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The over reach of O. L Jagger's

The original Latter Rain has given way to the new order we see today. But to understand what they are promoting as the new and improved version we need to understand the original.

O.L. Jaggers was part of the original group of healers and miracle workers in Branhams time.

Among the visitors to [William] Branham's services were Pentecostal evangelists and pastors eager to watch the new man of miracles perform. Some had started their own healing campaigns when they first heard of the widespread public response to the Branham ministry, and they visited the services to learn as much as possible about his methods. ... after observing a Branham performance, they hurried home to resign their pastorates and start assembling a faith-healing team. The Reverend O. L. Jaggers attended one fo [sic] the early Branham services an later established a healing ministry that eventually became an independent church.[Morris, James (1973). The Preachers. St Martins Press. p. 58. ]

William Branham said of Jaggers, “I remember O. L. Jaggers. The hardest person I ever had to shake away from me was O. L. Jaggers. I didn't want to shake him away from me, but he was so skeptic. Oh, my. He was beating it down, and all the time I knew he believed it in his heart, but he just wanted to see what I was going...?... So he, Brother O. L. Jaggers, he's a bosom friend” (William Marrion Branham “Faith” April 27, 1956 the Abundant Life Center in Charlotte, North Carolina 56-0427)

O. L. was known as Dr. Jaggers, he was said to have the following advanced degrees: Doctor of Science, Doctor of Biology and Divine Physics, Doctor of Literature, Doctor of Divinity, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Nuclear Biology, Ph.D. Professor of Human Genetics in the University Research Fellow of Biblical Manuscripts all presumably granted by the University of the World Church.

William Branham considered Jaggers a powerful preacher, and was mentioned in a number of sermons by Branham where He honoured him and said he prayed for him.

Then there's Brother O. L. Jaggers from the World church down there, another fine man” (55-1115, Blind Bartimaeus, Tent Meeting, San Fernando, CA)

Though he believed he was serving God he rebuked him for what he was teaching in 1961.

I told him not long ago; I said, "Brother Jaggers, if I could preach like you did, I'd never even have a healing service." But he had got all that blood and wine and stuff when he first started over there.

Brother Jaggers and I said... He said... Oh, I said, "I seen about that woman that's got that blood in her hands." "Oh," he said, "Brother Branham, that is the most phenomenal you ever seen." I said, "Brother Jaggers, I love you. First, I want you to put my hand in yours. Let's say we are brothers." He said, "Sure. What's the matter?" I said, "You are one of the most powerful preachers that I know of. What a--what a instrument for God that you are." He said, "Thank you, Brother Branham. You're really humble." I said, "I'm not saying that to be humble. I'm saying that because I believe it. You are God's servant."

Now, brother," I said, "I love you, and you're my brother." And I said, "Brother Jaggers, you're going to get on a limb after while that you can't get back off of. Come back to your church, and come back and stay with the Gospel." And I said, "Don't build it upon sensations." I said...

For now, he's got--he's baptizing to Eternal Life. You know, every time you baptize, you go back to a young woman or man. Now, that's going to... He ain't going never die, so that is he on the end of the limb right now, them vitamin pills out of the Dead Sea... You see, but that's what it is, brother” (61-0425B, The Godhead Explained, Holiday Inn, Chicago, IL)

O. L. Jaggers married his first cousin Velma in 1957. Miss Velma was known throughout the world as "The Messenger of God's Youth".  She had a vision of the exact location of MAMRE in Israel, where God restored Abraham and Sarah to the days of their youth when they were about 100 years old. Whats interesting is that they had no children of their own.

The Jaggers came up with a whole new way of salvation where he taught one would never physically die if they were born again the right way. This is done through an intricate system found in their church only "This baptism takes one through all the death processes and the grave, and then into the resurrection of a new life body creature." This is called the mighty transformation communion miracle (Also transubstantiation of communion) where one can receive divine health and immortal life.

Miss Velma said “The new Revelation of Mamre is the greatest gift ever given to a people by almighty God” (The mighty Miracle of the new Revelation of Mamre p.7)

The claim is that through this revelation of Mamre no one will have sin, sickness, disease senility and death. We are not to die but stay eternally young in our bodies. "It is essential for us to let go of the old motto that we must grow old, then die and go to heaven to meet our maker. That is a lie of the devil. He lied at the beginning, and he will continue to lie until the very end." (Ibid. p.46)

He and his wife experienced death like all others before them, their exclusive revelation failed. It failed for every follower that they had participate in their exclusive new birth revelation and it failed for them. They did not overcome death.

Dr. Orval Lee Jaggers died on January 10, 2004 at the age of 88 in Glendale, CA.

Velma Jaggers died August 21, 2004 Miss Velma passed away at the age of 84.

Jaggers like the others all read the book Atomic power though prayer and fasting by Franklin Hall. Around 1946, Franklin Hall established a major fasting and prayer revival center. He taught that fasting would bring revival and the "restoration" of the church. Allegedly, there were appearances of the Holy Ghost in fire and smoke in the building. This story has been reused, applied to other peoples ministries all over the world.

Immortality was part of the "latter rain" movements goals. Hall writes, “Body-felt salvation has revolutionized my physical body. I get sick no more. There simply are no more headaches. If I should slam the door on my hand or foot it does not hurt or harm me. I have no more accidents to my body. I have no colds, fevers or sickness any more and have not 'had since getting the miracle upon my body. This is more than perfect health or even divine health. My body has been saved from the root Adamic sickness that all are born with.

There is good news concerning the fulness [sic] of a complete and perfect work of salvation that is coming about in the last. … There is the former rain and there is the latter rain. It will be complete and full. It will be in such abundance that it will be POURED OUT UPON (UPON, UPON, UPON, MIND YOU) ALL FLESH (Acts 2:17 and Joel 2)

Hall's newsletter, Miracle Word, tells of how well-known preachers of his day received his message:

Rev. Walter Frederick, former Assembly superintendent in Canada, sent Brother Hall's literature to every Pentecostal preacher in Canada .... A few of the others (not too well-known then) ministers who had major fasting experiences by our writings in the 1946, 1947 to 1950 fasting era and who also became famous are:

Wm. Freeman, Gordon Lindsay, A.A. Allen, O.L. Jaggers, Gayle Jackson, Oral Roberts, David Nunn, Wm. Branham, W.V. Grant, Wm. Hagen, Dale Hanson, [and] Tommy Hicks.

According to Franklin Hall's 1985 newsletter, 'Miracle World, “One lady, Sister Mary Sommerville, fasted without food for eighty-three days. She was so strong on this notable fast that she ran and danced all over the place, being drunk on both the inner and outer filling of the precious Holy Spirit." (Franklin Hall, "Miracle Word" (Phoenix; Hall Deliverance Foundation, Inc., Summer, 1985) p.10)

Hall also believed in "Christian" astrology. He said that in 1848 the Aquarian Age was introduced. He talked about going to Venus or Mars. That the power behind the saucers, an "Immortal Substance" came on those who attended his meetings. This substance was a dust like fine gold and silver which would sparkle from the skin. Sound familiar, it should, as the new revivals incorporated many latter rain concepts and practices such as gold dust falling.

Dr. Jaggers authored of over 300 books: Omnipotence is Yours! Or How Deity Places Himself In the Lives of Men, Everlasting Spiritual and Physical Health, How to Rid the World of Red Communism, and The Atomic and Hydrogen Bomb in Bible Prophecy. He was most famous for his view on UFOs in his book Flying Saucers!

Hall wrote, “The overcoming saints, however, are hundreds of years ahead of our scientists. These heaven projected saints will be so clothed and covered with the Immortality, supernatural, ZOOMING sparkling Substance, that it will be no more trouble at all for them to take off.
"Where will they go?
"They will fly right into the Glory Cloud residence of our Lord and Savior, Heaven in Him. Into His Cloud Fire Body. (Rev.12:5)
"The distance, at first, may not be very far away, however, as the 8th church from out of the 7 churches of revelation, called the 'overcomers,' become more and more adjusted and acclimated to Holy Ghost Space flight, great distances taken, will seem like no distance at all.'

We need to understand how these occultic concepts are now incorporated into the modern revivals, with Bob Jones, Bill Johnson and Todd Bentley and others claiming to travel to heaven as they will, these are all the heresies of the latter rain being implemented by unstable men leading the church away from the Christ of Scripture to a new age Christ who empowers the individual to supposedly do supernatural works beyond the scripture. This is what O. L. Jaggers taught as well. Franklin Hall was their inspiration.

Hall: "Jesus taught a small, but precious group of His followers - those who were able to bear it, that gravity would be completely loosed from them, in the last days, when they learned how to train their appetites into a different channel. We must learn to labor for the meal that endures unto everlasting (IMMORTAL) life. The meat that draws us away from gravity holding things. Jn.6:27.

"Gravity-freed, great people will run up walls, not break rank, and if they fall on a sword, the Immortality power from Jesus' body, on them, will protect them. It appears that, they also can walk or run upside down. See Joel 2:3-11." (excerpt from Al Dager's Latter Rain and Kingdom Theology)

Hall later wrote “The Return to Immortality”, explaining that Christians can become immortal through stages of spiritual growth. Through experiences with what he calls UFOs, (Unusual heavenly objects).

Who taught “Only one part of our salvation has seemingly been taught. The sin problem, eliminated by Jesus’ shed blood. The “SHORTNESS OF GLORY” portion (See Romans 3:23) “…The latter portion is the most important for full redemption attainment, yet it has deplorably been left out.

Attention was called to the reader above. At least three persons who fasted much did enter into a portion if not all of the “shortness of glory” covering Comforter Baptism of Holy Ghost Fire! The restoration of lost Garments of Adam and Eve! “The Garments of Salvation” (Is. 61:10) The “glory that is seen upon one” (Is. 60:1-5, 21, 22) also the protective ingredients (illustrated above) outlined in Isaiah 4:5: (1) CLOUD, (2) SMOKE, (3) FIRE, (4) and LIGHT. 

Hall “Salvation in our heart is not enough. Salvation upon us heals, protects from all harm and is accident sickness prevention!”

Here we see the latter rain movement in its original form. This something that the Jagger's took to the extreme.

"The man-child company will have dominion of this planet first. (Franklin Hall, "Subdue The Earth, Rule The Nations" (Phoenix, AZ: Franklin Hall Ministries, 1966)., p.11.) "The man-child group of the sons of God will be required 'to rule all nations with a rod of iron' (Revelation 12:5). (ibid. p.57).

It should be noted that "The ministry of Dr. C. Franklin Hall was lectured on in C. Peter Wagner's and John Wimber's Signs and Wonders course at Fuller Theological Seminary. Such was the influence and effectiveness of Dr. C. Franklin Hall!"(posted on www.franklinhall.org, no longer available)

Jagger's, like Branham and the other contemporaries of the healing miracle revival believed God was constantly revealing new truths and that fasting and praying was the key to revival.

“This,' Jesus said, 'would come when our inherited authority to personally use that great atomic or deific force hath been taught and demonstrated to all the people of all the nations of the earth."

Jesus, as we all know, has taught and demonstrated that great force to each one of us. It was this force with which He raised Lazarus from the dead. With this authority over this mighty force, Jesus was enabled to heal the sick, the crippled and the blind.” When I asked Jesus why I was not able to do the same work that He was doing while He was in the world, Jesus answered me and said it was because I prayed too little and ate too much.

“ And if you remember, John wrote the revelation. " 'In the new age each man will habitually use the power of God.' " The habitual use, the habitual use of this power will enable each individual of the church to accomplish his own purposes. Man will regain his power and his dominion over the elements. It is accomplished, says, by understanding how to use our inherited authority over this power of God or god power.”

“there is a new thing under the sun. And it is a new manifestation of God's power that, according to Isaiah 43” (O.L. Jaggers the kingdom of God tape)

Hear Jaggers speak of the 7 feasts as revelations http://www.youtube.com/user/universalworldchurch

Heres a funny story that bears repeating that gives you insight to what the generation of the day thought:

Frank Zappa was a well known improvisation guitar player of the turned on generation of the 70s. He was working in a store when he was approached by a man who asked “have you ever been to a real church?"
He told me about a place called the World Church, which happened to be right around the corner from where I lived. It was run by O. L. and Velma Jaggers, a husband-and-wife evangelical team. He said, "You won't believe it. Tonight's 'Baptism Night'--you gotta go down there and check it out."

I had actually seen O. L. Jaggers on TV once--he had a local 'religious' program that ran for a short time. During the show I saw, he stood by a blackboard and drew diagrams as part of the 'answer' to a letter he claimed to have received from a deeply troubled viewer. The letter requested a theological explanation of UFOs, and the reverend obliged with this answer:

"Flying saucers are nothing more than cherubim and seraphim. Because of the great, speed at which they travel, their tiny bodies begin to glow when they come in contact with our atmosphere. "

So, I went to the World Church. It was a large Quonset hut near Temple and Alvarado. Instead of an altar it had a stage with flowers and fake gold knickknacks, displayed between an all white piano and an all-white organ.

Over the stage was an enormous cardboard cutout of Jesus, posed like Superman in the takeoff position, projecting out, over the audience.

It was illuminated on either side by small clusters of red and blue lights…The congregation was poor--black, Filipino, Japanese and Mexican. They were subjected to three collections during the hour I was there.

As I was about to leave, I heard him announce (into a handheld Neumann U-87), during the third collection, ''Jesus just told me that you have another thousand dollars in your pockets." A bunch of people got out of their seats and marched down the aisle, like zombies, dishing up wads of cash. As their reward, he said, " I'm now going to rain down the fire of the Holy Ghost on you!" They put their fingertips up and started wiggling them, while Dr. Jaggers shouted: "Fire! Fire! Fire!" (into a crowded room).

The people responded by going, "Ooooo! Woooooo," as if it was really getting all over them. The organist played scary music and the red and blue lights flashed on the cardboard Jesus.

Frank Zappa himself in The real Frank Zappa book. Zappa, Frank (1990). Simon and Schuster. pp. 61-63. posted on the universalworldchurch.org website

As we can see, all these practices were in primitive form in the Latter Rain movement in the 40s. Today they are more sophisticated.

See how the Universal world church celebrated Christmas http://bbirregular1.blogspot.com/2008/12/ol-and-miss-velma-celebrate-christmas.html

Jaggers in one sermon posed the question where did God come from? His answer in a 3 part sermon --

He speaks of the 7th heaven; denies Christ was born a Jew (like Branham). He was not from the human race of man. It is traced to God’s race trillions of light years into the past. He was made by the 7 fold Holy Spirit. (p.1)


As things often repeat themselves we will see the current latter rain movement end up in a similar strange and bizarre state.


The Universal World Church (Hawaii fellowship)

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