where is Christ in this? Here it is - GLOBAL APOSTOLIC DIOCESE USA Be careful of those who are united with worldly organizations who promise power to those who attend their crusades and conferences. Discern by the Word not by intentions or feelings. |