Genesis 1 and 2 Many see Genesis 1 as a different account as what is written in Genesis 2, this is wrong. Chapter 1 tells the entire story in the order it happened. The beginning of Genesis 2 sums up the whole period of creation. Genesis 2:1: “Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished.’ It begins with the finishing of creation which occurred on the 6th day and then reflects back. Genesis 2 is not a day by day report in sequence The Hebrew writers did not have chapters (this was added in the 1,500's). Originally the creation account (Gen 1:24-31) concludes in Gen. 2.The beginning of Genesis 2 sums up the whole period of creation. Genesis 2:1: “Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished.’ It begins with the finishing of creation which occurred on the 6th day and God resting on the 7th. It then reflects back. Genesis 2 is not a day by day report in sequence. If so then it would make no sense from this opening statement of its completion. Genesis two is a more detailed explanation of the sixth day; the day that Adam and Eve were made. Moses details recap is stated in Gen. 2:4, "This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made earth and heaven." Many make the mistake labeling Gen.2 a “second creation story.” Genesis 2 does not say anything about the creation of the earth, the creation of the sun, moon, and stars, the creation of sea creatures; etc, these are not different accounts. Reading the text carefully makes it clear Gen. 1 and 2 correspond to each other. We have what is called the Law of Recurrence. Chapter 2, the 2nd block goes into more detail of the earlier segment. The Hebrews would write using a block of Scripture and would have certain parts repeated with more or different detail given on certain aspects of the event. This produces a pattern when put together fits perfectly with both records. In chapter 1 of Genesis, the whole creation is described in sequential order of events but in chapter 2, the author takes portions of chapter one and adds in the details of certain portions he focuses on. Chpt.1 God created man and woman, in chpt.2 gives the details of how he did that. Chapter 2:5-25 fills in the details of the sixth day of Creation, as how Adam and Eve were created and the order of that creation in verses 7 thru 24 of Gen. 2.