Was William Branham a Mason, a grand Occultist? In June of 1933 when Branham conducted his services in the Masonic hall on Meigs avenue, this is where he claims to have received the consecutive 7 visions of major events before Christ returns. Afterwards, He continued to speak in other Masonic temple and halls. Numerous times he expressed thanks to them and asked God to bless them. “I'm the only one of my family, in my father's, or my mother's people, or also my wife's people have…?… into the Masons, Shriners,or…?… in their organizations. And may God bless them, is my prayer, that they will, every one… Every one…” (Branham, 55-0220A - The Second Coming) He spoke highly of the Masons helping him when he needed medical help as a boy. But He never once spoke against this cult group for what they actually believe, instead he made it to be fellowship club. Why would Masons help young Branham unless either he or someone in his family belonged? He repeated stated, “Mrs. Stewart. And they was the ones actually that paid my hospital bill. I... But she, through her church society and the Klu Klux Klan paid the hospital bill for me: Mason's. I can never forget it.No matter what they door what, I still... There's something that that stays with me (See?),what they did for me”(63-1110M Souls in Prison Now Jefferson In) “We didn't even have food to eat, in the house, so how could we pay a hospital bill, hundreds of dollars? But she, through her church society and the Ku Klux Klan, paid the hospital bill for me, Mason's. I can never forget them. See?No matter what they do”(63-1110M - Souls That Are In Prison Now; Branham, 57-0306 - God Keeps His Word #1) “I believe that the Masons are all right, but the Mason Lodge will never take the place of the Church, or the Blood of Jesus Christ. All my people are Masons, and they're all right as a lodge.”(Branham, 61-0414 - Be Not Afraid, It Is I ) Why would he say nothing is wrong with Masons but would always find fault with the Church. Branham was indebted to them for saving his life, on this one can acknowledge what they did but at the same time you cannot find a bad word said of them, but he had lots of bad to say about Christians. Masons are the most occultic practitioners one can find of any religion . Branham claimed he started off Baptist in Davis’ church that he was a pastor in. Davis was part of the Ku Klux Klan, but Davis was not just anyone in the Klan, he as official spokesman for the Klan where he held public speeches and debates. Branham later voiced his anti semitic view of Jesus that would fit well with the teachings of an anti semetic organization. Question: Brother Branham, is there anything wrong with belonging to a lodge after we have become a Christian, such as the Masons? Answer: No, sir. You be a Christian wherever you are. I don't care where you are, you can still be a Christian.” (Branham, 61-1015M - Questions And Answers ) Is this true? NO it is not. You cannot teach or practice the Occult and be a Christian, (or be a statanist) these are two opposites. Branham taught on the occult, the same teaching ingrained in Freemasonry all through his life. Yet he would say: “ Nothing against a lodge now, but the lodge has got its place, but it ain't the place of the church.” (53-0607E, A Testimony, Roberts Park Amphitheater, Connersville, IN) He spoke of the churches without the miracles (like the miracles he produced) were no better than the organizations of lodges. At a times he would say “ The Masonic Lodge and all other lodges are all right, but it still isn't the house of God. There's where God speaks. Those lodges try to make you moral. But God makes you righteous through Jesus Christ, His Son.”(58-1005M, Hear His Voice, Branham Tabernacle) This is as close to his correcting the Masonic teaching that he would get. He would say the church lost its power, “it becomes no more than any other lodge. It's true.” Well thats not true, in the lodge, the Masons practiced deep occultism for knowledge and POWER. It is written of them of the energies of Lucifer. “And they wanted to make the church like a lodge, the same as they got today; like a lodge, no Spirit in it at all; "Days of miracles is past. All that was for another age. We got a brotherhood." A good Mason, Odd Fellow, or anything like that produces that. And that's all right, but that'll never take the place of a new birth in Jesus Christ, salvation to the soul, this truth. “ (60-1208, The Thyatirean Church Age, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN) This last part he said is true but when combined with his statements that there is nothing seriously wrong with the lodge, or that one can be a christian and still practice their Masonic teachings – be a Mason, this truth becomes Laodicean lukewarm speech. “They are merelylodges. You belong to the Methodist lodge, to the Presbyterian lodge, or to the Pentecostal lodge, as far as that goes, that's... You see? Lodges... See? You cannot... See, churches are actually lodges where people with the same idea drift together. But the Church is one. And you cannot join the Church; you are borned in It.” (62-1104M, Blasphemous Names) This was probably his most used apologetic on the lodge of the Masons. This statement is only partially correct, as Branham did not accept the Trinitarians. He would exclude them as being part of the church, and label them all with the Roman Catholics. He purposely softened his message on the Masons, as if they did not practice the Occult. “ I have nothing against lodges, but Masonry, Odd Fellows, or any of them, would be just as well if it's ceremony. It has it's good and bad, just like the Church.” (54-0217, Jesus On The Authority Of The Word) No it is not anything like the Church, where the Lord is its head. These are not just ceremonies, but initiations and stages into climbing the ladder of illumination. Do you think he did not know this? He mentions the Shriner temple over 1100 times, and thanked them profusely We thank this28Shrinerbrotherhood for letting us have this auditorium, It's a privilege to be in this Shriner Auditorium again.” Whats inteersting is that he was casting out demons when he was using their auditorium, hmm. He said “Thou has brought down the Holy Spirit, for the--the people that owns It, and thelodge.”“bless the building, and the place that we're attending as we gather for His glory. We want to thank the--that's the Shriners isn't it...?... opening up their... The Shriners...?... They have been nice to me wherever I have went. They've opened up their doors, and I've been given a chance to express...?... They've throwed their doors open...?... I'm the only one of my family, in my father's, or my mother's people, or also my wife's people have...?... into the Masons, Shriners, or...?... in their organizations.And may God bless them”( 55-0220A, The Second Coming, Shriner Temple, Phoenix, AZ) God bless the Masons? Really, how about he saves them from the very things they practice that are against God. We want to thank the--that's the Shriners isn't it...?... opening up their... The Shriners...?... They have been nice to me wherever I have went. They've opened up their doors, and I've been given a chance to express...?...They've throwed their doors open...?... I'm the only one of my family, in my father's, or my mother's people, or also my wife's people have...?... into the Masons, Shriners, or...?... in their organizations. And may God bless them, is my prayer, that they will, every one... Every one…”(55-0220A, The Second Coming, Shriner Temple, Phoenix, Az) God bless an occult organization that is against the truth, which accepts all religions as in having truth and has conglomerated them to have a separate religion, not just a lodge. The Masonic teachings of William Branham “You Masons, I'll call your attention. You remember the sign of the cross? Now, you—you know what I'm talking about.”(Branham, 63-0322 - The Fifth Seal) Would that be, the rosicrux? What cryptic meaning is he assigning to the cross that only a mason would know? Consider that Masons speak of the powers of Lucifer, he being the true God, what true Chirstian that is grounded and believes the Word OF GOD are going to say what Branham says? What of the cross, the cross that Branham said he was saved by? “that what that vision was give me, as a little bitty boy out yonder? And I have went West, and there is the golden Cross of the Gospel shining down, has declared the sign from the Heaven, just exactly. Remember, the Cross was in a panoramic, l ike a--like a pyramid,also, built. See? Could it be that it's the head part”(63-1110M, Souls That Are In Prison Now, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN) After hearing all this one has to wonder what that angel of light was at his first baptism? “We were singing that when the Morning Star, the Angel of the Lord made Its first appearance over where I was standing in public, for the first time in my life, at the foot of Spring Street in the Ohio river in June '33, … there baptizing.”(55-0123A, The Approach To God). He said that he continued to be visited by this star, “floating down through the room, came the Morning Star, coming right up to where I was. ” (50-0714, At Thy Word, Tent Meeting) The Order of the Golden and Rosy Cross(known as the Fraternity of the Golden and Rosy Cross ), was founded by a German Rosicrucianorganization founded in the 1750sby Freemasons. The Orb has a cross, which is an important emblem within Freemasonry. The cross is rooted in moral and spiritual truths that features symbols like the square and compasses, the all-seeing eye, the plumb line, the level, and the trowel. The symbols representing different degrees of Masonic arranged in ascending order of significance, highlighting the progression of knowledge and enlightenment from the Masonic enlightenment. Branham adopted all kinds of foreign religious symbols (besides Astrology) and incorprated it in his teachings, christianizing them, just as the Masons did. For Masons speak of Lucifer, the light is their revelator of knowledge. Albert Pike and other Masonic scholars spoke about the " "energies of Lucifer," t hey were referring to the morning star, the light bearer, Albert Pike speaks of Lucifer as the Light-bearer. Lucifer (really called Morning star) is the great Angel, above all others. “Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light!" (Morals and dogma p. 321) Lets pause and consider What Branham said on this. “the morning star a sign to the wise men that came from the East” (54-0718Athe great coming revival) “Christ be the Morning Star, brightest, ..the bright and morning Star.” (57-0326, Jehovah-Jireh, Oakland Municipal Auditorium, Oakland, CA ) “And first thing themorning star lit the way, and like a great meteor sailed across the earth and hung over the grave where He was at.”(55-0410S, My Redeemer Liveth, Branham Tabernacle) “ the morning star come from the skies and rolled back the tombstone s (57-0808, The Mighty Conqueror, Edmonton Arena, Edmonton, AB) He further described this morning star, “I can see the greatMorning Star hanging yonder in its socket, who had hung there since the beginning of time, begin to move. I can see it take a circle. Mary, them, watching It. What's It doing? It's an Angel, and It's looking around for the grave where they had laid Him." (53-0405S, Go, Tell My Disciples, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN) Apparently Branham could see what the Bible does not teach . Here we read Branham speak, who bought into the Masons history of building Solomons temple. “Listen, when they built the temple of Solomon, they, the... Any of you masons here now could get this pretty good. They brought the cedars down from Lebanon; they floated them in as far as Joppa, and hauled them by ox cart, and so forth, you know. Then they cut out all their stones all around the world. But when they come together, they were such perfect masonry, and in forty years in the building of the temple, there wasn't a buzz of a saw or a sound of a hammer. Every stone went, one was cut this a-way, one was cut that way, one was cut back this a-way,but every one of them went together. They started laying the thing, putting the building up, getting along fine. And they found a funny looking stone. They didn't want that thing, said, "That don't belong here." And they kicked it out, throwed it over in the weed pile. And cometo find out, they built on and on and on, and, come to find out, the very stone they had rejected was the chief cornerstone.(53-0326, Israel And The Church #2, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN) The Bible:1 Kings 5:13-18 “ King Solomon raised up a labor force out of all Israel; and the labor force was thirty thousand men. And he sent them to Lebanon, ten thousand a month in shifts: they were one month in Lebanon and two months at home; Adoniram was in charge of the labor force. Solomon had seventy thousand who carried burdens, and eighty thousand who quarried stone in the mountains, besides three thousand three hundred from the chiefs of Solomon's deputies, who supervised the people who labored in the work. And the king commanded them to quarry large stones, costly stones, and hewn stones, to lay the foundation of the temple. So Solomon's builders, Hiram's builders, and the Gebalites quarried them; and they prepared timber and stones to build the temple. The Phoenicians of Gebal were expert builders (masons), especially in stonecutting (1 Kings 5:18) (Ungers Bible dictionary). They also well known for their shipbuilding and caulking (Ezek. 27:9). Hiram king of Tyre helped in giving Solomon cedar and cypress logs and the stones that were used in building the temple (Kings 5:10). It is not at all as Masons teach, their Lodge room represents the Holy of Holies, of King Solomons Temple. “How many knows what a keystone is? When the arch is built, then the keystone holds it together.The cornerstone's what holds up the building, is that right?And the cornerstone in the pyramid was the capstone , was the keystone that held the rest of it together. Now, this keystone was rejected. (Spoken word origianl Seed 62-0318E) The cornerstone is the capstone?Here is how Branham revisioned the Bible, “Like the pyramid, come up through Luther, Wesley, Pentecost, and then the capping of the stone. Could it be that? If that's it, where we at? It, this might. I hope it isn't, but it's got to be. It'... It has to come. And God don't change. Think of it!” (63-1110M, Souls That Are In Prison Now, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN)’ The Pyramid teaching of William Branham “Then the next Bible was written, was in stone,called pyramid. God wrote in the pyramids”(Adoption 60-0522E)
“Like Enoch whobuilt the pyramids, that we believe... And the capstone never was put on top of them, because the headstone was rejected.”(62-1104M, Blasphemous Names) Which would means Enoch was the first mason, who is an Egyptian? Who says Enoch built the pyramids, the Bible doesn’t say this and neither does the book of Enoch. Where did he get this informaion? From the occult literature. The Masons have illustrations that are in a pyramid. They have in their lodge symbol all through their charts order of Solomon templars, within the pyramid or at the top is the all seeing eye (called the eye of horus) some with rays of light coming outward. All Occult symbology from their books by Pike triangles pyramids seem to be the main symbol. This convoluted confusion, the pyramid has no arch, the bible does not mention a capstone for Christ, but this is THEIR capstone. Why did Branham have such a interest in pyramids? At the time it became a trend (Jehovah Witnesses). Branham was infatuated with pyramids, he saw visions of a bird in that form T he capstone teaching “Did you notice, the pyramid was rejected. The stone that went on the top of the main pyramid (if you was ever in Egypt) never did cap it. Why? The headstone was rejected. And what's that stone? Each stone, as it comes up to the end, had to be cut just in order for the headstone. Now, the Church coming up from Luther, Wesley, Pentecost, it'll have to get into shape till the Headstone Christ Jesus and the Church will set together (Hallelujah.) to cap the whole Church together for the resurrection of every mortal that died believing on His Name. Amen (60-0708, Sir, We Would See Jesus, City High School, Klamath Falls, OR) Branham called the cornerstone at the bottom for the foundation the capstone, headstone. He knew nothing about the Bible on this. He lifted out words to prove a whole new interpretation from the occult. The pyramid has absolutely nothing to do with Christ his teachings or the church, yet he had all 7 churches as part of a pyramid structure just as the Masons do. The return oh his Christ “When the capstone comes the Holy Spirit cements it together that's the baptism of the Holy Ghost. That's why it's so short today " (Blasphemous Names - 4.11.62) Why do New Agers, occultists, Luciferians call Satan the “Capstone.” The significance of the word ”Capstone,” instead of cornerstone must be understand from the source. Lucifer said, “I will be like the most High” (Isa. 14:14). New Bible versions, the NIV, calls Jesus Christ the “Capstone.” (Psalm 118:22; Zech. 4:7;Mt. 21:42; Mk. 12:10; Lk.20:17; Acts 4:11; 1Pt.2:7 NKJV has capstone in one place Zech. 4:7; KJV 0. New American Standard 0; American Standard 0. Revised Standard version 0. The Living Bible twice Ps. 118:22; Acts 4:1. Nowhere in Scripture is Jesus Christ called the “Capstone.” Jesus Christ is the “corner stone,” or “chief corner stone,” or “head of the corner” (Isaiah 28:16; Matthew 21:42; Mark 12:10; Luke 20:17; Acts 4:11; Ephesians 2:20; I Peter 2:6, 7). Christ is the foundation stone, the first stone to be laid for a foundation, where the Church is built upon. It is not at the top but the bottom, its in humility not exaltion that the church is built upon Christ. Branham did not understand the biblical teaching on this. Branham was continually using the pyramid as the structure for the church “It's built right up like this to a point. And the stone on the capstone never was found. They never did put a cap on top of the pyramid. I don't know whether you know it or not. The big pyramid of Egypt, it never had a top stone on it. Why? The Capstone was rejected; Christ, the Headstone (See?), was rejected. But as we grow from the Lutheran age, Baptist age, Methodist age, Pentecostal age, we're right up to the Capping Stone now (See?), waiting and longing for that Capping Stone to set down; the building's complete. Have not you read in the Scripture, "the stone was rejected." 'Course, we realize that was talking to the Solomon's temple. "But the rejected Stone has become the Chief of the corner." But I'm saying this only to make a--a picture to you. Now, and in the Bible, we're living in the last days, the top of the pyramid, the crossed fishes of the cancer age in the zodiac, in the time of the coming of the Leo the lion, in the capping Stone, and in the days of the manifestation of the sons of God in the Bible. See? See where we're at? We're right at the end time.”(60-0518, Manifested Sons of God, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN) The Headstonewas never rejected the cornerstone at the bottom was, and it was not when the pyramid was built but when Christ came which was thousands of years later. This is a major flaw in his teaching. So the capstone on the pyramid is Christ whose structure was apparently built long before Jesus was incarnated and rejected? “When Enoch and them, in the early days,built the pyramids down in Egypt”(64-0418E, Jesus Keeps All His Appointments, Mckay Auditorium, Tampa, FL) There's more confusion, he also says the Nephilim built the pryramids, which makes Enoch a Nephilim, and a scientist that he spoke agaianst. “ Man renown, of old, as it was in the days of Noah, how they build and made, and built the pyramids and everything, scientists.” (64-0216, Identification, Elliott Auditorium, Tulare, CA) “ Noah lived in a day of great scientific research. In the days of Noah, they probably built the pyramids”(65-0120, Lean Not Unto Thy Own Understanding, Ramada Inn, Phoenix, AZ) Enoch was gone before the days of Noah began, so Branham was way off on his guesswork . “Science in that day were probably more able...They built the pyramids in Egypt, the sphinxes”(64-0305, Perseverant, Soul's Harbor Temple, Dallas, TX )“We have no power to do it. They had a hold of atomic power, or--or some kind of power that built the pyramids” (64-0619, Perseverant, Municipal Auditorium, Topeka, KS) He made the pyramid into the church ages“but the Headstone was rejected. And they don't know, … But that's the stone that caps the whole thing, that makes it the pyramid through the complete seven church ages”( 65-1128M, God's Only Provided Place Of Worship, Life Tabernacle, Shreveport, LA) The pyramid cap is just about to be set on top. ... Lord, let them people wake up and realize they're looking for something way out yonder in the future, and it's happening right under their nose, and they don't realize it.” (61-0416, Abraham And His Seed After Him, Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington, IL) “the seventh angel in the seven constellation, seventh period constellation, the pyramid made in a form, three on a side, and one on top, and they dropped from eternity. Could it be? Is this the mystery of the thunders that will bring back the Headstone ? (62-1230E, Is This The Sign Of The End, Sir?, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN) But they never did cap the pyramid. Why? The--the capstone was rejected. But it will come again someday. Praise the Lord. And see in that pyramid (I've been there.), it's honed so close till even you can't run a razor blade, there's no mortar between it. It just perfectly sets together like the same stone. And when that church gets honed into the perfect image of Jesus Christ, He will come, resurrect all the saints when He comes and take them with Him. The church of the living God will be caught up.( 63-0608 Conferernces, Tuscon, Az) “Christ can't come until that Church is perfectly right. He is waiting on us.”(65-0815, And Knoweth It Not,) This has absolutely no biblical precedent that the church is so perfected when Christ comes. This is the manifest sons of God teaching he continually promoted. First Branham said the Bible was in the stars (astrology ) “The second Bible was written, was written by Enoch, and put in the pyramid . The third Bible was written, and the last one, is this One. [Brother Branham indicates his Bible--Ed.] (53-0403, The Cruelty Of Sin, And The Penalty That It Cost To Rid Sin From Our Lives, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN) The big pyramid of Egypt, it never had a top stone on it. Why? The Capstone was rejected; Christ, the Headstone (See?), was rejected. But as we grow from the Lutheran age, Baptist age, Methodist age, Pentecostal age, we're right up to the Capping Stone now (See?), waiting and longing for that Capping Stone to set down; the building's complete. Have not you read in the Scripture, "the stone was rejected." 'Course, we realize that was talking to the Solomon's temple. "But the rejected Stone has become the Chief of the corner." But I'm saying this only to make a--a picture to you. Now, and in the Bible, we're living in the last days, the top of the pyramid, the crossed fishes of the cancer age in the zodiac, in the time of the coming of the Leo the lion, in the capping Stone, and in the days of the manifestation of the sons of God in the Bible. See? See where we're at? We're right at the end time.” ( 60-0518, Manifested Sons of God, Branham Tabernacle, Jeffersonville, IN Which is it the pyramid or Solomon's temple? No this confusion does not explain anything. “This is the LAST warning. There will not be another. The throne room has been set up. The twelve foundations have been laid. The streets of gold have been paved. The gates of gigantic pearls are raised and hinged. Like a pyramid she stands so fair and glorious.” (LAODICEAN.CHURCH.AGE - CHURCH.AGE.BOOK CPT.9) Is the new Jerusalem a pyramid? What Branham proclaimed is more conducive to the antichrist as the capstone of the pyramid. We may not be able to absolutely determine Branham was a Freemason, but we can certainly see he borrowed their ideas, as he most certainly took their teachings and Christianized them as he did so many other occult ideas, like astrology. And this is why William Branham cannot be trusted for being a representative of God.